The King's Rose Bush Q&A - TheMaskedRider (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Welcome All Chapter Text Chapter 2: Inumatea Question Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: The_duke_is_back Questions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: TCF fan Questions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 5: CecyKatBreak Questions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Lucia Questions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Mylavives Questions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Lucia Questions (2) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Mylavives Questions (2) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Gloria Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Mo Fei Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 12: ayaMASO Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: ayaMASO 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Anubis_Avatar Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Gloria 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: TCF_fan 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: KreuzXHerz Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Anubis_Avatar 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Mo Fei 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: ayaMASO 3 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Gloria 3 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: macario Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: KreuzXHerz 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 24: ayaMASO 4 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 25: GodSlayer Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Anubis_Avatar 3 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Azaikoya Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Alina Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 29: ayaMASO 5 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Khonshu kameleon Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: ayaMASO 6 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 33: KreuzXHerz 3 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 34: UPDATE (READ WARNING) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 35: Anubis_Avatar 4 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 36: macario2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 37: lil_mary64 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Horus Pubic Hair and Update Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: KreuzXHerz 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 40: OGCaleHenituse Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: System_87CEEB Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Pei_Mings_Love_Child Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 43: Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024 (2) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 44: GodSlayer(2) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 45: Khonshu kameleon (2) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 46: the_divine_feline Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 47: Knnibrown Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 48: Sha_of_the_sand Summary: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Welcome All

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome to the official Q&A of The King’s Rose Bush ! We’re so glad you all could make it!

Seth: Where the f*ck are we?

Osiris: I’m not sure, but there are a lot of mortals here.

TheMaskedRider: You’re in my realm, boys! The humans have been watching you so far, and want to ask you some questions.


Osiris: Dear calm down. *pats Seth’s shoulder*

Seth: Get the f*ck away from me!

TheMaskedRider: While those two get settled, I’m going to explain how this works. To ask Seth or Osiris a question, leave a comment on this first chapter. Make sure you address the question to whoever you’re asking.

For Example:

To Seth: Why are you so short?

Osiris: *Chuckles*

Seth: What kind of question is that?!

TheMaskedRider: Calm down there; it’s just an example for the audience. Anyway, once you have asked your question, make sure to subscribe to the work so you get notifications when the Q&A has been updated. I’ll reply “Done” to your comment when your question has been asked and answered. You, the audience, are allowed to ask as many questions as you like, and you can ask about anything. However, if you ask about anything from the story, I can’t guarantee they will tell the whole truth.

Seth: What story?

TheMaskedRider: Don’t worry about it. Now that the explanation is out of the way, start putting your questions down below!

Chapter 2: Inumatea Question


First interview!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: It looks like we have our first volunteer! Ask away, friend!

Inumatea: Hello Seth, I want to know what you would like to do to Osiris if you ever get the chance to do anything to him, and by anything I mean ANYTHING even torture. Because let’s be real here, he definitely deserves torture and I would LOVEEE to beat him up for you. I wanna try using onions as a form of torur–cough sorry.

Seth: I like this mortal! I would gouge out Osiris' eyes and shove them down his throat. That way he could watch me carve out his chest and pull out all his organs one by one. Then I would turn his emptied torso into my new chest!

Osiris: We could do that if it means your anger will dissipate.

Seth: It wouldn’t. You can’t die, and you also can’t feel pain, which gets on my nerves. However, I’m curious in what torture methods involve, what did they call it?

TheMaskedRider: Onions

Seth: Yeah that!

Osiris: You seem to enjoy the pain of others. *Lifts Seth’s chin* Do you get aroused by inflicting pain on someone?


Osiris: Would that give you pleasure? Seeing me in pain?

Seth: SHUT UP! *forms khopesh and attacks Osiris*

TheMaskedRider: We’ll be right back! I have to make sure Seth doesn’t get pieces of Osiris all over the stage.

Chapter 3: The_duke_is_back Questions


Our second guest!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: We have another guest! They have a lot of questions to ask you two, so behave.

Seth:Yeah, yeah…

The_duke_is_back: To Seth: If you could run away and never come back, where would you go? Would you leave Egypt and go to some foreign country? Or would you just stay in the deserts?

Seth: I’d probably merge with the desert; it would be harder to catch me because I’d be everywhere. The desert would become my eyes, my ears, everything. If I were to leave Egypt entirely, I heard of a city called Hellas. I would go there and seek sanctuary.

Osiris: However, you won’t be leaving my side.

Seth: *glares at Osiris* You sound so confident with that statement.

Osiris: Why shouldn’t I? *pulls Seth close* You’re mine, and you aren’t going anywhere.

Seth: Osiris, let go! *Squirms*

Osiris: Everything I’ve done was for you. Do you really think I would let you go? Why can’t you understand that I love you with all my heart?

Seth: I don’t give a damn about your love! *Pushes against Osiris chest*

Osiris: *sighs* I’m patient, my beautiful rose.

Seth: I am not your rose! *punches Osiris in the face repeatedly*

TheMaskedRider: Next question-


The_duke_is_back: To Osiris: If Isis returned to Heliopolis, what would you do to her?

Osiris: Why, I would welcome her back, of course.

Seth: *raises an eyebrow*

Osiris: I would. She’s my sister, and I care about her deeply. I have been so worried about her since her disappearance. I would even hold a feast for her return. a party that would last all night.

Seth: I highly doubt that.

Osiris: Believe what you will, but it’s the truth.

Seth: A truth with some catches, for sure. What would you really do?

Osiris: I’m offended that you would suggest I would harm her in any way.

Seth: *mumbles* wouldn’t be the first time

Osiris: *leans down close to Seth* What was that?

Seth: Nothing. Now move away! You’re too close. *shoves Osiris away*

Osiris: *chuckles and moves away* alright my red flower.

TheMaskedRider: I had no idea Osiris could do that. Alright, next question.


The_duke_is_back: To Seth: Have you ever considered asking Maat for help and/or considered Ra for someplace to escape to? I hear she always needs guards for her sunboat.

Seth: I don’t want anyone knowing what’s going on between me and Osiris. It’s something I’d rather keep private. I also doubt she would even believe me as Osiris is the “golden child” out of the four of us. Even if she did believe me, a trial would have to be held, and again, I don’t want everyone to know what happened. They would see me as weak, and I would become an even bigger target. Osiris would probably be able to trick her scale anyway if I did go through with the trial.

Seth: Regarding Ra, I would never go to her for help. I would be completely at her mercy, and she probably used that to her advantage. I especially wouldn’t want to go to the sun; I wouldn’t be able to bear the constant heat and heavy gravity. Even with my grandparents' help, it would be even worse than what I have here. I also don’t want to deal with…him.

Osiris: Are you saying I’m the best option?

Seth: Yes, sadly.

Osiris: *kisses Seth on the cheek* I’ll take that as a compliment.

Seth: *blushes* Shut up, baldy.

Osiris: Baldy? Do you not like me being bald?

Seth: Yeah, it makes you look like a naked cactus. *laughs*

Osiris: I’ll keep that in mind.

TheMaskedRider: Ouch Seth…but totally agree.


TheMaskedRider: Next question!


The_duke_is_back: To Osiris: If Seth managed to escape from you, where would you look for him first? Would you assume he had gone to some other god for aid or just search through the whole desert for him? Then again, I suppose as long as Anubis’ life is in your hands, he’s not going anywhere.

Osiris: Seth would never leave my side because we made a deal. If Seth becomes mine, then I will keep Anubis safe and alive. However, if he were to try to hide, I doubt he would go to any god for aid; he has too much pride for such things. I would definitely look through the different caves located around Egypt. He says he would merge with the desert, but he can only stay like that for so long, and he would need a place to regain his strength. The desert is his only defense, and he would most likely stay in or near it.


Osiris: I am only being truthful here. You are a god of war, and you take pride in your strength. I know you would never go to another god for help because, one, you wouldn’t want to be seen as weak, and two, you often think you can handle everything all by yourself. This is your greatest weakness.

Seth: I-

Osiris: Also, no god would want to take you in. They would think, “If the god of war and the desert is hiding from something, then what chance do I have against it?”. They would shut you out in fear that they would become the target, leaving you to deal with it on your own. Unless, of course, you tell them, but the likelihood of them believing is zero.

Seth: *is silent*

Osiris: *hugs Seth* Do you see? I’m the only one who truly cares about you.

Seth: *doesn’t pull away and remains silent*

TheMaskedRider: Now that’s what I call manipulation. *coughs*

Osiris: It’s not manipulation; it’s the truth. Also, can we get something to sit on? My lover needs to rest.

TheMaskedRider: Sure? *snaps fingers, causing a couch to appear*

Osiris: *Sits on the couch, setting Seth down in lap*

TheMaskedRider; Next question…


The_duke_is_back: To Seth: Speaking of Anubis, is there truly no way to sneak him out of the palace and escape with him? Because it seems like as long as you get him out, Osiris can’t keep you of your own free will and you could escape.

Seth: I did think about that at one point; however, that would leave Nephthys alone with him. She may not be my wife anymore, but I still care about her, and I know Osiris would do something to her if I ever did such a thing. Anubis would also protest against it because he would never leave his mother.

Osiris: *Quietly braids Seth’s hair*

Seth: If I did manage to escape with Anubis without risking Nephthys, there are many things that could go wrong. Anubis is a demi-god, and as far as I know, he has no abilities to help defend or hide himself. Yes, I taught him combat, but against the God of life, that means nothing. I can use my sand to hide and protect us, but during the times I have to rest, we would be vulnerable to Osiris if he found us. This would also break the deal I made, and Osiris would definitely kill Anubis as punishment for leaving him.

Osiris: You really think I would do such a thing? *Looks down at Seth*

Seth: It seems the most obvious.

Osiris: I wouldn't kill Anubis. It would send you into a depressive state, and I can’t have that. Though if I smacked him around a bit, you would definitely listen.

Seth:You…*clenches fist*

Osiris: But it won’t come down to that, right?

Seth: *takes a deep breath and relaxes* right…

TheMaskedRider: I can’t tell if Seth is calming down or if he’s tired.


The_duke_is_back: To Osiris: Who are you most afraid of finding out about what is going on between you and Seth? Specifically, is there anyone you DON’T want to know, under ANY circ*mstances, that you raped Seth repeatedly?

Osiris: Rape is such an ugly word. *Continues braiding Seth’s hair* I am merely showing him my love and devotion to him. He often expresses his liking for it.

Seth: No, it’s rape, and I don’t like it.

Osiris: You didn’t complain last time.

Seth: *face turns red* Shut it!

Osiris: Anyway, I’m not too worried about anyone finding out about my relationship with Seth. I’m going to marry him anyway, so it’s only right that the others know. However, for now, I don’t want Nut to know. You may assume I wouldn’t want Ra to know, but knowing her, she somehow knows about it already. On the other hand, I would want to keep her in the dark before the reveal. I’m not afraid of my mother’s wrath, but I am afraid she would become heartbroken. She can’t control the weather when she gets upset.

Seth: She wouldn’t believe it anyway because “Osiris could never do such a thing.” *huffs*

Osiris: It pays to be the “golden child”. *chuckles*


Osiris: I never said anything about favorites, but it’s only logical that I am.

Seth: *Elbows Osiris in the face*

TheMaskedRider: Surprising answer from Osiris, never knew he cared so much about his mother.


The_duke_is_back: Between these three methods of execution, which would you prefer for Osiris: the guillotine, public burning at the stake, or hanging?

Seth: They all sound good, but I would say my favorite is public burning. Osiris could simply reattach his head to his body if the guillotine was chosen. He also wouldn’t be affected by the hanging since he could use his vines to prevent himself from falling. If you burned him alive, he would have no way to regrow himself.

Osiris: Not true, because my vines would simply destroy the stake entirely, sending burning logs into the crowd. I would also leave a piece of myself somewhere so I could grow back. All I need is the tiniest piece to regrow from. Also, I can’t die unless I permit you to, so no form of execution would kill me.

Seth: You really know how to kill the mood.

Osiris: I knew you liked causing me pain.


Osiris: But they match the color of your hair, and it brings out your eyes.

Seth: *Turns fingers into claws and attacks Osiris with them*

TheMaskedRider: Let me separate these two before we move on.


TheMaskedRider: The last question was omitted because Seth refuses to allow Osiris to test these toys on him.


Osiris: Come on, love, I need to see which is best.

Seth: NO f*ck OFF! *Flips the couch over and runs*

Osiris: You’re only delaying the inevitable.* Pushes the couch off and chases after Seth*


The_duke_is_back: To TheMaskedRider: Who is the best interviewer of Seth and Osiris? (Answer key: It’s you!)

TheMaskedRider: Aww, you flatter me.

*screaming and yelling in the background*

TheMaskedRider: I’d better go separate those two before Seth destroys the whole place. I should also replace the couch….

Chapter 4: TCF fan Questions


Seth needs to go to anger management.

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Can you two try not to break the couch this time?

Osiris: We won’t, will we? *Looks over at Seth*

Seth: *crosses arms* Yeah, whatever.

TheMaskedRider: That’s great, because we have another fan waiting to ask some questions.

TCF fan: To the both of you: If you have a child together, would you like it to be a girl or a boy, and which of your characteristics would they inherit?

Osiris: I don’t care what gender the baby is; I’m just happy I can have one with Seth. *smiles* I hope the baby takes after Seth though; he is quite beautiful. I also wouldn’t mind having a mini-Seth running around the palace.

Seth: Ugh you disgust me. *Turns head away* I…also don’t care about the baby’s gender. I also agree with Osiris about wanting the baby to look more like me. I would hate to burden them with his looks.

Osiris: That hurt, darling.

Seth: Good

Osiris: I wonder what gender the baby will turn out to be. I used the soul of a god, but I don’t know if the gender will be affected by that. If it does, then we’ll have to plan what souls to use afterwards.

Seth: You think we’re having more than one?! You’re insane!

Osiris: I want our child to grow up with a sibling, my love. I don’t want them to turn out like Anubis.

Seth: Anubis turned out fine!

Osiris: I beg to differ.

Seth: What do you know?!

TheMaskedRider: Alright, settle down. I don’t want you two to break anything before the interview is over.


TCF fan: To Seth: If Osiris told you that he loves you in a different situation and time, like before your marriage, would you have accepted him? Or at least think about his feelings?

Seth: *sighs* I suppose if he had confessed to me before his marriage to Isis, I might have considered them. In all honesty, I thought he truly loved Isis, and I was happy for them. I was happy for her. They looked like the perfect couple. I even thought they would have a kid, but look where we are now.

Osiris: I did love her, Seth, just not in the way I love you.

Seth: Then why? Why did you marry her only to break her heart? Why did you ruin my f*cking marriage?

Osiris: She never loved you, Seth; she married you to get closer to me. I noticed how she looked at me and acted around you. It pissed me off to see how she was deceiving you like that, but if I told you otherwise, you wouldn’t have listened. I married Isis so I could become king and protect us from the other gods.

Seth: *looks away* I would have preferred you talked to me than deceived us; don’t talk about protecting us. Look what you’ve done! Do you think I’ll love you after all of this?!

Osiris: In time you’ll come to love me, I’m sure of it.

Seth: In your dreams.


TCF fan: To Osiris: Since when did you love Seth?

Osiris: Ever since I was a demi-god, I supposed. I don’t remember much of my demi-god days, but I do remember playing with him in the Oasis from time to time. He loved to make sand sculptures and watch the fish swim around the pool of water. Then, when I ascended, I always got this warm feeling whenever I was around him. We could talk for hours and would frequently go into the desert to hunt. Even as I got busy, I would always set aside some spare time for him. After his ascension, we would drink together, and I would watch him show off his new abilities. It never ceased to put a smile on my face.

Seth: *glances at Osiris and remains quiet*

Osiris: I tried to court him, but he could never get the hint. He always assumed I was practicing for someone else, but it wasn’t. I needed security; I needed to keep him and the others safe. I don’t regret what I’ve done, not at all. It was all for him.

Seth: You're f*cked up, you know that? *Looks away*

Osiris: *chuckles* I just hope one day we’ll be able to do those things again without Seth trying to insult me.


Osiris: *smiles* You call those insults?

Seth: WHY YOU-!

TheMaskedRider: Seth, behave yourself!

Seth: *grumbles and crosses arms*


TCF fan: To Seth: Do you think there will come a day when you can put aside your feelings for your ex-wife and move on?

Seth: I’m already trying to move on, but it’s hard when I’ve loved her for thousands of years. I know I should look toward the future, but it’s hard when the past keeps coming back to haunt me. One day I will be over her, but I definitely won’t move on to Osiris.

Osiris: We’ll see.

Seth: You’ll see nothing. I hate your guts, and there’s no way in hell I will ever love you.

Osiris: *hugs Seth* Don’t worry, my love, I’ll help!

Seth: GET OFF ME! *digs claws into Osiris’ face*

Osiris: I love you, my rose.


TheMaskedRider: We’ll be right back…


TCF fan: To Seth: What do you think about the fact that Isis saw you two that night but chose not to help you?

Seth: WHAT?!

Osiris: Huh…


Osiris: Now a lot of things are making sense…

Seth: SHE SAW?! *picks up and flips a table*

TheMaskedRider: oh f*ck

*Seth continues to trash the studio*


TheMaskedRider: As much as I despise it, I needed Osiris to control Seth.

Osiris: *holds a squirming Seth in arms*

TCF fan: To Osiris: What kind of animal do you think Seth looks like?

Osiris: He’s a jackal; his headdress makes it obvious. To me, however, he’s more of a cat than a jackal.

Seth: I AM NO CAT! *bites Osiris’ arm*

Osiris: He bites like a cat, he has claws like one, and he has the temper of one. He’s my spicy puss*cat.

Seth: *becomes even more flustered* LET ME GO, FUNGUS! I WILL DESTROY YOU!

Osiris: Don’t you agree? *smiles*

TheMaskedRider; *snickers*


TheMaskedRider: Nothing.


TCF Fan: To Seth: What do you think Osiris looks like? It doesn’t matter if it’s an animal or a plant, just say it.


TheMaskedRider: Seth please calm down…

Seth: HE’S A PIECE OF sh*t! A BASTARD *@&#*@*#&

TheMaskedRider: I had to censor the rest for the good of everyone here.


TheMaskedRider: Are you calm now?

Seth: *eats honey cakes* yeah…

TheMaskedRider: You may continue.

TCF fan: To Seth: If you fall in love in the future, are you willing to officially marry Osiris?

Seth: *takes a bite out of a honey cake* Never! I will never fall in love with that piece of sh*t. I would rather have scorpions eat me alive than marry him.

Osiris: Won’t you give me a chance?

Seth: f*ck no.

Osiris: Not even one?

Seth: Why would I give the guy who threatened my son and forces himself on me a chance? You’re truly insane.

Osiris: I’m insanely in love with you.

Seth: *gags*


TCF fan: To Osiris: What do you think of introducing Set as your queen to the world?

Osiris: I can’t wait for the day. Once we get married, we’ll hold a proper coronation, and we’ll have a party afterward. Seth would make the perfect queen, and I have no doubt the mortals will see that too. He protects Egypt from foreign invaders, he takes care of his followers, and he’s fair to all. However, there are a few things I must do before I can make that dream a reality.

Seth: I’m not going to marry you.

Osiris: You say that now, but I know you will when the time comes.

Seth: *laughs* Our deal was that I just needed to be with you, not that I had to marry you.

Osiris: When the time comes, you’ll say yes.

TheMaskedRider: That sounds ominous…

Chapter 5: CecyKatBreak Questions


Getting some deep thoughts here.

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Don't be afraid; they won't bite you. Well, Seth may

CecyKatBreak: For Seth: I imagine you spend a lot of time with your headdress on; do the other gods know about your red hair and stunning appearance? Or is showing your face a very rare feat?

Seth: The only people that have seen my face are Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Anubis, Nut, Geb, and Ra. I never show my face to anyone unless they are very close to me and I know I can trust them. I'd rather keep my appearance a secret so other gods don’t know who to look for in the crowd because, as you can tell, red eyes are easy to spot for a god. Ra, Nut, and Geb are a special case, however, as Ra forced me to show her what I look like. Nut and Geb had known what I looked like since I was born, so this came as no surprise.

Seth: I will take my headdress off in front of my siblings because I trust them, and my sisters would often braid my hair. They also helped me with my makeup when I was younger. Osiris liked to put flowers in my hair, and I guess he still does now.

Osiris: I can’t help it.

Seth: You have no self-control. *Sighs*


Osiris: That's something I'd like to know as well. *Glares at CecyKatBreak*

TheMaskedRider: Easy there boys, don’t harm the guest.


CecyKatBreak: For Osiris: Do you have good fighting skills? Or is it not in your nature to fight?

Osiris: I tried to avoid fighting at all costs because I believe the pen is mightier than the sword. I would only use violence if it truly came down to it or if they deserved it. I don’t want to get blood and guts all over me. Do you know how hard it is to wash off blood? It clings to your skin.

Seth: Yeah, blood is hard to get out, and it often stains your clothing. I had to get my necklace thoroughly cleaned after the war because of all the blood that spilled on it.

Osiris: *nods*

Seth: Hold on a second, Osiris, how do you know what blood feels like? *turns to look at him*

Osiris: Remember when we were younger and the humans would often try to attack us? I killed most of those men with a makeshift sword I made out of a small tree I grew. I think that’s how I was able to gain my fighting experience—by protecting all of you from the other gods and humans. I at least consider myself a great fighter, but not as good as you, my love.

Seth: Tch! *looks away*


CecyKatBreak: For Seth: Could you describe how your war battles take place? I would find it exciting!

Seth: *chuckles* I’m glad a human is taking an interest in such things. Normally Osiris would be the one to declare war on other kingdoms, but often kingdoms that don’t know what Egypt is capable of try to attack. I would train an army of mortals who would volunteer to fight for Egypt, and we would set out into my desert. I invented swordsmanship here, and I often teach the humans dirty tricks like throwing sand into their enemies' eyes. I prefer close combat, but I do create sandstorms and large warriors to help out. There was this one time I created a large wave of sand that swept up our enemies and buried them deep within the sand. The general was the only one left, and he ran off like a puss*cat.

Seth: There was a time where me and an old friend of mine had to fight. We of course didn’t hold back, and I won like always, but there were no major losses. We had a drink afterward. I also remember riding my old horse into battle and spearing seven men with one of my spears! What a sight to see! But when my horse died years after I began to ride chariots, I couldn’t bear riding another horse, but now I have Aqwa with me.

TheMaskedRider: *wipes tears away* So touching.


TheMaskedRider: Chill hot pepper.


CecyKatBreak: For Osiris: Have you ever stopped to think about the pain your actions cause Seth most of the time? You seem to be indifferent about it...

Osiris: I would never cause my beloved bodily harm. If he was truly in pain, I would comfort him immediately and stop. When we first made love, he did have some mild discomfort, but he no longer feels pain now. I remember him passing out during one of those nights, and I was scared I had hurt him. He didn’t show signs of pain, and he didn’t express it, so it came as a shock to me.

TheMaskedRider: I think they meant mentally.

Osiris: mental pain? Seth, are you having nightmares? I can get a potion to help with those.

Seth:No not- *facepalm*

Osiris: What?

TheMaskedRider: Moving on.


CecyKatBreak: For Seth and Osiris: How many languages can you as gods speak?

Osiris: We can speak any language, actually.

Seth: Yeah, we have the ability to pick up a language quickly. I would frequently visit new kingdoms and stay with them for a while to learn their language in case gods appeared. Not all gods have this ability, but we do because we often deal with foreigners.

Osiris: My favorite language to speak is Latin; I learned it from a group from Atlantis.

Seth: You went to Atlantis without me?

Osiris: It was to make a peace treaty, okay?

Seth: You know I love going there!

Osiris: I’m sorry; I’ll take you on a trip there for a week.

Seth: *pouts* you better.


CecyKatBreak: For Osiris: Isis never noticed anything different about your behavior toward Seth when you were married?

Osiris: I don't think she ever noticed. My behavior around Seth would just be viewed as brotherly love. A pat on the shoulder, laughing at his jokes, and drinking together are all what brothers do. I did love Seth and generally preferred to be around him, but I never made such things obvious. I didn’t mind Isis' company, but often she would just come to me to complain about what someone did or her work.

Seth: I often wish she knew about the scumbag before she married you. She probably would have saved herself the heartbreak.

Osiris: We do not know if her disappearance was because of me. For all we know, someone either took her or she ran from someone chasing her.

Seth: You’re right, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t a subject.

Osiris: Investigate me all you want, but I have done nothing to our beloved sister.

TheMaskedRider: He said confidently.


CecyKatBreak: For Seth: What did you think of Osiris before he did what he did? How good was your relationship back when everything was beautiful?

Seth: I saw my brother as a legend. He single-handedly took the throne from Ra and brought Egypt into a golden age. I was always amazed by him, and his powers are incredible as well. There were times when I would question if I was truly related to a god like him. I hate to admit it, but I can’t compare my strength and wits to a god such as he.

Osiris: Seth…

Seth: *ignores Osiris and continues* I would have considered us pretty close before all of this. I always begged him to hang out with me when I was younger. I liked showing off my powers just to hear his praise. I liked to watch him work and create life out of thin air. I vaguely remember teasing him about shaving his hair for Isis, but most of my memories are still a haze. It’s like something is supposed to be there, but I don’t know what.

Osiris: You shouldn’t think too hard about it; I mean, they shouldn’t be that important if you can’t remember them.

Seth: You’re probably right.

Osiris: *grins*

TheMaskedRider: Between you and me, I believe Osiris has a lot of secrets.


CecyKatBreak: For Osiris: You more than anyone know how handsome Seth is, so maybe there isn’t some other god who has a crush on Seth?

Osiris: I doubt anyone would have a crush on my brother; they barely stick around to get to know him. It would also be wise for them to stay away from my lover. He’s mine, and I plan to make that very clear in the future. However, Hathor has been hanging around his temples often, and I don’t like the looks of it.

Seth: Jealous much?

Osiris: You are my precious rose. No one would be able to take care of you and protect you like I can. You would wither away in anyone else’s hands. I embrace your thorns, and I cherish your beauty.

Seth: Please shut up.

Osiris: I love you, Seth, with all my heart and with all my being. I am your most devoted follower.


Osiris: I’ll never get sick of loving you.

Seth: *gags*


CecyKatBreak: For The MaskedRider: So far, what are you really getting out of the interview experience? I know Seth can be explosive so..

TheMaskedRider: Oh, another question for me? Well, first of all, I get entertainment. Seth may have anger issues, but it’s entertainment for me and probably all of you. On the other hand, this allows me to sprinkle hidden story elements that others may not see. There is some canon in this interview, and if you ask the right questions, maybe they will give you hints at future chapters. This also allows guests to connect with them on a deeper level and form their own opinions about the characters. Don’t be afraid to ask more questions to get to know the characters or to see if you can get some information.

Chapter 6: Lucia Questions


An annoyed Osiris.

Chapter Text

Lucia: (rough translation) I would like to ask Osiris are his fears. I would like to inform Seth to be careful and warn him about what Osiris has been doing in his absence about the-

Osiris: *grows flowers in Seth’s ears*


Osiris: I would prefer if you didn’t speak about what I do in my spare time. I also would like to know how you know about my tests. You humans are becoming very noisy, and I am starting to get annoyed. My Seth does not need to hear such things.

Seth: *tearing the flowers out of ears*

Osiris: Regarding my fears, I don’t have many. I used to fear for my siblings' safety when we were younger, during the time when all the gods were trying to kill us because of the prophecy. I guess now my only fears are related to Seth, like how his pregnancy will go. I’ve tested male pregnancy before, but I’m still worried about what it will do to a god. I also feared Seth leaving Egypt and never coming back. Before he became a god, he told me he wanted to travel the world and meet new people. I didn’t want him to leave me behind. I guess I can put it to rest now since he isn’t leaving Egypt on my watch.

Seth: *gets the rest of flowers out of ears* WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!

Osiris: They asked you something I know you wouldn’t like.

Seth: Oh, really? What did they ask?

Osiris: I don’t want you to destroy the studio again; it’d be impolite. *glances at TheMaskedRider* Right?

TheMaskedRider: Yeah sure.

Chapter 7: Mylavives Questions


Seth is so moody.

Chapter Text

heMaskedRider: Go ahead and ask your question I’m going to get some wine *leaves*

Mylavives: For Seth: Besides Osiris, what other god do you find most irritating?

Seth: Sobek. Let me tell you that punk is the hornie*st motherf*cker I ever met. He's attempted and occasionally succeeded in f*cking everyone and everything. Sobek has this cycle of who he’s going to try to f*ck, and I was unlucky enough to get roped into that cycle. He originally only went after Thoth, Khnum, and Hathor, but now I’m being roped in. I don’t know if it’s because he sees me as a challenge or some sh*t but it’s pissing me off. Oh, and what’s worse is that when I’m not on the cycle for those few months, he always argues with me about the trade routes. Look, I’m sorry the humans go through your territory, but I can’t control that!

Osiris: Sobek has been... flirting with you?

Seth: Yeah, it’s getting on my nerves.

Osiris: How long has it been going on?

Seth: A couple hundred years now.


Seth: um…yeah….


Seth:What?! No no! I would never sleep with him!

Osiris: *rubs his eyes and exhales deeply* You must tell me about these things, Seth.

Seth: I can handle these things myself, Osiris; I’m not a damsel who constantly needs your help! I’m getting really sick of you treating me like a-

Osiris: *grabs Seth by the shoulder and tugs him out of his seat* Look at me.

Seth: *looks up at Osiris*

Osiris: Next time something like that happens, you better tell me. *Looks into Seth's eyes* Do you understand?

Seth: *gulps and nods*

Osiris: Good *lets him go*

TheMaskedRider: So I found some wine that’s been sitting in the back fo- *looks at Seth* Why is he trembling? What the f*ck happened?


Mylavives: For Osiris: What Weapon or even person/god do you consider a threat to your existence? Just for curiosity… *A small notepad behind the back*

Osiris: I don’t think of anything as a threat to my existence anymore. I am the strongest being there is, and I’d like to see anyone try to kill me. There is one item that I am quite worried about.

Seth: What is said item?

Osiris: *pinches Seth’s nose* Wouldn’t you like to know?

Seth: Hey! *moves away and blushes*

Osiris: Now why would I tell my future wife all my secrets?

Seth: Shouldn’t married couples tell each other all their secrets? *smirks*

Osiris: Maybe if you accept my proposal, I can tell you more. *rubs his thigh*

Seth: On the other hand, I think I’ll pass! *kicks Osiris away*


Mylavives: For Seth: How was your relationship with your mother, if you remember?

TheMaskedRider: *Fills Seth's goblet with wine.

Seth: I don't remember much of my past, but one thing is certain: my mother was not there. *raises goblet to lips and takes a sip of wine*

Seth: The memory I have of her when I was young is her telling me to make something of myself, and if I didn’t then I would be pushed aside. What a thing to say to your child, who just wanted your affection. When I became a god, I would see her at parties and sometimes at meetings. I always saw Isis as my mother anyway, she cared about me. Isis taught me how to do my makeup, she made sand castles with me, and she even gave me my necklace. *looks down at the wine* I miss her terribly.

Osiris: She’ll turn up one day.

Seth: Hopefully…

TheMaskedRider: Let's move on.


Mylavives: For Osiris: How do you plan your wedding to Seth? How would you organize it?

Osiris: I won’t say how I’ll propose to him; I want it to be a surprise. All I can say is that I’ll do it when the mood is merry. Now for the wedding itself? Oh, it will be grand! The reception will be overlooking the desert, and there will be tons of beautiful flowers. Seth will be dressed up in the finest of silks, and jewels. The best musicians will be playing at the wedding, and of course our whole family will be invited. Then afterward, we’ll have the biggest feast Egypt will ever see!

Seth: You’re going to tell everyone?...

Osiris: Yes, they all have to know. Maat has to be the one to officiate us, and Thoth would end up telling everyone. Even humans must be aware of this in order to record it.

Seth: What?! No!

Osiris: You shouldn’t fear what the humans think. What they think shouldn’t matter to a god like you.

Seth: I don’t want anyone to know!

Osiris: Seth, it will be ok; everyone will be supportive.

TheMaskedRider: I think there’s another reason…


Mylavives: For Seth: Can you sing or have skills with an instrument? I take it you have a good singing voice?

Seth: I don’t play instruments, and I don’t-

Osiris: He has a lovely singing voice!

Seth: Osiris!

Osiris: Just hearing him sing can induce a trance similar to that of a siren.


Osiris: I remember listening to him sing to himself while he was-

Seth: *throws the end table at Osiris*

TheMaskedRider: Oh sh*t.


Mylavives: For Osiris: When you were a kid, were you already too busy training to be king all the time?

Osiris: No, I was actually more focused on keeping us alive. When Thoth revealed the prophecy, my siblings and I became everyone's target. There wasn’t a single day where we weren’t attacked, but the other gods made them out to be "freak accidents." They targeted Seth the most since he was the youngest and loved to wander off.

Osiris: There was one time he was swept away by the Nile River, but I was able to pull him out before the souls got to him. That’s when Isis made a vow to control the Nile one day and use it to our advantage. She did become the head god of the Nile.

Osiris: I think it was around the time when I first became a god that I focused on becoming king. I needed to protect my family, and the only way to do that was by becoming the supreme god. I put all my time and effort into uniting Egypt into one, and the people recognized me. The final nail in the coffin was marrying Isis, and finally the gods relinquished power to me. I also should thank Isis, as she was able to get Ra’s name.

Seth: *takes another sip of wine*

Osiris: No remarks?

Seth: This wine is good.


Mylavives: For Seth: How do you behave when you’re drunk?

Seth: I don’t have a set emotion when I’m drunk; it really depends on the day I have. I can be a happy drunk, a sad drunk, an angry drunk, or whatever else I do.

Osiris: I love the drunk, lustful side of Seth.

Seth: Of course you do pervert.

Osiris: *chuckles*

Seth: Yeah, laugh it up asshole.

Osiris: In all seriousness, I often take an interest in Seth when he’s a sad drunk. I can learn about all his insecurities that he keeps bottled up; that way, I can help him overcome them. I remember he broke down crying and told me he was scared about his son forgetting him. I cradled him in my arms and reassured him that it wouldn't happen. We cuddled each other for hours until he finally fell asleep.

Seth: You like it when I’m the most vulnerable...

Osiris: You’re adorable when you smile, cry, and pout while drunk.

Seth: Shut it.


Mylavives: For Osiris: What else do you like to do in your spare time? And it’s not worth saying ‘Seth’.

Osiris: Well, I like to tend to my garden. I grow all sorts of plants there, and being outside in a place surrounded by beautiful flora is calming. I even got Seth to create some statues in my garden to make it more appealing. However, he refuses to accept my new request for one.

Seth: You want a statue of me in a provocative pose, naked.

Osiris: What can I say? I love to see rose buds.

Seth: YOU! *Blushes*

TheMaskedRider: Please do not throw anymore furniture. You could hit the guest.


Mylavives: Do you have the ability to convert into an animal?

Seth: I do, but I don’t use it as often as I used to. I used to turn into large animals and terrorize everyone! Now I just turn into small animals to spy on people, but not often. I haven’t been practicing my shapeshifting, and I fear that if I do shift, I might get stuck.

Osiris: Hey, you should turn into a bunny.

Seth: Why would I do that?

Osiris: It is the year of the rabbit.

Seth: Fat chance; I won’t shape-shift around the likes of you.

TheMaskedRider: *snaps fingers, transforming Seth into a small red bunny*

Osiris: Aww! *picks Seth up and snuggles him*

Seth: *bites Osiris’ fingers and squirm in his grasp*

TheMaskedRider: Yeah, I did this for you guests. Enjoy bunny Seth for a bit.


Mylavives: To Osiris: I know gods can’t feel pain, but what can cause you pain mentally?

Osiris: *pets Seth* Well, for starters, not getting enough rest can cause mental pain. Even gods need to sleep, and if we go long periods of time without rest, then we slowly start to become weak. I remember I didn’t sleep for a week straight, and I could barely think straight.

Osiris: For me, a mental pain would probably be losing Seth. I wouldn’t be able to bear being without my desert, and I wouldn’t be able to go on. I don’t know what it is about him, but he makes me feel on top of the world.

Seth: *bites Osiris thumb*

Osiris: Bad Seth. *boops his nose*

TheMaskedRider: Bunny Seth is so cute!

Chapter 8: Lucia Questions (2)


Welcome back!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: *snaps fingers, restoring Seth's normalcy*

Seth: Finally! *shoves Osiris* Get the f*ck off me!

Osiris: Aww my bunny.

TheMaskedRider: Relax, we have another guest.

Lucia: For Seth: Do you remember the relationship you had with Isis before the night of the usurpation? I know you and she were very close. What were the activities you enjoyed doing together?

Seth: Me and Isis were very close, though there were times she would become really pissed at me. I loved her, though, and she taught me a lot of things. She enjoyed the stories I told and laughed at my jokes. *looks down*

Osiris: My dear...

Seth: Don’t.


Seth: *sighs and continues* She would braid my hair, and we would go shopping together. Well, she actually dragged me to the markets, and I acted annoyed, but I was honestly happy she wanted to spend time with me. I remember when she made me wear a stupid dress to see if it would look good on her. *chuckles*

TheMaskedRider: You must miss her terribly.

Seth: Yes, I really do.


Lucia: For Osiris: Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if the other gods found out what you did to Seth? If Maat found out and asked you to explain, how would you react?

Osiris: If any of the gods were to find out, and by chance they actually believed it, I wouldn’t be worried. No one would dare to say anything about it if they truly valued their lives. I have taken every precaution to make sure no one finds out, so I wouldn’t have to resort to genocide or intimidation. The world still needs gods, and I wouldn’t be able to handle all those jobs. Unless Seth and I created a replacement.

Seth: Hey, don’t drag me into this!

Osiris: And if Maat found out anything and asked me, I would simply tell her, "I did what I did for love." I didn't lock him in a cell for years and torture him like some gods would. Maat may disagree with me, but she has no power until she sentences someone. Her scale isn't as accurate as you might think.

Seth: I knew you found a loophole.

Osiris: You got away with a lot of things, Seth; be grateful I did.

Seth: Whatever.


Lucia: For Osiris: Did you know that Isis cursed you when she saw you rape Seth? She cursed you to never have Seth again, what do you think?

Osiris: She must have done a poor job at casting it.

Seth: Osiris!

Osiris: I’m being honest, Seth! She was never much of a curse-kind of god; she’s more about healing and fertility. This so-called "curse" she placed on me isn’t even working. I have Seth in my arms at last, and this is only the beginning. I plan to do more for my rose.

Seth: What do you mean by "this is only the beginning"? What are you planning exactly?

Osiris: Many things, and they’re all for you, my dear.


Lucia: To Seth: I want to tell you that I respect you a lot, what Osiris did to you is terrible and keeping it inside for ages shouldn’t be easy, when it finally comes out and Osiris will be punished what will you do to celebrate the event?

Seth: Heh, I thank you for your worries, and you’re right—it hasn’t been easy, but I do it for Anubis. However, I don’t know if this will ever come out; at least, I don’t want it to. I prefer to keep my reputation from plummeting, and I don’t want the mortals back home to see me as weak. If it did get out and I became free from his grasp, then I wouldn’t celebrate. Soldiers don’t celebrate after the war is won; they recover. They take time for themselves and try to put the past behind them. That’s what I would do—take some time away from home.

Osiris: *looks over at Seth*

Seth: I would take a break from Egypt and all its pressure. I might go to the beach and relax in the hopes that it will help me forget about my bad memories. Thoth would make me go to sessions with him to help me, but I honestly wouldn’t want to expose myself in front of him. It's not that I don’t trust him; he just gets really emotional. But like I said before, I don’t know if I can really get out of this, and I’m trying to make the best of it or at least keep fighting to keep my sanity.

Osiris: *pulls Seth into a hug* I wish you were this open with me, my love.

Seth: Ugh you would just use it against me *pushes on Osiris' chest*

Osiris: One day you’ll see that we’re meant to be together.

Seth: Fat chance.

Chapter 9: Mylavives Questions (2)


Welcome back friend!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Seth, you look incredibly comfortable in those pillows.

Seth: *doesn’t respond*

Osiris: so adorable.

TheMaskedRider: Since Seth is currently in pillow town, Osiris is up first.

Mylavives: For Osiris: It seems to me that the coloration of the eyes of the gods from time to time becomes ‘bright’. Do your eyes change color when you demonstrate your ‘power’?(Sorry, I don’t know how to formulate this very well)

Osiris: When gods begin to store power, their eyes will begin to glow, or if they use a lot of power, their eyes will glow. For everyday stuff like floating a goblet or, in my case, creating plants, it just comes naturally, and our eyes don’t glow for that. Our eyes also glow if we’re pissed off.

Osiris: The "glow" color normally stays the same, like Ra’s is yellow and Seth’s is red, but for gods like me, our eyes change color. I heard from others that my eyes glow a dark green with a red ring around the iris. Others say my eyes don’t glow at all. I believe my eyes glow when I use excessive amounts of power, which is quite rare. All of these gods are weaker than me, so I would barely have to lift a finger.

Seth: *groans*

Osiris: *gently pets Seth* I guess my "stare" is enough to put others in their place.

Seth: *purrs softly*

TheMaskedRider: Seth is a cat, confirmed.


Mylavives: For Osiris: I have a lot of affinity with food, what do you as gods usually eat in Egypt?

Osiris: It depends on the god. The gods don’t need to eat, but some of us do just because of the taste or to help us heal faster. For me, I love to eat anything Seth cooks. Many don’t know this, but he’s an excellent cook even though he doesn’t like eating food often. Everything he creates is simply divine.

Osiris: Now, if you’re asking about what kind of food specifically, I like to eat grapes fresh off the vine. They have a sweet taste, and it leaves a wonderful aftertaste. It’s a simple fruit, but it has a lot of potential.

TheMaskedRider: Do you like it because it is also used to make wine?

Osiris: Yes.

TheMaskedRider: Knew it.


TheMaskedRider: Osiris is currently drawing regarding your game. Seth will answer his questions while Osiris finishes.

Mylavives: For Seth: You mentioned that you visit many regions far from Egypt; I imagine that these regions have different cultures and, therefore, different clothes as well. Have you ever dressed like the customs of other regions? Something different from your usual, but that suits you?

Seth: I have dressed in the traditional clothing these cultures wore. It allowed me to connect with them more and also get an idea of what influenced the culture. I do create my own head covering, as I don’t want them to see my red hair. For some cultures, the color red is considered a bad omen.

Seth:... I also hide my face because I don’t want to be mistaken for a girl.

Osiris: Did you run into problems before?

Seth: Yeah, a guy tried to court me because he thought I was a girl. When I explained I was a guy, he got pissed at me because I "tricked" him. I got pissed off because he was the one who didn’t check.

Osiris: You do understand that men in other regions don’t have long hair.

Seth: I still believe you should make sure the person you're courting is the gender you desire.

Osiris: *continues drawing* Some people lose reason when they fall in love.

TheMaskedRider: *coughs* Osiris *coughs*


Mylavives: For Seth: Has your God of War aura ever managed to frighten your enemies, in battle or in tense situations? I imagine it’s very intimidating...

Seth: There were actually some battles like that. I wouldn’t even call them battles, because fighting didn’t even take place. My army was already stationed, and the enemy's army was shouting their chant. I formed myself in front of my army and stared down the enemy to size them up. Those puss*es took one good look at me and scampered off back to their lands. It was kind of funny.

Seth: I also unintentionally intimidate other gods in Egypt. I remember standing next to Osiris while Maat was discussing some concerns about the mines. I only glanced at Thoth, and that was enough to scare him. He hid behind Maat, and I was confused as f*ck.

Osiris: Maat found it funny.

Seth: Oh yeah! Maat actually laughed! never knew she could do that.

Osiris: *gently elbows Seth*

Seth: What???


Mylavives: For Seth: To complement my previous question (to Osiris), what do you LOVE to eat the most?

Seth: Thoth’s honey cakes. I cannot stress enough how good those things are. They are the best cakes you will ever eat in all of Egypt!

Osiris: You are obsessed with those cakes. *continues to draw*

Seth: If you actually tried them, then you would understand.

Osiris: I did, and like I said, I do not see all of the hype.

Seth: You only took a bite out of the corner, not even from the center!

Osiris: If I try one again, will you be happy with me?

Seth: Yes, I would.

Osiris: Alright, then I will.

TheMaskedRider: I’ll get Thoth on the phone.


Mylavives: To finish my questions, a very simple one. You dance well?

Seth: I like to think of myself as a good dancer. I won’t go overboard and call myself the best dancer, but I'm not terrible.

Osiris: You think too low of yourself.

Seth: What’s that supposed to mean?

Osiris: You are a wonderful dancer, the best out of all the gods. Not even Hathor could challenge you.

Seth: Shut it.

Osiris: The way you move your hips could seduce even the cruelest of gods. Your rhythm and foot movement allow you to glide along the dance floor with ease.

Seth: *face turns red* I said shut up!

Osiris: *chuckles*


TheMaskedRider: Have you finished your drawing?

Osiris: Yes *hands it over to TheMaskedRider*

TheMaskedRIder: You drew Seth…

Osiris: He was the first thing I thought of.

TheMaskedRider: Well, it's not bad.

Osiris: Thank you.

TheMaskedRider: The audience should see it.

Osiris: No! Not yet; I’m not finished.

TheMaskedRider: Okay, we'll show it later.

Chapter 10: Gloria


We're back!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Sorry for the long wait, folks. I was currently busy with some affairs in our world. Now we’re back with more questions!

Gloria: For Seth: Well I’m really saying that your beauty can’t compare to anything even hathor looks like she’s nothing your truly beauty itself (and i like to see Osiris jealous) and Love you will all heart

Seth: I’m flattered. I knew my followers adored me, but not this much. *chuckles*

Osiris: Hm, but as a good follower, they should know their boundaries. *glares at Gloria*

TheMaskedRider: Osiris, no killing guest.


Gloria: For Osiris: what will you will when there will be three people will fall in love with Seth so much they will do anything for him even they will take him away from you.

Osiris: Three people? At the same time? Are you alluding to something that I am unaware of?

Seth: Three more? It sounds like a nightmare.

Osiris: Don’t worry, my love, I would send them down to Duat before they could ever get to you.

Seth: I’ll add that to your lists.

Osiris: What lists?

Seth: The lists of gods and humans you have killed that I am aware of. *folds arms* If the scroll won’t count your misdeeds, then I will.

Osiris: How cute!


Gloria: For Both: I’m from India do you two ever met with a Indian god or goddess and what do you two think about them (well i really like to see Seth in our women’s traditional clothes)

Seth: The gods and goddesses in India are quite intriguing but also mysterious in their own ways. I have only met a few of them, like Vishnu and Saraswati. I’ve heard of Brahma and the others, but I never got to meet them in person. My time there was short, and I regret not having experienced the culture there fully. Maybe I’ll take a trip back and meet the rest of the gods and goddesses.

Osiris: I could free up a few days so we can travel.

Seth: If I am to go, I wish to go alone. I deal with you enough here already.

Osiris: I can’t get enough of you.

Seth: *rolls eyes* anyway, regarding you wanting to see me in traditional clothing, I wouldn’t wear the women’s.

Osiris: Seth, you must be respectful and experience the culture. *smiles* You wouldn’t experience it fully if you didn’t try everything.

Seth: You’re just a pervert. *huffs*


Gloria: For Osiris: Do you know your future son with isis will try to take away Seth from you.

Osiris: It would be impossible for Isis to be pregnant; I never gave her my seed.

Seth: Didn’t you sleep with your wife at all?

Osiris: Of course I did, but I never gave her my seed.

Seth: You’re a bastard; she loved you and wanted a child so badly.

Osiris: But I didn’t. Well, not with her at least.

Seth: She was your wife! Why would you not want to have a child with her?! Are you seriously so obsessed with me that you refused to perform your basic duty as husband?!

Osiris: I loved Isis truly, but it’s different from the love I have for you.

Seth: I want to cut your head off and plunge it into a pit of snakes.


Gloria: For TheMaskedRider: I’m seeing The King’s Rose Bush and sorry for not bookmark and kudos im sorry from my heart.

TheMaskedRider: It’s ok! I understand that kudos can only be given once, and I also understand if you are unable to bookmark or give kudos. As long as I know you’re enjoying the story, then I am perfectly content.

Chapter 11: Mo Fei

Chapter Text

Para Osiris: cuantos hijos planeas tener (How many children do you plan to have)

Osiris: I would first have to see how the first pregnancy would go. If it turns out to be too dangerous, I will either have one or two. However, if everything goes as planned, I would want to have as many children as possible.

Seth: No f*cking way! I am not becoming a damn broodmare for you!

Osiris: I’m sure you would love being pampered while you carry our children.

Seth: Definitely not!

Osiris: We’ll see. *chuckles* For my lover’s sake, I would at least want 7.

Seth: You’re crazy.

Chapter 12: ayaMASO


We're glad to have you!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Do you guys want any drinks?

Seth: Get me the best wine you have.

Osiris: Seth, you can’t have wine.

Seth: WHAT?!

TheMaskedRider: Don’t start fighting; we have a guest. Start answering their questions, and I’ll be back with drinks.


Ayamaso: For Seth: hello Seth, I really respect you a lot, you are a strong, formidable God. And a God of War especially, so that’s a bonus. I may not know all the hardships and ordeal you have to endure yourself to save Anubis from Osiris clutches, and no Osiris, please don’t speak, but you will always have my deepest respect and honor for that Seth, other Gods may beg to differ, but I’ll stay true to what I said and write here. You have my respect, for you’re a warrior through and through.

Seth: You really know how to butter up a god, huh? *smirks* However, even if it’s strange that you know of my predicament, I’m glad you understand what a bastard he is. It’s nice to know that some of you mortals actually care.

Osiris: *huffs*

Seth: Don’t even say anything, and don’t even think about harming this mortal either. I mean it.

Osiris: Alright, my love.


Ayamaso: To Seth: IF one day, the humans are not relying to you again as a God, to seek your guidance and protection, will you cease to exist? Because some God in other religions and belief do cease to exist if humans didn’t believe in them again.

Seth: I would not cease to exist, but I would become very weak and almost mortal. I would be able to control very little amounts of sand, but I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now.

Osiris: *glances at Seth*

Seth: There would be a time where I would have to leave this mortal plane. When you humans truly stop worshiping all the gods in Egypt, then we will all leave this very realm. It’s a time when gods are no longer needed to protect and guide you humans. Some gods cease to exist because of the way they came about, but in our case, we just become weaker. Then, finally, after all humans stop worshiping, we leave. *sighs* I would hate to leave such a beautiful world, but I have no say in how the laws go.

Osiris: It would be strange to have to leave this world behind. We have so many memories of this world that it would be hard to leave.

Seth: *nods in agreement*


Ayamaso: I recalled that you would like Thoth’s honey cake the most, what makes it special? I’m curious. Also, you’ve been to many places outside of Egypt right? Have you tried their food too? And what country you like most or tolerate and why?

Seth: I don’t know why, but the way Thoth bakes his honey cakes just clicks something in my brain. The honey cakes he makes cleanse my soul and taste absolutely delicious! *smiles* I have tried other foods from different countries, but oddly enough, they could never compete with Thoth’s honey cakes. It’s a mystery, but a pleasant one.

Osiris: I never thought you would like food so much.

Seth: A God of War can eat something from time to time, you know. *huffs* Anyway, about the country I like the most It would have to be Italy. I always have a great time when I’m there, and everyone I've met so far is very friendly. The view of the ocean is also maleficent!

Osiris: That sounds lovely. *holds Seth’s hand up and kisses it* One day I wish to travel there with you, so you can show me its wonders.

Seth: *pulls hand away* Why do you always have to kill the mood?

Ayamaso: You’re my idol, thank you /bows/

Seth: You’re alright, human; make sure you come visit again. I need more humans like you in my temple.

Osiris: *huffs*


Ayamaso: To Osiris: /mumbles/ God grant me patience…/Sighs/ You do realize you’re tampering with the delicate balance of the world right? So why in the ever loving f*ck did you do what you did to Seth? Do you realize the consequences of your action might brought the entire Egypt to? Did your obsession really cloud your judgment?

Osiris: I have kept the balance of the world in mind. Why do you think it took me so long to perfect the solution? I never once tried to step too far if I knew it would risk the balance. I also would never, and I mean never, do something to my lover if I didn't know the effects of it. I have gone through so much trial and error in order to ensure the safety of not only this world but also my lover’s health.

Osiris: You humans also seem to forget that you also tamper with the balance of this world. From what I’ve seen, you humans seem to try to tamper with the process of birth. Changing your own biology to, say, prevent diseases? Oh, it sounds swell now, but you humans are always selfish and ask for more. There will be a time when you humans change the traits of your newborns to fit your own standards. You also seem to think it’s necessary to change your body to fit the way you want it by undergoing questionable practices. Sure, you made cures for diseases and all that, but let’s not forget you made weapons that tampered with your mortal bodies to kill you more effectively. What I’ve done is nowhere near the true horrors the mortals in your realm have done. You humans have also done the precise thing I’ve done and change your body to fit the gender you want, but I merely perfected the process.

Osiris: So please, *stands and looms over Ayamaso* do try and tell me how much of a saint you humans truly are.

Seth: Osiris….*places a hand on his arm*

Osiris: *looks over at Seth* I won’t harm them as you wish, so *goes and lays down on the couch, laying his head in Seth’s lap* But humans have a way of making me lose my temper.

TheMaskedRider; I’m back!! And I brought sodas!


Ayamaso: To TheMaskedRider: thank you, I can’t put it into words that you opened up this QnA and I can interact with Seth, you made my day really.

TheMaskedRider: Awwww, you’re welcome! Remember that you can ask as many questions as you like! This Q&A will stay open till the series ends, and I think Seth would like to answer more questions. However, I would tread lightly around Osiris.

Chapter 13: ayaMASO 2


Welcome back ayaMASO!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome back! I now have seats for guests, so you get to be the first one to sit in one. Take a seat and ask your questions!

Ayamaso: To Seth: so, I’m still here and back again to asking you questions, hope you didn’t mind /bow/ Have you ever go to Japan before? If so, what do you think about the Gods and Goddesses there? From what I recall, Japanese didn’t have as many Gods as Egypt were.

Seth:It’s good to see you again, mortal. Regarding Japan, I have been there once. I met the sun goddess, Amaterasu, and some of their gods of war. I also met Kichijoten, the goddess of beauty and happiness. They were very welcoming and friendly. I would love to go back there.

TheMaskedRider: Have you met all the gods of war?

Seth:Not all of them. Some died before I could meet them, and there are probably some out there that I don’t even know about.

Osiris: But he’s met quite a few.

Seth: I have met with many gods of war. It’s exhausting sometimes.


To both: Can Gods die? If so, will they go through the same procedure like the human are in the Duat? And what about reincarnation? Are those limited to humans or will Gods experience it too? And Seth, if you were to reincarnated, would you like to stay as far away as possible from Osiris? And Osiris, would you try to find Seth again if you were to reincarnated?

Osiris: Gods can die just like humans can, but not in the same manner. The only way we can die is if we are killed by another god or by a human who has the aid of another god. For example, a god could die by murder, a curse made by another god, or a human killing a god by using a weapon supplied by another god. There are more ways, but it would take centuries to list them all. *tilts head* Now for the procedure, I wouldn’t say it’s exactly the same. As far as I know, gods are mostly reincarnated unless they are cursed or were just really sh*tty, in which case they would be tortured for the rest of eternity.

Seth: Gods reincarnate after going through some process that I’m unfamiliar with. You would have to ask a god in Duat about it. *sighs* But if I were to be reincarnated, I would hope to be far from this place and far from him. I would want to live a peaceful and fulfilling life.

Osiris: And I would search this whole planet for you, my love.

Seth: Ugh…

Osiris: And if I’m reincarnated, I have no doubt I will find you again.

Seth: You wouldn’t even remember me.

Osiris: My heart would.

Seth: Disgusting.


Ayamaso: To Seth: I’m sorry if this question of mine might offend you, Seth, but I’m curious, aside from osiris and Ra, is there any Gods and Goddesses that could stand toe to toe with you in terms of Strength? You’re the God of War and Desert, the strongest but I’m still curious…

Seth: Apep... *looks away* He’s one god that could beat me if we were to fight. If I let my guard down or became unfocused during a battle, he would surely win. Of course I would win, but one slip-up could give him the upper hand. Apep is strong and a fierce warrior when it comes to battle.

Osiris: *looks over at Seth*

Seth: *chuckles* But I’m glad he’s my friend. Even though he’s done some f*cked-up sh*t, he actually was one of the few gods who cared about me. He didn’t see me as a monster; he saw me as an equal. I often find myself missing him.

Osiris: He tried to kill Ra. He tried to kill you.

Seth: His life was at stake; I understood why he attacked me. I just wish you had tried to understand him.


Ayamaso: To Seth: If I were to go to your temple in Heliopolis, will you grace me with your presence? And don’t worry, I’ll know my place and maintain my distance so…um, will you? What kind of offerings you like? I didn’t live in Egypt so I didn’t know the custom there. And it’s okay if you can’t, given how possessive Osiris is, I know it’s hard for you to go out,

Seth: Of course I would! You would have to pray first so I could know you were there, but I would definitely meet you. You are quite interesting and actually respectful. Some previous I have received were...something. Oh! If you were to bring an offering, please bring me wine from your lands! I do love trying new wines, but of course some gold or food would be fine as well.

Osiris: You have more important business to attend to than meet with a mortal.

Seth: Weren’t you the one to say that meeting your followers and listening to their needs boosts devotion?

Osiris: *grumbles*


Ayamaso: To Seth: Can I give you a gift? Did you like painting or drawing? Maybe I could draw you, even if that won’t compare to how majestic and powerful you look in real life.

Seth: I would love a painting of myself in my room. It would brighten up the place and relieve the tension *glares at Osiris*

Osiris: For once, I agree. I would love to see a painting of you, my dear.

Seth: Don’t ruin the moment, bastard!


Ayamaso: To Seth: Seth, you can wield almost all weapons, right? If so, what weapon do you like to wield most and why?

Seth: I can’t wield every weapon. There are some foreign weapons that I’m not accustomed to and would need some practice to learn how to use them. Besides that, of the weapons I do use, I would say my Khopesh is my favorite. It’s light and easy to handle. The hook-like shape allows me to snatch up my enemies and ensure they cannot escape. I also look badass wielding it.

Osiris: I always enjoyed watching you fight. You’re lean and flexible, making it easy to contort your bodies in ways to best fit your combat style.

Seth: *looks at Osiris*

Osiris: I wonder about the different ways you could manipulate your body in bed.

Seth: I f*ckING KNEW IT


Ayamaso: To Seth: Thank you for answering all of my questions and ramblings. You’re really are my favorite God /bow/

Seth: As I should be! What other god would treat you like this, eh?

Osiris: Nephthys, Isis, Nut, Maat, Thoth-

Seth: Shut the f*ck up! Let me have my moment!


Ayamaso: To TheMaskedRider: I'm sorry but I cried and screamed when Seth answering my questions /cried/ thank you, I’ll make sure to come visit again and ask him questions /bow/

TheMaskedRider: Seth has enjoyed your presence, and I’m glad that your experience was good. Maybe when you come back, there will be someone new to ask questions to!

Chapter 14: Anubis_Avatar



Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome! Come and take a seat!

Seth: This mortal looks very familiar...

Osiris: They do look familiar.

TheMaskedRider: Hey! Pay attention!


Anubis_Avatar: For Osiris: What is your deepest regret?

Osiris: I regret not confessing to Seth sooner. I loved Seth for so long, but each time I tried to convey my feelings, they never seemed to get across. I was going to confess to him as it was my last resort, but I became so caught up in my duty that I lost him to her...

Seth: I'm glad I dodged that knife; I just wish I had dodged the killer.

Osiris: Come on, my love. I care for you and shower you with attention.

Seth: Forcefully.


Anubis_Avatar: For Seth: Do you have any pets?

Seth: I don't, actually. Mortals assume Shas are my pets, but I would never keep a Sha captive. They are free-spirited, and I could never keep them caged. The same with my mount. He is a creature that cannot be held captive and should be treated as an equal.

TheMaskedRider: I don’t know; you seemed to really hang around Shas.

Seth: They’re great listeners!


Anubis_Avatar: For Seth: Who is your favorite family member?

Seth: Uhhhhhh…. That’s a good question. I never was really close to any of my family members apart from my siblings.

Osiris: Is it me?

Seth: It WAS you until you did all this bullsh*t. Now, it’s probably Isis. She helped me quite a bit when I was learning my place, and she always made me smile when I was having a bad day.


Anubis_Avatar: For Osiris: is it true that a fish ate your... privates?

Osiris: When did that happen?

TheMaskedRider: I think they mean the historically accurate version of yourself.

Osiris: A fish ate my dick?

Seth: *burst out laughing*

TheMaskedRider: Seth basically cut you up and threw you into the Nile.Isis put you back together, but couldn’t find your dick because a fish ate it.

Osiris: HUH?!?

Seth: *still laughing*


Anubis_Avatar: For Osiris: do you have a green heart?

Osiris: No, I have a red heart like everyone else.

Seth: I’m surprised you even have organs, let alone a heart.

Osiris: Do you mean that metaphorically or literally?

Seth: Well, I meant it literally because you seem to be only made up of vines.

Osiris: It’s a bit more complicated than that, my love.

Seth: Whatever it is, I don't want to know.


Anubis_Avatar: For Seth: Punch greenie for me, would you?

Seth: *uppercuts Osiris, knocking off his crown* My pleasure.

Osiris: *rubs jaw* nice form, darling.

Seth: Oh right, you don’t feel pain...

Osiris: I do feel pain; you’re just not strong enough to inflict it on me.


Anubis_Avatar: For Seth: What is your favorite offering that you get at our temples?

Seth:Wine! I love wine! Some of my followers would make their own wine, and it tastes so good. Gold and food are nice, but I can go for some wine.

Osiris: You really should cut down on the alcohol, dear.

Seth: It’s the only thing that can help me escape you.

Chapter 15: Gloria 2


Hi Gloria! Welcome back!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Nice to see you again! Please take a seat!

Seth: I never noticed how small these mortals are.

Osiris: They are very tiny.

TheMaskedRider: Osiris, everyone is small to you.

Osiris: Right *chuckles*


Gloria: to both: thank you for answering my questions and i also like to be a follower any of you but im also a follower of my dear god

Seth: I forget that most of you mortals aren’t from Egypt. It’s strange how you even got here.

TheMaskedRider: The internet and my abilities.

Seth: I have yet to figure out what you are.

TheMaskedRider: Think of me as a people pleaser.


Gloria:to Seth: well i just want to say that (on knees) just give Osiris 1 chance i beg you seth i really mean just give him a chance i know what he did to you can’t never forget and i know you all will think why im saying this because i know Osiris really love more than anything i beg you seth if you have even a little love for follower please

Seth: I don’t know, it’s hard to forgive him for what he’s done. *sighs* He's taken so much away from me that it's difficult to even see him in that light, let alone as my brother.

Osiris: *looks at Seth, meeting his eyes*

Seth: I would have to really think about it. Everything is unknown right now, and I wish he'd give me some space to think.

Osiris: I do not mean to be overbearing, I just worry for your health.

Seth: I know, but it’s suffocating. You’ve always been like that, but now it’s just different.


Gloria: to Osiris: (get up from knees) i know you will think why im begging to Seth to give you a chance to be honest im also obsessed with Seth but more than you and not like you i cherish Seth as my dear God not romantic like you but i know you can love Seth more than anyone can do that’s why but that’s not mean that what you did to Seth i forget if i dont like you enough i swear i’d will kick you in your balls really and i don’t fear you i don’t know why people fear you f*ck you green asshole f*cker

Osiris: You mortals are strange. One minute you are understanding, the next you are harsh and threatening. *huffs* The reason why people fear me is due to my strength and my ability to predict things better than most. I could easily kill you all because you are mortals. Your weapons would do nothing to me, and you would be sent to your realms of death. You act tough, but all you are to me are animals who try to be intimidating when they're cornered.

Seth: *tilts head and glances at Osiris*

Osiris: I do love Seth from the bottom of my heart. I'd do anything for him, and I'd give my life to protect him. My priority is his health, and if I could, I would give him the entire world. *looks at Seth* I don't care how long it takes, but I'll wait for you.

Seth: *averts his gaze and remains silent*


Gloria: to seth: Seth i really hold you in my heart and i don’t want to see hurt because what you go through i really want to see you happy i want you to find true love Seth

Seth: I try to find some ways to enjoy life in my predicament. I often like to watch the birds fly around the garden and the bustle of the village below. I may annoy a servant now and then, but I never harm them.*chuckles* Thoth sends me messages sometimes, telling me of his woes. Honestly, if you messed up his hair, he would think the world was ending.

Osiris: Maybe we could go out on our mounts through the desert. Like old times.

Seth: Maybe… I do miss the desert.


Gloria:to Osiris: Listen Osiris others don’t like you enough to make you and Seth together but i like you enough not kill you but STILL HOW DARE YOU TO HURT OUR DEAR SETH WHO THE f*ck DOES GIVE YOU RIGHT HA! YOU PIECES OF sh*t I SWEAR IF YOU HURT OUR DEAR SETH GOD OF LIFE OR NOT I WILL CUT YOUR DICK AND SHOVE IN YOUR MOUTH YOU SICK f*ck ! but i like you enough to not do these things to you now just make Seth happy not even a single tear should come from his eyes and if that happens thing’s can go worse and this is a warning.

Osiris: Here you go again threatening to hurt me but saying you like me. You mortals are complicated and talk highly of yourselves. I’ve said before that I would do anything for Seth and that I never wish to see harm come to him. His tears burn my very skin and tear my very soul apart. I plan to make his life as comfortable as possible.

Seth: If you’re trying to make him angry, threatening won’t work. He doesn’t lose his cool very often. Scaring him also doesn’t work.

Osiris: My darling, you know me better than I thought. I'm glad.

Seth: Shut it.


Gloria: to TheMaskedRider: well i know most of the readers don’t like this pair but I’m kind of sad*stic so I think thats why I like this pair more than others pair but leave that here i really love your what if series and your writing love you from India.

TheMaskedRider: I’m glad you enjoy this pair. I also know many readers will not like this pairing, but I plan on making different pairs with Seth. I even plan on making some pairs that I haven’t seen others make! Also, I’m happy to know I have readers from around the world. We’re so happy you came!

Chapter 16: TCF_fan 2


Welcome back! Haven't seen you in a bit!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Hey! Where have you been? I’m happy to see you again. Come sit!

Osiris: Do you need anything?

Seth: No for the fifth time, Osiris.

Osiris: I’m just making sure. Just let me know if you need something to eat or drink.

TheMaskedRider: Alright you two, pay attention.


TCF_fan:To Seth: Dear Seth, our beautiful, kind, devoted and strong God, do you know that you have many fans in my world? To the extent that products with your symbol or painting on them are produced and sold. So if there was a way, would you come here? Away from Osiris? But also away from all the people you love, to start a new life? I know very well that it is not easy to answer what I asked, so take your time and answer after Green bas— Osiris

Seth: Well, after this... what is it called?

TheMaskedRider: Q&A

Seth: Yeah that. I have been enlightened by how many fans I truly do have beyond the realm I’m from. I did not expect there to be so…*looks into the crowd* many of you. Some of you are very respectful, while others ask very weird questions.

Osiris: I don’t know; those toys were fun.

Seth: ANYWAY. Regarding me coming to your realm, I would love to come visit. I would like to see how different it is and how different the mortals are between our two realms. It would also give me a break from him. *glares at Osiris*

Seth: But I'd have to decline the opportunity to start a new life there. I could not leave Anubis behind, and I still have to find my sister. I know she's somewhere out there, and I'm determined to find her.

TheMaskedRider: Touching *wipes tears*


TCF_fan:To Osiris: Do you know that you are also famous like Seth? But not for sacrifice and high patience facing hardship, but for what you did to your brother. Here almost all fans are willing to pay an infinite amount to be able to reach you and teach you true meaning of pain. If you want to talk about our mortality and how powerful and invincible you are as a god stop right there, because in my time, all of you are (unfortunately even our dear Seth) nothing more than forgotten legends, and you yourself said that forgotten gods are as weak as mortals.
So you are lucky there is no way for us Sethfans to meet you from our world.

Osiris: But that is your realm. If you step into this realm, those rules no longer apply. If you were to meet me, you would be stepping into my territory. Mortals like you bark more than you bite. Once you face up against something much more powerful than you and are no longer protected, you become terrified and lose that bark you had.

Seth: This is really getting annoying. *grumbles*


TCF_fan:To Osiris: I admit you are handsome but i hate you for what you did to Seth. Although I believe you deserve a chance from Seth. Because your feelings were not sick like this from the beginning and I have no doubt that you felt admiration, protection and pure love for Seth at first. However, love is something very strange and difficult, and I am sure that it was very hard for you to see a happy seth with another person who doesn't even love him back. But no matter whar r*pe was too much!! So get down on your knees and do whatever it takes to give you a chance to seriously start a healthy relationship. Before it's too late. I still hate you but i also pity you, i know you love Seth more than anyyyone in the world. you guys could be a great couple. It's not too late tho. Not as much as manhwa.

*She whispers in Osiris's ear so that Seth does not hear* And don't even think about using the baby in Seth's womb as a pressure lever! We all know how much Seth cares about his children. So don't use them to become more hated by him. Be a man and face you mistakes

Osiris: First and foremost, I would never do such things. *waves hands and vines drag TCF_fan back to their seat* That baby is proof of me and Seth’s love, and it’s my own blood. I care about it just as much as Seth does, so don't mistake me for a monster. Second, my feelings for Seth were strong even when I was a demi-god. I adored him and praised him as if he were my own god. I often find myself admiring his bold behavior and wishing I could do such things.

Seth: You mean that?

Osiris: of course. Do you know how hard it is to stay composed in front of gods who don’t know how to get sh*t done? I have to restrain myself from knocking the sh*t out of some of them. You just do it, and I admire that.

Seth: *chuckles* I never thought you would think so highly of me in that regard.

Osiris: I have and always will.


TCF_fan:To Seth: Dear God, I want you to know that there are many people here who wont even think twice to set the world (Osiris) on fire for you hoping you would smile? we all cry for you when you suffer in Manhwa and we are always on your side.

Now come and tell me what you think about being reborn as a human in my world? We don't have anything like magic here or controlling natural artifacts like fire or sand or even immortality, but personally I am very, very willing to adopt you and give you a life full of love because you deserve to feel loved and have good parents!

Don't be offended by my words and arrogance, I won't forget my place in front of you, well maybe hehe, I just think that living happily for a short time as a mortal is better than living a painful eternal life as a god.

Seth: Being reincarnated in your world eh? Now that’s an offer I’ve never expected. *lays head back* I would only wish to do that if I were killed. Like I said before, I do not wish to leave my son and some of my other family behind. If I were to be killed or the gods were to be forgotten, I would like to be reincarnated in your world.

Osiris: *folds arm and tilts head to the side*

Seth: Now becoming your child? I have no control over that, but if it happens to be my time, I could request it. *smiles*But you’re wrong about my life being totally painful. Yes, being a god can be exhausting and depressing, but I get to watch you humans grow. I get to see so many new creatures come about and see the wonders of new civilizations come to life. I enjoy war sometimes; it gives me a rush that I never knew I needed. Yes, I sometimes come back and am a bit shaken by war, but that rush gives meaning to my life. I can create anything out of sand and have fun!

Osiris: *smiles* It’s nice hearing you talk about such things.


TCF_fan:To Seth:I also wanted to say listen to that damn green and hear the story from his side, I'm not saying forgive him because I understand how cruel it is for people to tell you that. However, I hope you give him one final chance to explain himself. I know you still love him a little in deep in your heart.Of course, if you don't want to, ignore what I said. These are just a few little tips that I hope will help.

In the end i have nothing to say to that green b*stard but Seth i want you to know that i really respect you. Even if I speak a little disrespectfully, I really have a lot of respect for you. Not bc you're a powerful god idc what you are, but bc of you personality and how much you care about your family that you would sacrifice yourself for them.
You have my heart and respect with you man. Keep it well.

Also... you have a baby. Happy being mom!

Seth: I’ll think about it. I'm frequently irritated by his words, and I'm not sure how he could justify his actions. *yawns* But thank you. I didn’t expect myself to be a mom, and it will be weird to hear my little one call me by that title.

Osiris: Are you tired?


Osiris: *pulls Seth over and snuggles him* Get some rest.

Seth: *sighs with annoyance but doesn’t pull away*

TheMaskedRider: You two rest before the next guest arrives.


TCF_fan: To TheMaskedRider:

Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.

Thank you in advance for writing this, it's enough to make my whole week brighter. Even thought one of them will surely kill me, hahaha ha...ha. I really love you and take care of yourself.

TheMaskedRider: Your English is pretty good! I understand if there are mistakes, and I really don’t mind them. I’m also glad you’re enjoying the story and Q&A session!

Chapter 17: KreuzXHerz


Welcome new guest!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: A new guest! Welcome!

Seth:Hm? *wakes up and yawns*

Osiris: *looks down at Seth* Did you rest well?

Seth: *nods and sits up*


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: Aside from Apep, what are your most memorable (if you have any) fights with different gods of war from other nations? Give 3 best ones. The Top 1, you have to explain it.

Seth: I don’t remember many, but the most memorable one was a god named Thor. He was a god of warfare far in the north. I encountered him, and we decided to spar, and let’s just say it got out of hand. The fact that he could manipulate lightning during the battle makes him the most memorable to me. It was cool and strange at the same time. I watched him curve a lightning bolt as I dodged it, and it almost struck me twice like a snake!

Osiris: I remember you coming back to me with the tips of your hair sizzling off *laughs*

Seth: Don’t tell them that! It was embarrassing!


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: Do you have an intelligence division in your army during your campaign? A group of people who gathers information of your enemy. What I understand, information is a valuable resource in the field of warfare.

Seth: Why of course I do! How do you think I overcome my enemies so easily? I have been able to find weaknesses I can exploit because of them. Though there were times when they reported back information that I wished they had kept to themselves.*shivers*


KreuzXHerx:To Seth: Can you teach me archery? Like how you taught Thutmose III how to use a bow?

Seth: I could, but you would have to make your own bow. You need a bow that fits your body type and physique. I expect you to eat a healthy diet and exercise your arms and legs regularly. You also have to get up early in the morning, as the game I used to teach comes out at dawn, and then leave after the sun is fully in the sky.

Osiris: I don’t think so. You need a lot of rest, and I don't want you to get hurt.

Seth: I will be fine! The game isn’t that dangerous!

Osiris: My decision is final.


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: I know a god who is a perfect match for you that isn't Osiris. Ash, God of the Oases. Do you know him? He is a fellow desert god like yourself. He refreshes the mortals who traveled through your domain. His symbol is that of a sha too. His epithet is the "Beloved of Set(h)." Because of this, sources indicate that you two are lovers. Is it true? If so, please marry him instead.

Seth: How the f*ck do you know about that?! I thought our relationship was a secret!

Osiris: What….

Seth:Osiris, listen. I was in a relationship with him before I married Nephthys. We ended it because our views no longer aligned. I then fell in love with our sister, and I married her. You basically know the rest.

Osiris: Are you still in contact with him?

Seth: No!

Osiris: Good…


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: How would you feel if you found out that you were adopted?

Seth: I wouldn’t be surprised. I always felt like I didn’t fit in with my siblings. They always had something in common, which made me feel...different. My mother also wasn’t very attached to me, nor was my father.

Osiris: But you are not adopted. I was there when she gave birth to you.

Seth: It’s a what-if question, Osiris.

Osiris: I know, I know. I just wish you saw yourself the way I do. *nuzzles Seth* Plus, even if you were adopted, I would still love you the same.

Seth: *blushes a bit* Shut it, baldy.


KreuzXHerz:To Osiris: You do realize Seth's freedom is his birthright. Why would you take it away from him and shackle him in place in a form of a duty to protect your homeland? Have you ever spare a thought of how Seth would feel at all?

Osiris: Seth takes too many risks, and I fear for his safety. If he were to get hurt somewhere far away, I might not be there to save him. I don’t know what I would do with myself if he got hurt or worse.

Seth: I can take care of myself! Osiris, I am a war god!You need to trust me.

Osiris: And you need to trust my judgment. I don’t plan to keep you in the castle forever. Just until the baby is born and you are 100% healthy.

Seth: Whatever…


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: If you ever were given a chance, would you wish you were born into a different family?

Seth: That’s a hard question to answer. My family is sh*tty, but there are a few whom I truly love. I don’t regret being family to some, but to others, yes. I guess it would depend—what if the other family I was born into was just as sh*tty or worse? I can’t really answer this question.


KreuzXHerzTo TheMaskedRider: Thank you for having me as your guest. I will come by again and ask more questions.

TheMaskedRider: It was great having you! I can’t wait to see you again!

Chapter 18: Anubis_Avatar 2



Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: *writes on a piece of paper attached to a clipboard* Come in and sit! I’m a little busy, so I won’t say much!

Seth: What are you doing?

TheMaskedRider: Determining your future and keeping up with the guest.

Seth: Determining my future?

TheMaskedRider: Yes, but focus on the guest.


Anubis_Avatar: Seth I have a gift for you, it’s a special perfume for Osiris called herbicide.

Seth: *snickers*

Osiris: Oh ha ha…

Seth: That was a good one.


Anubis_Avatar: Seth what will you name the child

Seth: I already named it! Ayman.

Osiris: You named the child without me?

Seth: I am this child’s mother. I have every right to name them, with or without you.

Osiris: *sighs* Ayman is a good name. However, what if it’s a girl?

Seth: I haven’t really thought about it. Maybe Aya?

Osiris: How about Zahra?

Seth: Maybe… can we come back to this question?


Anubis_Avatar: Osiris what’s your favorite plant

Osiris: Poppies, field poppies, of course. They’re a beautiful crimson red, and they remind me of my lover. They also have plenty of uses, like being used in medicine and other things. However, they also have a habit of overrunning fields.

Seth: Of course you would pick that flower. *mumbles*


Anubis_Avatar: Osiris wanna take a little trip to the Duat with me? Cackle

Osiris: I mean, gods are able to go through Duat freely, so it wouldn’t be a problem. However, I don’t wish to go to Duat with you. *huffs*

Seth: Not what they were hinting at...


Anubis_Avatar:Seth what do you think of Thoth? Has he ever given you a prophecy?

Seth: Thoth is a good god, and I have gotten a few from him. I don’t normally ask for prophecies because I don’t want to feel like I’m tied to fate. I like to think my decisions matter. However, there are times I wish Thoth would man up and not be a wimp.

Osiris: How harsh of you to say.

Seth: I mean, it’s true. He gets scared too easily and gets offended over the smallest things. It gives me a headache. However, he makes some mean honey cakes.


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris have you killed many

Osiris: I’ve killed many enemies before Seth became a god. No one else wanted to be the war god, so I took it up until Seth finally ascended. I don’t even want to count the number of lives I had to take to win the wars.

Seth: What about that god you killed so we could have this baby?

Osiris:Ok, one god, I have killed. That’s it.

Seth: Sure…


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris where do you think you will be in a million years, what about you Seth.

Osiris: I see myself continuing to rule over Egypt, taking care of my children with my lovely husband. Some of our children will take over Seth’s duties, so Seth can attend to his motherly duties with the younger ones.

Seth: HUH?!?

Osiris: I can almost picture it now.


Osiris: Seth, please remain calm. You are carrying

Seth: *huffs and folds arms*


Anubis_Avatar:Seth: are you aware that Osiris is perfectly aware of where Anubis is? Poor god just wants to help his family. That’s why I’m here to infiltrate…I mean, interview you.

Seth: *glares at Osiris*

Osiris: I wouldn’t lie about such things. I don’t know where that child has gone off to. I barely see him around the castle, and none of the servants have seen him either.

Seth: I haven’t seen him in awhile... I miss my boy. I miss him coming to me and asking for me to play with him. Osiris I swear if you-

Osiris: I did nothing to the boy. We made a deal, remember?

Seth: Yeah…

Anubis_Avatar:Osiris:you do know the meaning of no, right? Or are you illiterate? Cause you don’t seem to understand no when Seth says it….

Osiris: Seth also likes to hide his own feelings. Sometimes I ask if he’s hungry, and he says no, but it turns out he is! I remember he came back from a battle, and I asked if he needed to be healed. He said no, and guess what? He had a terrible injury that needed my attention!

Seth: Because I don’t need such things, I am perfectly fine.

Osiris: You are pregnant; you need to let me take care of you. Even if you weren’t, I am here for you, and you need to lean on me every once in a while.

Seth: *rolls eyes*

Anubis_Avatar:Osiris:wanna hear a joke? What kind of plant is painful? A faceplant. Another? Ok. What is the highest number that a plant can count to? Tree, just like you.

Seth: *chuckles*

Osiris: *rolls eyes and sighs*

Anubis_Avatar:Seth, do you wanna build a sand castle? Or a snowman? Or would you like to light greenie on fire, dump his body into the Duat, and dance naked on his grave, singing’the wicked witch is dead’?

Seth: We don’t have snow in Egypt either, so why in the hell would I dance naked on his grave? Do you want to see me do that? Are you also a sick pervert? I don’t even know what the hell the wicked witch is dead is!

Osiris: *clenches fist*

TheMaskedRider: Move onto the next question...


Anubis_Avatar: Seth: I have an offering for you. It is a crochet blanket for the child. I also crocheted an Anubis plushie for the baby, since SOMEONE decided to hide their big brother away.

Seth: Thank you, mortal! The plush is so adorable!

Osiris: Wow, the craftsmanship of the blanket is amazing. It’s really soft; the baby will love this.

Seth: *snuggles the plush*


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris:you had better be there holding Seth’s hand when he delivers that baby, or so help me, I will personally drag you into the Duat, rip your innards out, use them as a nurse, and feed you to Appep. Kapesh?

Osiris: Of course I will! I must be there to ensure the birth goes smoothly and to comfort my love. I find it disrespectful to think that I would not be there for the birth of my child and help out in any way I can.

Seth: Man, giving birth is going to be a bitch.

Osiris: Seth, I'll be with you every step of the way.

Seth: I know you will, because you never leave.


Anubis_Avatar:Seth: who is Going be your midwife? Taweret or Baset?

Seth: Bastet of course! I’m more familiar with her than any other. Plus, she really knows how to lighten the mood. I remember she made my wife laugh while she gave birth to Anubis. Honestly, I think she was able to have an easier birth because of her. Bastet also gave her something to ease the pain.

Osiris: I agree with his choice; I trust her. I will still be in the room to comfort and step in if needed.


Anubis_Avatar:Both: What do you think the baby will be a god/goddess of?

Seth: I don’t know, and I don’t really mind what gender the baby is. I’ll love it with all my heart. However, i’m starting to think it will be a god.

Osiris: Why’s that?

Seth: The baby isn’t afraid to express its feelings about something.

Osiris: You don’t think a goddess can do that?

Seth: Oh, I know they can, but I often found goddesses hiding how they felt about a situation, unless it was something they were really passionate about. With the exception of Isis, Ra, and Sekemet. I believe goddesses are more professional or have better emotional control.I mean, you’re good at it as well.

Osiris: You’re very observant.


Anubis_Avatar:To the masked rider: I think I annoyed Osiris. Oops. At least I made Seth laugh, and I have some information to deliver to my lord!

TheMaskedRider: Seth needed to laugh once in a while. It’s good to see him laugh.


Anubis_Avatar:Maskedrider, can I pretty please bite Osiris? I am a servant of Anubis’ I think it would entertain him greatly if I were to do so.

TheMaskedRider: Please do not bite Osiris; not only will he not feel any pain, but I fear he may harm you out of fun. Also, I don’t think Osiris would like it if you exposed yourself as Anubis servant in front of Seth. Seth is not in the place to find out that his son is- /bleeped as it contains spoilers/

Chapter 19: Mo Fei 2



Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome back! Glad to have you! Start asking your questions, I’m still busy.


Mo Fei:Para Seth: alguna vez pensaste matar el feto de tu vientre

Seth: I did try killing the baby a couple of times. I was terrified; I didn’t want to carry his baby, and I didn’t want others to know. However, after Osiris forced me to be by his side those few months to ensure I didn’t try again, it allowed me to connect to the soul. It was the only company I had other than him.

Osiris: It was a stressful couple of months, but I’m glad you finally accepted the baby.

Seth: *gently rubs stomach*


Moi Fei:Para Osiris: Si tuvieras la oportunidad de borrar los recuerdos de Seth antes de la tragedia ( es decir cuando lo abusastes ) lo harías?

Osiris: I would take the opportunity to erase Seth’s memories before that night. I would want him to forget all about Nephthys and his love for her. It would be a second chance to actually confess to him.

Seth: Why you!

Osiris: However, I wouldn’t erase your memories of Anubis. I would have to change them up, but I know how much you truly love that boy. I wouldn’t want to take that away.

Seth: hm…


Mo Fei:Para Osiris: Alguna vez pensaste que seria mas facil si seth hubiera nacido mujer?

Osiris: It would have been easier if Seth had been born a female. I wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of ensuring that my plan would work. However, I don’t regret having him as a brother. I love him the way he is, and I wouldn’t change it if you gave me the option to.

Seth: *stretches* Whatever…


Moi Fei:Para Seth : Te da miedo que los dioses descubran todo lo que te a hecho Osiris?

Seth: Yes, I am afraid. I don’t want the gods to know, for fear they would see me as weak. I am the God of War; I can’t be known as weak. I would rather die than have them find out about everything.

Chapter 20: ayaMASO 3


I sound like NPC now don't I? Saying welcome and all?

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Hiya! Take a seat and ask away!

Ayamaso:To both : Okay, I'm back again after seeing all this shenanigans /grin/ hope you two didn't mind. /Bow/
To Seth : So the first question, I remember you saying you wanted a wine from my land right? I just know there's 10 kind of it, which mostly didn't come from grapes but from the fruit of this specific palm tree instead, tho there's wine that also come from grapes here, but those 10 are considered to be more of a fermented beverages and traditional beverages instead of wine even tho they had alcohol in it, so if you up to it, I'll buy it for you, and maybe Osiris would like to try that too?

Seth: Sounds intriguing. Buy some; I really want to know what it tastes like.

Osiris: I would also like to taste them.

Seth: I take the first sip, got it?

Osiris: One sip, that’s it.

Ayamaso:Ah! Speaking of beverages, are you interested in trying spices drink? Considering how cold Egypt could become at night, I think warm spices drink maybe the right choice, ginger and lemongrass tea for example? Could reduce fatigue, morning sickness and keep you warm. You could refuse it if you didn't want to tho, no pressure

Seth:Man…mortals in your realm have so many new drinks.

Osiris: And they help with health? I say they have advanced a lot further than ours.

Seth: *nods*


Ayamaso:To Osiris : I'm curious, can I ask about your height? I'm sorry if it's inappropriate question

Osiris: I’m 6’6

TheMaskedRider: 200 cm if you prefer that measurement.

Seth: He’s a damn giant…

Osiris: I take after our father.

Seth: *grumbles*


Ayamaso:To Seth : Can I ask what your hobby is? Aside from hunting?

Seth: I sculpt with my sand. I love making sculptures of the other gods and interesting humans I meet in my lifetime.

Osiris: He also weaves.


Osiris: It's good to answer the question fully.



Ayamaso:To Seth : Did you know, in the historically accurate version of you, both your parents had 5 children instead of 4, and one of them bearing the same name as Osiris's son, Horus? Wherein you Lord over the Red Lands and he over the Black Lands?

Seth: Hm… Horus sounds familiar, but I don’t know where.

Osiris: *gulps*

Seth: Eh…it must not be important if I don’t remember it.

Osiris: *sighs in relief*


Ayamaso:To Seth : are you more of a long range fighter, mid, or short type? Or all rounder? Since you fond of using khopesh as your main weapon, I might assume that you're more of a mid range type fighter, but I could be wrong

Seth: I’m an all-rounder, but I’m mostly short-range. I like to be up close and feel my Khopesh go through someone. However, if they aren’t a large threat or I’m not in the mood, I mostly use my sand to handle them. I also use my sand if the numbers are large or the thing I’m fighting is huge.


Ayamaso:To Osiris : You say you love Seth right? That you would do anything for him, for his happiness? /Takes a deep breath/ IF Seth's happiness wasn't with you, what would you do? Are you willing to let him go? Because I read somewhere that the highest level of loving someone is when you're letting go, it doesn't mean that you didn't love them, but ... because you know you love them, you're willing to let them go and accept it with a big heart. Don't be angry and glaring at me like that, I just want to know,

Osiris: That’s difficult to answer. Originally, this is what it was like: I kept my distance from him and tried to get over my love for him. However, I couldn't. I just couldn't. It tore me up inside, and when I found that Nephthys didn’t truly love him, I felt my blood boil but also my heart flutter back to life. I didn’t understand Nephthys's reason for tricking him, but I saw this as an opportunity. I don’t think I could go through that again. I love him so much, and I would give him everything he needed.

Seth: *stays quiet*


Ayamaso:To both : what colors do you guys like? And no Osiris, anything other than red color,

Seth: My favorite colors are red, black, and gold!

Osiris: My favorite colors are actually blue, green, sky blue, and turquoise. I can see why you think it’s red.


Ayamaso: To both : If you guys don't mind, can I get a pat on the head? /Shakes head/ I promise there's no hidden meaning or agenda behind that, it's just ..uh... I've never had anyone to pat my head before, and I just think that I would be nice to experience it…

*Osiris and Seth look at eachother*

Seth: *shrugs and gently pats Ayamaso's head*

Osiris: *Pats Ayamaso’s head after Seth*


Ayamaso:To Seth : If you don't mind, can I call you father? It's okay if I can't tho

Seth: That is a strange request...

Osiris: very strange...

Seth: I don’t think you should call me father, as you have your own. If yours is not present or is not performing his duties correctly, I still do not feel much connection to you. I will have to decline this request.


Ayamaso:To Seth : I do hope you could be happy Seth, it would bring immense joy to me to see you happy for I deeply wish that for you /bow/

Seth: Of course you wish to see me happy! I protect and bring gifts when I’m happy. Make me angry, and you will have to pay!

Osiris: A true god.

Seth: What's that supposed to mean?


Ayamaso:To Osiris : You're an okay guy, if we put aside what you did to Seth and maybe those who unfortunate enough to cross path with you

Osiris: I really hope we can get past these constant threats you mortals continue to throw at me. The constant yelling and shouting stresses out Seth, and he does not need to be stressed right now. He goes on high alert when there is fighting and yelling.

Seth: What do you expect? I need to know when to fight or run.

Osiris: But you don’t need to be on alert all the time. It stresses your body and mind.


To both : Thank you again, for having me, and answering to my question /bow/ You're still my favorite Seth

Seth: As I should be.

Osiris: I’m still the favorite in the family.

Seth: Looks at Osiris* …why would you say that? *tears up*

Osiris: Ah! *goes and hugs Seth* I didn't mean it like that! I didn’t expect you to take it that hard, I expected you to jab at me!

Seth: *sniffles*

TheMaskedRider: Woah, is Seth experiencing mood swings?


To TheMaskedRider : I'm back again 😆 and this shenanigans unfolding before my eyes
Thank you, and love from Indonesia

TheMaskedRider: It was nice having you back!

Chapter 21: Gloria 3


What upppp

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Seth mood swings are finally coming around, he's enter the second stage.

Osiris: *still cuddling Seth*


Gloria: to Both: do you know you both have another versions of yourself and also powerful than you both and there is Marvel version of you both that you are both are heroes and their are also powerful do you both ever want to meet your others versions

Seth: I don’t think I would want to meet other versions of me. I don’t know what they would think of me. *trembles*

Osiris: I would be interested in other versions of me. It’s interesting to know that so many things could have happened to change the course of our lives.


Gloria: to seth: try some of our realm foods i know gods doesn't need to eat but try our realm foods are really delicious we also have different varieties foods and we also sweets but i don't know if they will be good as thoth honey cake but i can say that you will like our food please try them

Seth: If you would bring me some, I would happily try them. I always love tasting the different cuisines from around the world, but I have been unable to. Maybe I could bring some of Thoth’s honey cakes so you mortals can get a taste of the heavenly food Thoth makes.


Gloria: to Osiris: litsen i don't why im saying this to you but ( get up from seat whispering in Osiris ear) come to our realm and go to Hawaii beach and book a private resort and confess to him in sunset he will probably accept your feelings I'm giving you 100% guarantee ( got back in the seat ) and the view is also breathtaking you and Seth can also relax and I'm just helping you because we all humans care about our dear God seth and for your information I'm a lesbian and i have girlfriend and i don't have interest in men so don't glare at me I'm just see Seth as my dear God

Osiris: Hawaii? I have never heard of such a place. However, if it is as beautiful as you described it, I will consider it. I don’t know what a "private resort" is, though.

TheMaskedRider: A place that houses many people for short periods of time and provides things for them like food, sleeping quarters, and other things they may want.

Osiris: Oh, that sounds wonderful!


Gloria: to Seth: i want know why you have long hair I'm not saying that you look bad you look beautiful in long hair but do you ever thought having short hair

Seth: I always had long hair, even at a young age. I guess I just kept it because of that factor. I have thought of cutting it short, but I find that I am able to go undercover as a woman easier if it is long. Yes, I am admitting that I have dressed up as a woman, but it was only to trick the caravan into coming closer to me.

Osiris: And I missed it!

Seth: Pervert…


Gloria: to Osiris: did you thought ever having hair are you were always blad from born i don't want to offend you please don't be offended ( give deep bow ) I'm just saying for my curiosity

Osiris: I actually had hair when I was younger. I was born with hair, but I cut it all off and gave it to Isis before our wedding. She made a wig out of it and wore it afterwards. I just never grew it back, as she said I looked good without it and my crown fit better without it.

Seth: You looked better with hair.

Osiris:....I’ll grow it back.



Gloria: to TheMaskedRider: play a shape of you front of them I want to see what will happen when they litsen our realm song he he

TheMaskedRider: *puts phone down on table*

Seth: What’s that?

TheMaskedRider: *plays shape of you*

Seth: WHAT THE f*ck?!

Osiris: How are you able to play music on such a tiny thing?

TheMaskedRider: I’ll explain it later; just give your opinions on the song.

Seth: *listens to the song* It's...fine, but not to my taste in music.

Osiris: I didn’t think mortals could smell each other's scent so well. It’s catchy, but not to my taste in music.

TheMaskedRider: *mumbles* There is way worse stuff out there.


Gloria: to Seth: did you like to have long wavy hair i thought it will really look beautiful on you

Seth: I never thought about having wavy hair. I like my hair to be manageable but also beautiful. I take great care of my hair.

Osiris: I think you would look great with wavy hair.

Seth: *folds arm* You think I would look great with anything.


Gloria: to Osiris: please sometimes take advice from humans because even you have lived for centuries you still don't have experience of love but i have because im in relationship for 10 years and we are going to marry each other and I'm also saying to everyone who are also just like

Osiris: The concept of love is a very gray and unnatural area. What I feel for my brother is no different than what mortals call love. I am attracted to Seth and wish to be with him. Being around him really takes my worries away, and he has supported me, just as I have supported him. There are times where I have to step in to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself or anything. I congratulate you on how long you’ve been with your partner, but you mortals haven’t been giving me advice. I’ve just been threatened multiple times. I mean, you’ve given me some, and I’m quite thankful for it.


TheMaskedRider: Anything else you'd like to say?

Gloria:: i like to say that to everyone who reads this if your also love with same gender you don't have be ashamed of what you are expectedly in my country i have so difficulty in my relationship and there was also a time when we were going to break up to each other but now we are going to marry our family still have problems but they accepted us in the end and i want to say keep writing this because it sometimes reminds of my relationship with my soon to wife love from India 💗💗

Chapter 22: macario


New guest!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: A new guest! Welcome! Welcome!

Macario: to osiris: hello. Did you ever get almost overwhelmed with anger if you saw Seth with other god/goddesses as children? From i know about you, maybe?

Osiris: Not really; I was actually really protective. When we were young, the gods wanted to kill us because of the prophecy that was foretold by Thoth. There were many times Seth was almost killed and I had to save him, so my guard was always up. When a god we trust came around and was with him, I was happy he could interact with someone other than us.

Chapter 23: KreuzXHerz 2


Welcome Back!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Heya! Take a seat and relax.

KreuzXHerz:To Seth: Just so you know, your desert doesn't mean it's just a desolate land you lord over. It hides so many secrets and treasures, waiting to be discovered. Like the land you are charged with, I hope you can share your own secrets and treasures with us mortals.

Seth: If it makes you mortals happy, I have a secret temple buried in the sand. If you find the Oasis where I first took Anubis to hunt, travel 20 miles east. There will be a large stone. If you feed the Sha their favorite food, then the temple’s entrance will open. What’s inside the temple? That’s for you to find out.


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: In my last question regarding about Ash, I was sad that you guys broke up. In my opinion, you two would've been the best couple (if Osiris isn't an option) considering you both are desert gods. *eyes shift to Osiris* If Life has the Nile, then the Desert has the Oasis. Your desert and Ash's oasis are a perfect synergy too....

Seth: It just wasn’t meant to be. He was a good guy, but I think we should just be friends.

Osiris: *rests his head on Seth's lap* hmph

Seth: Jealous much?


KreuzXHerz:To Osiris: Look, I know you're happy that your first child is on the way. But should your intimate needs rise, are you going to fornicate Seth while he is pregnant?

Osiris: I might, but I wouldn’t go too far with it. I don’t want to hurt the baby. Maybe I would get to taste some of Seth’s milk.

Seth: *instantly covers nipples with hands and face turns red*


KreuzXHerzTo Seth: If you ever had a daughter, will you indulge her as she insists that you play with her while she blocks the door preventing you from leaving for work?

Seth: Of course! The same thing happened with Anubis. It was so hard to leave him, but I always managed to tire him out quickly enough for me to leave. I would still end up missing him, though. I would do the same with my daughter.

Osiris: Maybe you could work from the castle.

Seth: I have duties in the desert that I cannot abandon.


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: If the facts are true that you have a nice singing voice, can you sing Forever May Not Belong Enough (by Live)? It has Egyptian vibes to it. I'm pretty sure that I will melt when you vocalize the prolonged notes of that song.

Seth: I don't sing in front of mortals. I don’t even know what that song is.

Osiris: He’s shy.

Seth: *growls*


KreuzXHerz:To Osiris: If your first child is a daughter, a carbon copy of Seth, red hair and eyes and all, bringing joy to family & friends, sorrows to enemies, but subjected to contempt by mortals and gods alike because of her red color just like how Seth was subjected to this treatment, are you going to leave her defenseless in that kind of hostile environment?

Osiris: Why would you say such things?! I would protect my daughter with my life! I would kill anyone who even dared lay a finger on her. How dare you suggest I would leave my daughter in such a state! Shame on you!

Seth: Damn…


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: Are you familiar with the weapons called Chakram Blades? They originated from India, they are discuses that can cut down 8 to 9 people. If they survived, they would lose a limb. One of Vishnu's hands twirls one around.

Seth: I think I remember seeing that when I visited India. It’s a very powerful and incredible weapon. It doesn’t fit my style, but if I had to, I would definitely use it.


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: You met Thor right? I wish you met Týr. He is also a god of war, but this war god sought for peace and diplomacy. Whatever new knowledge he learned from his diplomatic duties, he would share it to his people. Surely, you would meet a god of war like him without losing soldiers and bloodshed. Poor guy got his right hand bitten off by a giant wolf named Fenrir, hardly was recognized by his people because he was overshadowed by the brilliance of their god supreme, Odin Alfather, King of the Aesir, Ruler of Asgard. Yet the people prayed to Týr for courage and valor.

Seth: What an honorable god! I would love to meet him if I ever visit that area again. I feel sorry for the loss of his hand, but I find it funny that it was a giant wolf who took it. I feel like me and him are similar in regards to how we are seen.


To TheMaskedRider: That' all for today! I hope to see you again.

TheMaskedRider: It was great seeing you again!

Chapter 24: ayaMASO 4


Oops, I spoiled something

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome back! I’ve been busy setting up chairs for more characters from The King’s Rosebush. Yes, that means you will have more gods to ask your dying questions. I will make an announcement about it when it’s time. Anyway, go ahead and ask your questions.


Ayamaso:To Seth : You've been to Hellas before right? Have you met Ares and Athena? What do you think of them as fellow Gods of War? And it is really surprising how these two were treated differently even by their fellow Gods.

Seth: I actually haven’t been before, though I have heard of it. So far as I’ve heard, the gods have been having issues among themselves. I feel bad for the mortals under their rule at the moment. I would like to visit if they get their sh*t together.

Osiris: If they ever get it together.

Seth: Yes, if.


Ayamaso:To Seth : Have you ever heard about Sun Wukong, The Great Sage Heaven's equal? He's not considered as a God but more as a divine demon who then wreaks havoc in Heaven, but is widely regarded as the strongest divine demon who then reaches Buddhahood after journeying with a monk to retrieve the holy sutras

Seth: I have heard stories about him, and honestly, I’m really impressed. Now, humans have a tendency to exaggerate things, but so far, he actually sounds legit. His stories actually make him feel real instead of perfect.


Osiris: Guess someone’s a fan.

TheMaskedRider: *nods*


Ayamaso:To Seth : it is said that Montu/Mont/Mentu was widely known as an Egyptian God of War instead of you who was more known as a God of Disorder, Desert, and Thunderstorms, how did you feel about it?

Seth: I didn’t originally have the war god title. I used to be the god of the desert and chaos. I’m meant to cause some chaos to keep the world balanced. The most I do is mess with servants or disrupt farmers from time to time. I met Montu a couple of times. He was very charming.

Osiris: *looks at Seth* Charming, you say?

Seth: Don’t look at me like that. I had a life outside the palace, you know?


Ayamaso:To both : Alright, the next time I come back here, I'm gonna brought said fermented drink, spices drink and maybe one of our most expensive wine for you and Osiris to try /bow/

Osiris: One sip.

Seth: Osiris, you can’t keep me from good wine.

Osiris: One…sip.

Seth: Osiris.

Osiris: Don’t test me on this one.


Ayamaso:To Seth : Aside from khopesh, what weapon are you most comfortable to wield?

Seth: Bow and arrow. It came naturally when I was younger, and it allows me to do sneak attacks. I still like my khopesh.


Ayamaso:To Seth : Did you know that aside from Anubis, you have four more offspring? And from different consorts too? Your historical self actually,

Seth: Yeah, I don’t have any other children. Man, I wonder what I was like in your realm...

Osiris: Obviously he slept around a lot.

Seth: *huffs* While married? That pisses me off.

Osiris: Mhm…


Ayamaso:To Seth : Are you interested in martial arts? Its origin is varied and differs from each culture and history, but it's mostly about the harmony between physical and spiritual, one could choose to use weapons or not, to inflict as much damage as possible to the opponent depending on what martial arts they learnt, and as fast as possible. Nowadays there are 21 deadliest Martial Arts in our world, according to what the expert said, and it could be your trump card to throw off your opponents, and Krav Maga would suit you I think

Seth: I have done hand-to-hand combat, but I have never heard of martial arts. I've never heard of the term nor of Krav Maga, but I’m always up to learning new tactics.

Osiris: Maybe you could teach your soldiers some martial arts?

Seth: Yeah, I could; that would keep my soldiers from freezing up when they lose their weapons.


Ayamaso:To Seth : You protect Egypt from invaders right? During your time as Egypt God of War and its protector, are there invaders that are persistent enough to try again and again to breach the border and invade Egypt ?

Seth: *takes a deep breath* Persia

Osiris: Persia…

Seth: That one time they managed to get in and take time land they became full of themselves. Then I whooped their asses, and they became furious that I took the land back. They kept coming and coming, it was really sad.

Osiris: I was honestly about to go down there and finish them myself in their lands because I had so many trade routes to fix because of them.

Seth: Finally they stopped because they must have realized it was pointless.

Osiris: Or another civilization took over them, we don’t really know.

Seth: Or care?


Ayamaso:To Osiris : Have you ever met with other Gods and Goddesses of Life? Are there any of them that you respect?

Osiris: I met a couple of small ones that were around us at the time. They didn’t last very long, but the one I found most memorable was Izanagi and Izanami. They were partners, and they created Japan. They were siblings as well and they had their ups and downs. They were lovely to talk to and they even introduced me to some of their children.

Seth: I didn’t think you were interested in learning about other gods.

Osiris: It’s good to know your allies and even your enemies.


Ayamaso:To Osiris : Regarding of how you said you hope we could past all those threats the mortals threw at you, honestly speaking yep, me too. But mortals do like to voice their opinion whether that's good or bad tho, and I also had once got angry with you but now I'm too tired mentally to do that /humorless chuckles/ at least in this version of yourself you did keep your promise to Seth, and Seth didn't have to go through all that stages of grief, you getting all chopped up and ruling in Duat and Seth being demoted to a Demigod, getting cursed and /heavy sigh/ ....I can't talk more about it lest you gonna go ballistic

Osiris: I was sent to Duat, and Seth was made into a demi-god? That’s strange to hear.

Seth: Me? Becoming a demi-god again? I wouldn’t know what to do.

Osiris: I would also hate to be stuck in Duat.


Ayamaso:To Osiris : You said that Seth have a good voice and could sing right? No, I'm not asking him to sing or entertain us mortals. My question is, can you also sing? If your child are born later, will you sing them a lullaby?

Osiris: I can sing. I used to sing Seth to sleep when he was younger, and I even did it sometimes when Seth first became a god. He was always stressed after the war and often had trouble sleeping.

Seth: Mhmp *crosses arms*

Osiris: No need to be embarrassed. *chuckles* Regarding our child, I would, of course, sing to them. It comes with being a parent, after all.


Ayamaso:To both : Thanks for having me again, I really like to talk with you guys and getting all new info about you guys. Seth still my favorite and dear Idol of course, but Osiris even if your not my favorite, you're cool to talk to. And thank you guys, for indulging to my request and patting my head before, I'm happy /bow/

Seth: I can’t wait to see you again, mortal.

Osiris: *nods* It’s always fun answering your questions, even if most of the time I’m being threatened or yelled at.


Ayamaso:To TheMaskedRider : I think that's it for today, thank you for having me /bow/

TheMaskedRider: We’re glad to have you, actually! This wouldn’t be possible without guests like you.

Chapter 25: GodSlayer


Welcome new guest!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome! Welcome! I see you’re new here, and I’m excited to have you here. Take a seat and ask away!


GodSlayer:To TheMaskedRider: Hello, I just want to say that I really like your work and writing, so keep it up, I hope you continue to make awesome stories and have fun. Thank for writing these.

TheMaskedRider: I’m so glad you like them! I have more stories coming up so be on the lookout for those.


GodSlayer:To both: What is the name of baby, I'm curious?

Seth: If it’s a boy, it’s going to be Ayman, and if it’s a girl, then it will be Nenet, we decided.

TheMaskedRider: I know the gender of the baby.

Osiris: You do?

TheMaskedRider: Yes, why wouldn’t I know? This realm wouldn’t exist without me.

Seth: What’s the gender then?

TheMaskedRider: You’ll find out when you give birth.

Seth: UGH!


GodSlayer:To Seth: Has there been anyone other gods who tried
to woo you? And if so how did you reject them?

Seth: Sobek, Apep at one point, and some random foreign gods. I just threw out Sobek if he tried anything; Apep was persistent but ended up stopping on his own; and the foreign gods I just ignored. If one tried to touch me, I would beat them to a pulp.

Osiris: *pops neck* Sounds stressful.

Seth: It was.


GodSlayer:To Seth: If you had the chance to die and reincarnate where would you go?

Seth: I wouldn’t really have a say in where I’m reincarnated. However, if I could choose, it would probably be somewhere east. Maybe near India or Japan. I wouldn’t mind going west either.

Osiris: I would find you no matter where you went.

Seth: yuck…


GodSlayer:To Osiris: May I hit you with my great sword? I just want to rip you apart because of what you did to Seth. Please Thank you

Osiris: Even if you rip me apart, I can just put myself back together. I can’t die without my permission.

Seth: It wouldn’t bring me much satisfaction; he wouldn’t even be in pain.


GodSlayer:To Osiris: If Seth died that time, when jump through that portal to the duat... how would you react?

Osiris: Seth never jumped into Duat, as far as I know. Did you do that?

Seth: No I haven’t…

TheMaskedRider: In this realm, Seth never had the chance to even do such a thing.


GodSlayer:To Osiris: Would you marry sooner if he was a girl? Because you seemed hesitant to propose because he was a male? But your the pharaoh cant you just make a new rule for it?????

Osiris: It would have been faster if he were a girl, yes. At the time, men being in relationships was not well liked. I didn’t really care, but I was also still figuring things out. I could make a new rule, but just because you make it a rule doesn’t mean mortals and gods will generally like it. You will also have unrest. Now that it’s more accepted, I wouldn’t have to worry about possible outbursts from gods and mortals.

Seth: It’s still hard for me to wrap my brain around…


GodSlayer:To Seth: if you die would the dessert disappear along with it?

Seth: Yes, it would. I hate to think about it, as if I died during a war, Egypt would be left defenseless.

Osiris: That will never happen. I’ll make sure of it.

Seth: Of course you will...


GodSlayer:To Seth: If you ever turned mortal, and Osiris can not detect your soul... Who would take you in? (If theres no one going to... I'm willing to let you stay at my home until you can find a job)

Seth: Probably no one. If anything, all the gods would think I’m someone posing as myself. My own parents probably wouldn’t even care... So I guess I would have to bunk with an old friend, maybe Apep or you, as you offered.

Osiris: Why would you go to Apep?

Seth: Because he’s my friend???

Osiris: I don’t trust that snake.

Seth: You don’t trust most gods.


GodSlayer:To both: Thank you for having me and Osiris, you better take care of that baby and Seth or else I will spread the rumor that your privates were eaten by a fish.

Osiris: What is with the fish thing?!?

Seth: *laughs*

Osiris: Why is that even a thing in your realm?!?

Seth: *wheezes* That’s so f*cking funny!


GodSlayer:To TheMaskeRider: Thats all my questions, sorry if theyre a mess, its my first time doing so, Thank you again

TheMaskedRider: You’re fine! It was great having you. I hope to see you again.

Chapter 26: Anubis_Avatar 3


Hiya again!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Go and ask your questions. I’m still setting up chairs.


Anubis_Avatar:Hello my second- Seth, and tenth- Osiris, favorite divine beings! I’m back, and I have gifts again.
Seth, I brought you some snow. I know that you said Egypt doesn’t have any, so I thought you would like some.
Osiris, I brought you some books. Here is ‘the baby owners manual’, ‘the expectant father’, and ‘101 ways to help your partner through pregnancy and childbirth without ending up in the doghouse’

Seth: Woah! It’s so soft! And cold!

Osiris: *is already reading the books given*

Seth: I never thought I would see sand like this.

TheMaskedRider: Snow isn’t sand, Seth; it’s actually frozen water.

Seth: What????


Anubis_Avatar:Seth, I was wondering if you have ever encountered the Morrigan? She is a powerful deity from my ancestral home of Ireland, and she is partially a war goddess.

Seth: I haven’t, but I would like to meet her. I always love meeting other war gods. It often leads to alliances.

Osiris: *is still reading*


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris, have you ever met some of the more distant pantheon members? The Mayans, the Celtic, the Aztec, the native Americans, or the other northerners?

Osiris: *looks up from book* I have met some Celts, but the others are quite unknown to me. Where are they in the world?

TheMaskedRider: The Americas

Osiris: What?

TheMaskedRider: ehhh don’t worry about it.


Anubis_Avatar:Seth, there have been a lot of jackals roaming around lately, as well as a lot of sha. What’s up with that?

Seth:Well, the Shas are moving to their hunting grounds, so you won’t see them after a couple of days. However, jackals aren’t exactly my domain. I don’t know why there has been an influx of them. They also seem to have gotten bigger.

Osiris: hmm….


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris, would you be willing to let Maat weigh your heart so that you can prove that you don’t mean to hurt the sweet lord Seth? We will never believe you any other way, you have a history of deceiving.

Osiris: Why of course! My heart rings true when I say that I don’t ever mean to hurt my love.

Seth: Please, let’s not go to Maat about anything...

Osiris: No need to worry, my love; if you don’t wish for me to say something, I won’t.


Aunis_Avatar:Seth, I brought you a basket full of pointy things. There is a tessen, a very sharp bladder fan. A cane sword. Daggers. Arrows. Darts. Double edged sword. Just lots of pointy things. Oh, and an itty bitty sword for the baby. Don’t worry, it’s not sharp.

Seth: Ooh, more weapons! And the small sword is so cute!

Osiris: How about we don’t give the baby a weapon at such a young age.

Seth: But they said it wasn’t sharp!

Osiris: Just because it’s not sharp doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous.

Seth: They have to learn sooner or later.

Osiris: They will, when they get older.


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris, just so you know, me and mine have come to an agreement for the moment, since you seem to be behaving. But we are watching you. And I will drag you to the Duat, rip your spleen out, shove your eyes down your throat, feed you to Ammit, and laugh all the while if you hurt the sweet lord Seth. Just saying. You should thank themaskedrider. I wanted to bite you, she wouldn’t let me. *pout* Can I hug you instead?

Osiris: Here we go with the threats. Why would I hug you after you just threatened me?

TheMaskedRider: I had to take Seth out of the room. Please keep threats to a minimum, as they do stress Seth out. After his pregnancy is over, you make as many threats as possible, but Osiris will probably not be fazed by them still.

Osiris:’re a she?

TheMaskedRider: I go by any gender, I just appear as a male.

Osiris: Oh.


Anubis_Avatar:Seth, can I hug you? Or perhaps just have pat on the shoulder? I don’t mean to be so crazy and violent, but it is my job, you see.

Seth: *pats Anubis_Avatar on the shoulder* Happy?


Anubis_Avatar:Seth, I was wondering have you ever fought in other lands? You fight in Egypt obviously, but have you ever fought on foreign soil? If you did, did you find it harder?

Seth: I have fought outside of Egypt before, and it was harder. The areas I fought in had little sand around, so I brought some with me to use. I had to mostly make weapons and fight up close or make weapons for long distances. I, of course, still came out victorious.

Osiris: I was always stressed when he had to take the fight outside our lands. I worried for his safety.

Seth: You shouldn’t have. I remember coming back and you barely had slept!

Osiris: I was worried...

Seth: *pats Osiris shoulder* doesn’t mean you should deprive yourself of sleep.


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris and Seth, do you plan on allowing your parents to be involved in the child’s life? What about your siblings and your other children?

Seth: I don’t know if Geb or Nut would want to be around the baby. I mean, they might be because it’s Osiris' child, but I doubt it would be because of me. I wasn’t really thought of much as a child myself.

Osiris: There would be some rules set.

Seth: Nephthys is also not in the right mind to see the baby, and Isis is still missing. I would definitely allow Anubis to see the baby. It will be his sibling after all.

Osiris: *huffs*


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris, I think you would look less intimidating without the beard, just saying. Want me to take care of it for you? I promise that I won’t cut your throat open, hehe. Oh look, the violence again. I think I should invest in some chamomile tea.

Osiris: This isn’t actually a beard, it’s decoration to make it look like a beard. It’s what pharaohs wear, see? *takes the false beard off* I don’t really have a beard. I find facial hair to be disgusting.

Seth: Facial hair is a sign of a barbarian.

Osiris: *puts the false beard back on and nods in agreement*


Anubis_Avatar:Seth, what is your hair care routine? It looks so silky and soft. My hair is a right disaster to handle. What about you Osiris….never mind. You are bald.

Seth: I thoroughly wash it every other week. I can’t wash it often or it will damage my hair. I have a special mixture I use for my hair and I also use citrus juice sometimes. I brush it thoroughly before bed and when I wake up. That’s really all I do.

Osiris: It’s really soft and smells of the Oasis.

Seth: That’s creepy...

Osiris: It isn’t at all, and when I had hair, I almost had the same routine. Except I washed my hair at the end of every week and had a different mixture.

Chapter 27: Azaikoya



Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome, Welcome! Go ahead and ask your questions!


Azaikoya:To Osiris. How will you prepare for the day Seth gives birth? Gods have given birth before but it’s mainly the Godesses who posses that power. I fear that when Seth gives birth, there will be many sandstorms and the sand will rise and spread everywhere, becoming wild and untamable during his delivery because of the pain he’ll be in. And before you say you have medicine and an amazing midwife at his side, since Seth is male and doesn’t have said parts to deliver the baby properly, those methods may not work. So how will that day be?

Osiris: Actually, Seth does have the parts. If he didn't, then he wouldn’t be as pregnant as he is now. He’s still getting used to having the new organ.

Seth: Of course I am! I have a puss* now, and I have no idea what the f*ck I do with it!

Osiris: *chuckles* I don’t think you do much with it.

Seth: Do I clean it? How would I clean it?!

TheMaskedRider: Poor, poor Seth.

Osiris: Anyway, the medicine should relieve his pain, but if he still summons sandstorms and anything like that, I will order the gods to bring in the humans into their temple till it’s over. Bastet will be by Seth’s side the whole time, as well as I.


Azaikoya: To Seth(please have Osiris exit the room).

TheMaskedRider: SHOO! GET

Osiris: What the f*ck!?

TheMaskedRider: You heard them! SHOO

Azaikoya: You are the god of war and chaos. You have protected Egypt for many many centuries with the sand, your amazing warrior skills and leadership. You are most respected and feared by many. You have been deceived and betrayed by people you thought you knew. But my question is not about either of those topics. You see there’s a spell I may or may not know(hehe). It’s a spell for you to manipulate and reverse the past but it gives you only three options. The first one would be to go back to the time where you ascended as a full fledged god, the second would be to go back to where you rule over Egypt as pharaoh, and the last one(my favorite) is where you manipulate what 5 people have to think of you as for the rest of your life. Which one would you pick if you wanted to?. Keep in mind your memories would not be erased or manipulated, only the others around you.

Seth: Well, I never ruled over Egypt, so that one is out, so I guess it’s down to going back to the first ascension or changing five people’s thoughts. If I choose the ascension, then I could change a lot of my decisions. I could even avoid Osiris, but that would mean I would have to become distant from my family. I also don’t want to be without Anubis, so I choose the five people. I would change Osiris’ thoughts about me, make my parents actually love me, and then the other two are up for debate. That’s my answer.


Azaikoya:To Osiris(enter back into the room).

TheMaskedRider: You can come back now!

Osiris: *enters the room* Finally... *sits next to Seth*

Azaikoya:Love Can be many things. It could be true, deceiving, lost, confused, toxic and even fake. I believe you and Seth have gone though all of these. I will speak only from my opinion and not Seth’s since I have respect for him. Seth doesn’t know truly if he loves you or not, no matter what you say, seth can only speak for himself and can love how he chooses. You treat him with disrespect. You have pregnated him behind his back, do things to him without his consent, made him feel embarrassed and ashamed of himself and you have even gone far enough to manipulate his love. The god who went through pain and agony to protect Egypt does not deserve any of that. And though you may say you haven’t done those things, you have and that’s the bottom line. I’ll never know your true intentions because you yourself are confused and you know it. (It almost make me want to send you a good old large McDonald sprite for 1.95 haha inflation am I right.) the only thing I can suggest now is for you to change and respect Seth, the god of war and chaos who protects Egypt with HIS sand. It’s seems you have forgotten about that title trying to make him a housewife. Remember that seth isn’t yours unless he wants to be and you can’t change it even if you swear it. So my question for you is what will you change in order for Seth to be restored to his usual self? Also f*ck you, I shall pray that child comes out with nothing to resemble you.

Osiris: What is McDonald?

TheMaskedRider: Don’t worry about it; answer the question.

Osiris: Well, I always planned to allow Seth to return to the desert and do his duties after the birth. After what happened at the Nile, I just don’t trust him to be by himself anymore. His powers are weak, and I don’t want an enemy to attack him. Also, the baby is going to resemble some part of me, even if it's small. I’m not confused; I know what I want. Maybe if I put it into terms you mortals understand, it will become clear. Imagine you have a spouse. You love your spouse with all your heart and love to be around them. However, you must go to your job, as I believe you mortals call it. You two become separated and have to go to work, but your heart keeps pulling you towards home. Finally, when you return home, your spouse is there to welcome you. Your spouse has also been through the same ache to get home to you. Maybe you have a kid that comes up to you when you get home to greet you as well. That’s what I want.

Seth: *sighs* That sounds familiar...

Osiris: *looks over at Seth*

Seth: Maybe…


Azaikoya:To both mainly seth(glares at Osiris) I have prepared a charm for your child. It is filled with love and luck so that your child shall live on forever and never be harmed throughout their entire life. They shall experience nothing but love so as you allow it Seth.

Seth: hmm… I don’t know; I barely know you as it is. I bet you have good intentions, but I am still cautious. Thanks, but no.

Chapter 28: Alina



Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: It’s nice to finally meet you! Take a seat and ask your questions!


Alina: to both: namaste * giving greetings * both of you do you remember the one who give Osiris some advice well I'm her fiance nice to meet both of you and my question is how many months Seth is now

Seth: I am about… I believe 3 months now?

Osiris: Yeah it’s been about three months since then.

Seth: I’m going to be carrying this baby for a while...

Osiris: If you didn’t know, it takes years before a god is born, at least in our realm.


Alina: to Seth: Seth do you like to be called mama by your childerns

Seth: Anubis still calls me father, but I don’t know how to feel about the baby calling me mother.

Osiris: You are the one giving birth to them; it’s the appropriate title.

Seth: I know I know, but I’m not going to be used to it!

Osiris: You will over time.


Alina: to Osiris: can you tell when last time you were jealous

Osiris: When Seth got to go to a party while I was stuck going through paperwork.

Seth: You get jealous over that?

Osiris: Hey, I long for freedom sometimes from my work.


Alina: to Seth: can you try Chinese qipao with upper thigh split please just once

Seth: What is that?

TheMaskedRider: *pulls up a image and shows it to Seth*

Seth: WHAT!? *blushes* You damn perverts!

Osiris: We should get a red one.



Alina: to Osiris: when you gonna marry Seth what will Seth wear

Osiris: The wedding is in a couple weeks. We first need to follow some formal traditions before we can wed. However, I have already requested a beautiful dress be made for him.

Seth: I have to wear a dress?!?

Osiris: *nods*

Seth: You sicko! Why would I wear a dress?!

Osiris: Do you wish me to wear the dress?

Seth: uh….no… I’ll do it…

Osiris: *chuckles*


Alina: to both: i heard that you both like wine so I brought a red of wine from my country it’s called RĀSĀ Just a whiff of this wine and you’ll get the aromas of dark fruits and berries. On the palate, it has flavors of blackcurrant, blackberries, olive, and vanilla please try it

Osiris: One sip.

Seth: Osiris pleaseeeeee

Osiris: One sip.


Alina: to TheMaskedRider: well it's my first time see ENNEAD ao3 but i really like The King's Rose Bush please keep writing and thank you for this love from India

TheMaskedRider: I’m glad you’re here, and I will be writing more fanfiction!


Alina: to (The King’s Rose Bush) /you wrote it write the first time TheMaskedRider/: sorry for my mistake I write wrong oh please play 7 rings from Ariana Grande * sigh* my fiance doesn’t have good choice of song

TheMaskedRider: *places phone on table and plays the song*

Seth: *tilts head* I don’t know what most of these things the mortal is singing about.

Osiris: They seem to like to flaunt their riches.

Seth: It’s still not my kind of music...

Osiris: It’s catchy, but again, I wouldn’t listen to this on a daily basis.

TheMaskedRider: You guys have strange music taste.

Chapter 29: ayaMASO 5


Welcome back!

Chapter Text

Ayamaso:To TheMaskedRider : I'm already omw to draw Seth here, maybe you could show him when I finished hehe /grins/ you have twt right? I'm gonna mention you once I'm finished with it

TheMaskedRider: Of course I have a Twitter account! I put an embed link at the end notes of every story I post, including The King’s Rosebush. I will put it right below for you!



Ayamaso:To both : Speaking of Hellas, they're more chaotic than you guys from the Egyptian Pantheon. All those family dramas, esp with how much Zeus loved to sleep around be it with humans, nymph, other Goddess, and Titan and it would spark Hera jealousy who then curse them /shakes head/ and if I had to choose, I would pick you, Osiris as my favorite, cause at least you're loyal to boot, as even the historically accurate version of yourself only ever had Isis as your consort.

Seth: Even after everything, I would trust Osiris with anything. He’s almost always truthful, and like you said, he never once cheated on his wife.

Osiris: If you marry someone, I don’t understand why you would be unfaithful. If you are unhappy with the marriage, you talk it out or split. It's that simple. I can’t believe Hera didn’t leave him instead of cursing those who slept with him. I don’t even understand why he married her if he was just going to keep sleeping with others.

Seth: *shrugs* Some cultures are just different, or people are just sh*t.

Osiris: *puts arm around Seth and nuzzles him*

Seth: Hey, stop it!


Ayamaso:To both : So, here's your drinks as per my promise /takes out some bottles/ Here's Baram from Kalimantan, Moke from Flores and Arak Bali from yea...Bali. Oh, Baram here is Dayak--one of our many tribes-- sacred beverages and it is not sold in stores, usually used in rituals and ceremonies as an offering. I have my own way to get it for you guys. Moke has unique smells, it smells like wine, even if the main ingredient isn't grape. And Arak Bali has about 30-50 alcohol percentage in it but do not worry, you'll still be fine the next day even after drinking it, it won't cause you a hangover.

Osiris: One sip of Arak Bali. *Pours some of it in a pint-sized cup*

Seth: Okay, okay. *takes a sip*

Osiris: so?

Seth: It tastes great!

Osiris: *drinks the rest of it* Not bad.

TheMaskedRider: I better get more cups for the other drinks.

Ayamaso:And this is Pino de Bali, from Hatten Wines, on the palate it has honey, vanilla, cloves, apricot, walnut, and jamminess on it, /hands the wine to Seth/ and here, the spices drinks for you too, Wedang Jahe and Bir Pletok, both are good to warm up your body and prevent cold, Wedang Jahe also good to reduce the nausea

Osiris: I’ll take that *takes the wine from Seth*

Seth: Hey! *reaches for it*

Osiris: You can’t drink too much alcohol; you are pregnant.

Seth: *folds arms and pouts* This sucks...


Ayamaso:To Seth : Amongst all your followers, did you have one you considered as favorite? Like how loyal they were to you and whatnot? In some cases and lores there were mortal that God favors and then were given some blessings…

Seth: Garai

Osiris: Who is Garai?

Seth: A human who fought in the war alongside me. He was a formidable warrior and a great spy. After the war, I gave his family lots of land and plenty of riches. I visit him from time to time, and he even makes weapons for me.

Osiris: He sounds wonderful.


Ayamaso:To Osiris : I recalled what you said from the previous Q&A before that most mortals gave you threats and yelling and didn't give you advice tho some of them really did give you advice. Can I also give you advice? Love has many ways and forms, it can be platonic, unconditional, romantic, familial, and even downright obsessive, and possessive, but when you're in love with someone and decide to be committed with them, then it's not only your heart and need in there, it is also your partner's. The key to having a good, healthy and long lasting relationship is communication, honesty and trust. One also has to respect their partner's privacy and boundaries, jealousy is okay, it doesn't mean that you don't trust them, because sometimes jealousy is the result of the person feeling passionate about their relationship. But it's not okay to be overly jealous and be blinded by jealousy.

Osiris: I don’t trust a lot of gods around him, especially now that he’s pregnant. I got worried that something would happen to him. I understand that I should trust him more, but there are times when he makes bad calls and gets hurt. I wish we lived with gods who weren't, excuse my language, narcissistic, dense, and assholes. I also wish he had told me more, but I guess he needs to keep his own secrets.

Seth: I should trust you more, I suppose. I often take your word for granted, and sometimes your advice works.

Osiris: I guess we both need to work on some things.

Seth: *nods*

Ayamaso: Do not be overprotective too, trust your partner to make decisions themselves and if they make the wrong choice, be there for them, guide them. Mostly what partners want was appreciation, to tell them they're enough, and you're proud of them, small gestures sometimes were more meaningful and lovely than the grand one. I didn't know if this was the kind of advice you wanted to hear, but it's the only thing I could give you as advice. I hope you don't mind…

Seth: I sometimes like it when Osiris compliments me...

Osiris: Do you wish for me to do it more?

Seth: I don’t care! Tch.

Osiris: *smiles*


Ayamaso:And funny as it is how I give advice to God when even I don't even in a relationship, but welp, all my friends kinda ask me for advice on this kind of thing so yea... /Sigh/

TheMaskedRider: It be like that sometimes, you know?


Ayamaso:To Seth : I have other gifts for you and the little one, weapons for you, here's Badik, Keris, Kujang, Mandau, Celurit, and cute fluffy bunny plushie for the little one. Sorry Osiris, I can't think of anything to give you

Osiris: I don't really care; I’m glad my lover is getting so much support.

Seth: This plush is so cute! I bet the baby will love it!

Osiris: I’ll hang the weapons up in your weapons room.

Seth: *smiles*


Ayamaso:To Seth : I kinda want to see you in traditional India wedding dress, you would look stunning in that

Seth: Oh?

TheMaskedRider: *pulls up an image and shows him*

Seth: What is with you humans and wanting to see me in a dress? I mean, I respect the culture, but I don't usually wear dresses.

Osiris: I’ll be sure to pick up some traditional clothes for him to wear.

Seth: Osiris!


Ayamaso:To Osiris : Where do you want to take Seth on your honeymoon? I might have several suggestions for you, if you are up to it. There's Ubud Beach, Nihiwatu Beach, Pink Beach, Raja Ampat, Tomini Bay, Ora Beach, most of it is away from prying eyes and people, so you could spend your quality time together without disturbance.

Osiris: I don’t really know, but I will probably take him to a beach with plenty of sand. After all, he is a sand god. However, those places sound interesting.

TheMaskedRider: *places photos down on the table* here.

Osiris: *picks up a photo of Nihiwatu beach* How about here?

Seth: *looks at it* Oh! It looks beautiful! I would love to go there!

Osiris: Guess we have a contender.


Ayamaso:To Seth : Remember Sun Wukong? I think you would go along just fine with him, apparently he loves to cause chaos too, and a trickster and I think TheMaskedRider would be really happy if he ever appears here haha

TheMaskedRider; YES YES YES YES

Seth: I would love to meet him. *glances at TheMaskedRider* Though I worry they will make a fool of themselves.

TheMaskedRider: HEY!


Ayamaso:To Osiris : I think you would look more handsome with hair, but then you didn't... What happened?

Osiris: I shaved it off before my and Isis wedding. I gave it to her in the form of a wig, and she has worn it ever since. I just never grew it back because I rarely took off the atef. I may grow it back for Seth, as he seems to like me having hair.

Seth: tch.


Ayamaso:To both : Can I hug you guys? Ah, TheMaskedRider too? Can I hug you?

Seth: *hugs Ayamaso* you humans really like affection, huh?

Osiris: hm

Seth: Get your ass over here and hug them.

Osiris: ok ok *hugs Ayamaso*

TheMaskedRider: Let me in on this! *hugs Ayamaso*

Chapter 30: Khonshu kameleon



Chapter Text

Khonshu kameleon:Hello my lords. I have heard great things about you my lord Seth, and some questionable things about you my lord Osiris. I’m excited to meet you .

Seth: You would hear anything less about me?

Osiris: It’s nice to meet you.


Khonshu kameleon:I was wondering if the two of you have meet Maahes, Sekhmet’s son. Or has he not been born yet?


Osiris: I don’t think so, not yet at least. She seems to be hopping around at the moment, doing who knows what.

Also do you know Thoth and Maat’s daughter, Seshet?


Osiris: I don’t think Maat’s pregnant yet.

Seth: What is going on?


Khonshu kameleon:Seth do you ever wear your hair up? A warrior braid would look good and protect your hair from grabby baby hands.

Seth: I sometimes wear my hair up when I’m relaxing, and I don’t feel like wearing my headdress. My sisters used to practice braiding with my hair, but I don’t ever plan on showing mortals outside the palace what I look like.

Osiris: I can braid your hair when the baby comes. It is a good idea to keep it going like they said.

Seth: Maybe…


Khonshu kameleon:Osiris will Ra meet the baby

Osiris: I don’t really have a say in this. Knowing Ra, she would pop up unannounced and meet the baby.

Seth: Don’t worry, I’ll keep a close eye on Ra if she does show.

Osiris: *sighs* That’s not what I’m worried about.


Khonshu kameleon:Osiris in my realm there is a widely known story about a fish eating your penis and you now having a wooden prosthetic. Does this rumor bother you? Is it true?

Osiris: No! I never had my penis eaten by a fish!

Seth: He definitely doesn’t have a wooden prosthetic…

Osiris: I don’t know what the me in your realm was doing, but what the f*ck?!


Khonshu kameleon:Seth in my realm there is a story about you becoming pregnant after you ate some lettuce that Horus has pleasured himself onto. Is this how Osiris got you pregnant, with cum covered lettuce?

Seth: Who is Horus?

Osiris: How does that even work?? Why would they even do that?

Seth: I don’t think I’m going to eat lettuce anymore…

Osiris: Seth became pregnant because he has the organ to do so. It’s basically how you humans have babies. I didn’t give Seth lettuce coated with sem*n, that wouldn’t even work!

Khonshu kameleon:We also have a tale that Ra had to vomit shu and tefnut up when they gave birth. Please tell me this is not how you will birth.

Seth: What!? No!

Osiris: What was happening in your realm? What…

Seth: I’m going to give birth like a female would!

Osiris: I don’t the…I mean we can do some crazy things, but...

TheMaskedRider: You broke Osiris.


Khonshu kameleon:Seth have you ever tried fire archery

Seth: I did, but instead I just shot an arrow through a wall of fire, and it happened to get caught on fire. I do that sometimes if there happens to be a fire, but I don’t purposely set mine on fire. I mean, my arrows are mostly made of sand.


Khonshu kameleon:Osiris have you ever tried pot? You seem like the kind who would like it.

Osiris: pot? Like a flower pot?

TheMaskedRider: Drugs

Osiris: Oh! Yes, I have. Though it mostly doesn’t affect me and it smells horrible, I never really did it again after the first time.


Khonshu kameleon:What’s your favorite activity to do together

Seth: We sometimes play senet.

Osiris: I always beat him.

Seth: *folds arms*


Khonshu kameleon:Favorite childhood memories

Seth: I don’t remember much from my childhood. You lose most after ascension. My favorite memory is when Osiris took me to the Oasis for the first time.

Osiris: That was a fun day. You had a smile from ear to ear. My favorite memory was when Seth got into the crossfire when Isis learned she could summon lightning. His hair stood up, and the tips of his hair were black. *chuckles*

Chapter 31: Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024



Chapter Text

Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Good day. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you two, and you as well maskedrider. I enjoy all the work you’ve done for your followers.

TheMaskedRider: Thanks! We’re glad to have you here.

Seth: A new guest?

Osiris: It seems like it. Not the usual we see.


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:I noticed that you guys don’t seem to have much knowledge about the myths that are about you in the mortal realm. I brought you a tome, detailing all of the myths known. Perhaps it will aid you. Or entertain you, we did have some interesting ideas. Have you heard the one where the fish ate your penis?

Osiris: The reason we don’t know much about those is that it hasn’t happened in our realm to even be told like that. From what I heard, the Osiris in your realm was cut into pieces by Seth because he was jealous, then drifted down the river. Then the penis story came about as entertainment for you mortals. However, that never happened here; Seth never killed me, and frankly, he couldn’t if he tried. So the story was never written down because it never happened.

Seth: I wish it did; I would have a field day about the penis eating fish.

Osiris: It sounds humiliating. However, we would love to read more of the myths from your realm and see what our other selves got themselves into.

Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024: I also thought you might be interested in some of the things that we think other pantheons have done. It makes your myths look tame. For example Enki was pregnant with eight, one child in his mouth, one in a tooth, one in a rib, one in each limb, and one in his head. Loki gave birth to an eight legged horse. Thor once disguised himself as a bride, and some dwarves sewed Loki’s mouth shut. Crazy stuff, huhh?

Seth: Loki gave birth to a seven-legged horse? Now that’s something I would love to hear about.

Osiris: Hm..the eight children being born from different body parts is interesting. Do the children have parts of Enki’s power or do they have their own?

Seth: Also, Thor disguised himself as a bride?! He never told me that story!

Osiris: probably for good reason.


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Seth, I was wondering if you had ever served on Ra sun boat.

Seth: I had served Ra for a little while, during the time Apep was causing a muck. He constantly tried to kill Ra, and I had to protect her. I was so tired after everything cooled off.

Osiris: He took a very long nap.

Seth: mhm…


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Osiris, I have a little wisdom for you. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If not, it was never meant to be.

Osiris: He does come back after his duties are over.

Seth: Because my son is here.

Osiris: You haven’t spoken to or even been around your son in years, and yet knowing this, you still return. I’m talking about before your pregnancy progressed to this stage.

Seth: Well! ...I…

Osiris: *chuckles*


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:I was wondering what happened with you and Isis. Our tales say that the two of you were deeply in love even in the womb. Was that not the case here? Do you still love her? Would/will you love her child?

Osiris: I loved Isis, but not in the way I love Seth. I still care about her even though she did just disappear, but I don’t know about her having a child. Unless she’s been with another god or someone else, the myths that were told depicted that because mortals thought we were basically made for each other.

Seth: I will never understand him.


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:What’s it like to ascend, is it painful? Do all gods loose their memories?

Osiris: Ascension is not supposed to be painful, but if you force a demi-god who is not ready to ascend, then yes, it is quite painful. Once you ascend, you lose the majority of your memories. You keep the acknowledgement of who your family is. It’s up to those who knew you to come around and help you remember what you were like as a demi-god. This can be difficult if, as a demi-god, you led a secret life and never told anyone. They may not remember that part of their life as the people they knew won’t ever come around in fear of being found out, or they never knew they were a demi-god in the first place.

Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Can mortals ever become gods? Can gods have children with mortals?

Osiris: Mortals cannot become gods, as they were never demi-gods at birth. However, gods can have children with mortals, though it’s not common. The child's ability to become a god would be left up to fate.

Seth: I have heard of other gods having children with mortals.


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Have you considered a nanny?

Seth: I’ve been thinking about it, but I always fear they may take the child or try to kill them while Im away. Mother's jitters, right?

Osiris: If we were to leave the child with someone, it would be a very trusted servant or a god we trust. Other than that, one of us would be around to take care of the child.


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Seth if you lived in modern times, what do you think you would do for work? You as well Osiris?

Seth: Hm… I don’t know. Anything that would deal with fighting, I suppose. Bodyguard maybe? Spy?

Osiris: I would work in finance or maybe modeling, but of course I would be the one who oversees the modeling. Maybe Seth would be my bodyguard or guard the models as they come in for their photoshoots.

Seth: Hm..keeping me close as always.

Osiris: *smiles*


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:🍀🌺🥬🐈⬛🐟 I gift these offerings to you. Thank you for your time. If I may have one final question?

Seth: It's a cat! How cute! I can also cook up these fish!

Osiris: The flora is wonderful. Thank you!


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:If I may have one final question?

Excellent, Seth, please leave for a moment.

TheMaskedRider: Come on, Seth!

Seth: Ugh… The baby is not agreeing with all this moving. *leaves the room*

Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024: Osiris, what in the Duat is wrong with you? Why did you have you hurt so many? Isis, Nephthys, Anubis, Seth, that god and their family, the ones you experimented on. Why? Do you not care? What if someone was doing it to you or your child? Have you no empathy? At least give Seth his son back. *shakes head

Osiris: Why do you always put my child in these scenarios? Do you mortals wish to see a young child put through these things? Sick. Also, Isis seemed to have run away on her own accord. I never hurt her; Nephthys was putting herself in pain; I simply took it away, and Anubis is missing. I have no idea where that child even is anymore.

Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Maskedrider Seth can return

Seth:Ugh…*walks in and sits down next to Osiris* Please, no more getting up…

Osiris: You won’t have to for a while, dear.


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Seth, my final question for you is have you ever thought about keeping writing down the stories of your battles ? People would love to read about your glorious adventures and battles. I’m sure Thoth would love to help you out.

Seth: Mmm, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea! I should write down all my battles.

Osiris: I could have them published if you wish.

Seth: I bet the humans would change them to make them sound more magical or something, but I’m used to it.

Osiris: I don’t know; maybe you would do that job for them.

Seth: Hey!

Chapter 32: ayaMASO 6


Happy to see you again!

Chapter Text

Ayamaso:To both : I'm back again, so how's everyone doing? /take a seat/ how are your morning sickness Seth? any better or God forbid...worse?

Seth: Awful… I feel like I’m puking up the whole desert. It’s also hard to sleep when the baby can’t seem to get comfortable.

Osiris: I always have a vase nearby for him to throw up in if he needs to. I also provide him with lots of pillows, as it seems the baby likes to be propped up with them.


Ayamaso:To Seth : Oh, in my realm, Sobek, Serket, and Wepwawet were also your children. And that you also married Neith,

Seth: Neith, huh? That’s interesting.

Osiris: I can see Sobek and Serket as your children.

Seth: What is that supposed to mean?

Osiris: Nothing, my dear.

Seth: *growls*


Ayamaso:To Seth : Remember about how the lettuce and yea...sem*n got you pregnant? Honestly, that happens because Horus, as in Osiris's son, your nephew and you got into a conflict to decide who to get to be the next ruler of Egypt, in some account .... yea, Osiris, you dead by Seth's hand who then chopped you up and throw your bodies into the Nile, anyway, where were we? ah, yes, the conflict, it was fierce but also fair considering you murdered Osiris. All well, until, idk, some account says you sexually assault Horus, but some of the account says you asked him to have sex with you, which he agreed to on the condition that you gave Horus some of your strength, but this would puts Horus in danger, because in Egyptian tradition sem*n is a potent and dangerous substance, akin to poison. Some text said that your sem*n did enter Horus's body but he thwart it by catching your sem*n in his it didn't enter his body, you know, um, Horus pleasured himself, but the one who put your sem*n on the lettuce that you eat was Isis. And you get pregnant.

/take a deep breath/ your defeat was apparent because of it, you became pregnant and all, and gave birth to a golden disk? which is appear on your forehead, but in some text, it is said that Thoth takes the disk and places it on his own head. And in earlier account, it is Thoth who is produced by this anomalous birth. So... he is your child? kinda? head hurt.

Seth:uh….Thoth isn’t my kid; he’s older than me.

Osiris: What the actual f*ck?

Seth: My brain hurts...

Osiris: Mortals are strange when recording events...

Seth: I need a nap after that...


Ayamaso:To Seth : it is also said, that Horus might or might not injures or even steals your testicl*s...and you, damaged or tears out one of Horus's eyes, in some account...occasionally two eyes. The eye you stole then equated to the darkening of the moon 'cause one of Horus major role, is as a sky deity, so yea..

Seth: It sounds like I would do something like that, but I have no idea who Horus even is.

Osiris: Sounds familiar, though.

Seth: It does, doesn't it?

Ayamaso:Oh, in my realm, Ra is depicted as a male God... sibling of Apep, parents but also consort of Hathor. Bastet has a child, Maahes, have you met him/her?

Osiris: I can see Ra as a male. I mean, I bet their personalities wouldn’t change much, but a sibling to Apep? That would make things more complicated.

Seth: And Hathor’s consort? Hmmm... they are always around each other. I also have never met Maashes.

Osiris: I don’t think our Bastet has had them yet, or they have but didn’t tell anyone.

Seth: Probably not. She would have boasted about her kid by now.


Ayamaso:To all : I think that's it for today, I'm still trying to draw Seth and hopefully it would turn out as stunning as he is, so ciao~ and Seth... we humans do love affections /grins/ and can you tell the little one I say hello? I already adore them, and I hope they grow as strong, healthy, stunning as you, as wise and smart as Osiris. /bow/ hope we could meet again

Seth: I’ll be sure to mention you to the baby when it’s finally born. I also wish for them to be strong and healthy.

Osiris: I can’t wait to see the drawing of Seth as well.

Chapter 33: KreuzXHerz 3


Welcome back!

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Welcome back! Come and ask your questions!

KreuzXHerz:To Seth: How's the baby holding up?

Seth: Fine, but they are quite needy. I have to eat more often than I would like, and I can barely control the sand. The baby seems happy and healthy, but I’m always exhausted.


KreuzXHerz:To Osiris: Look, I get that you are happy you're gonna get a bunch of kids with Seth, but how in the Duat are you gonna handle when your kids demanded Seth's attention when you would always hog him all the time?

Osiris: I wouldn't deprive them of their mother. Me and Seth will spend quality time together when they take naps or sleep during the night. Having kids requires some sacrifice in terms of time, but it will be worth it.

Seth: Wow…that is unexpected coming from you.


KreuzXHerz:To Both: Is it true that you Egyptian gods originated trading card games and the Shadow Games itself?

Seth: Of course! We had to pass the time somehow, so we created games for us to play. You mortals picked up on some of it and even made some of your own.

Osiris: You mortals are quite creative, but of course the games between us gods are played quite differently.

Seth: I still can’t get over Ra throwing a tantrum and blinding Thoth for it.


Ayamaso:To Seth: You hate water right? Surely you can't get uncomfortable with oasis water. It is the body of water that accompanies the desert! Surely Ash's oasis water can't harm you.

Seth: I don’t hate water; I just hate when it gets involved in war and minor things. Simba, our cat, fell into the Nile, and I was powerless to do anything. I had to rely on Khnum to save him. Also, Oasis water never harmed me; it was actually soothing to bathe in.

Osiris: You always loved going to the Oasis because of it.

Seth: *nods* But why do you bring Ash up constantly?


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: Have you met Anat and Astarte? Goddesses of war in Canaan and Phoenicia respectively. Are they one of your old flames?

Seth: I have met Anat and Astarte. They truly value their work and love humans, but some don’t like Astarte. I also would not like to comment on my relationship to either of them.

Osiris: *raises an eyebrow*


KreuzXHerz:To Osiris: Be honest. If one of your children (probably a son) inherit Seth's combat prowess, good leadership skills, and comes up with great startegies, are going to give them Seth's duties while you would enjoy having their mother with you in the palace?

Osiris: I would give them most of Seth’s duties. I know Seth would hate being cooped up in the palace, so he would get to keep some of his duties, but he would remain mostly in the palace.

Seth: It’s better than being completely trapped in the palace, I suppose.


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: While you were together with Ash before you married Nephthys, did you give him your firsts like first kiss, secrets, etc? Is he one of the few who knew of the desert's secrets, mysteries, and treasures?

Seth: So what if he was my first kiss? Why does that even matter? And what if I did tell him some things? You mortals are so nosy!

Osiris: *huffs*

Seth: Jealous?

Osiris: Maybe…


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: If you were given a chance to love someone who isn't Nephthys, or/and Osiris, who would it be and why?

Seth: Wouldn’t you like to know?

Osiris: I would.

Seth: I don’t trust you with that kind of information.

TheMaskedRider: Answer the question.

Seth: Fine! It would be Ra. Ra was always supportive of me and believed in me when others wouldn’t. Happy?



If you have not read chapter 24 of The King's Rose Bush do not read nor go past this point!

Chapter Text


TheMaskedRider: You have been warned.


TheMaskedRider: Anyway, if you have been reading the Q&A posts, then you should have seen me setting up more chairs for a couple more characters. Well, now it’s time to introduce the characters, whom you will now be able to ask questions to.

Seth: More characters?

Osiris: I assume they are from our realm.

TheMaskedRider: I would like to introduce Anubis and Khnum!

Seth: Anubis!?!

Anubis: Hello father, it has been awhile, hasn’t it? *smiles down at Seth*

Seth: You look… so different… have you?

Anubis: Yes, I have ascended. I am sorry to say that it happened outside of the palace.

Seth:No, no, it’s fine; I’m glad you remember me.

Anubis: How could I forget my father?

Khnum: *hiding behind Anubis*

Osiris: It's... nice to see you two again.

Anubis: Uncle…

TheMaskedRider: Take a seat, you two. I would settle in because I have a feeling you will be bombarded with questions.

Khnum: Oh boy…*sits far from Osiris and Seth*

Anubis: *takes a seat near Seth* I don’t mind.

Osiris: *glares at Anubis*

TheMaskedRider: Alright, guests! You know what to do!

Chapter 35: Anubis_Avatar 4



Chapter Text

Anubis_Avatar:Hello, I’m back. And calmer, I have camomile tea, see? Thank you maskedridder for having me again.

I was wondering, do demigods always know that they are demigods? Like, what if they were orphaned, or grew up alone or something? Could they ascend and just be like, look at that, I’m a god?

Seth: Well, I figured they would believe something is off about them as demi-gods once you start learning about your abilities. However, if one were able to live without accidentally using their abilities, they could possibly ascend, which would cause major problems. If the demi-god grew up in a horrible condition, they may ascend and have the desire to kill humans or become a cruel god, even if their title is meant to help humans. Take Osiris for example: if he was abandoned at a young age and grew up not knowing who he was, then after his ascension he could possibly become a cruel god, and since he’s the god of life, we would be powerless to stop him. Now if he didn’t become cruel, it would be hard to work with him as he wouldn’t know what to do or wouldn’t trust other gods.

Osiris: They also may not ascend, as, depending on their lives, they would not have the perfect mind to ascend. It really is up to fate.


Anubis_Avataer: Did you know that in our real some of you guys have animal heads? Seth you have the head of a sha, Thoth has an ibis head, Anubis has a jackal head, and ra had a falcon head.

Seth: Do you mean in the drawings or actually in person? If it’s the drawings, then yeah, humans draw me with a sha head because I wear this headdress constantly. The same is true for others who have animal-like headdresses. Now, if you mean in person, then that is interesting.

Osiris: I would seem to have stayed the same.

Seth: Go figure.


Anubis_Avatar: Seth, does the baby like it when you manipulate sand? Does if seem to calm down when you are around sand? Perhaps it will like sand.

Seth: When I’m in the desert, I feel calm, and I can feel the baby become calm as well. When I use my sand to create things, the baby overwhelms me with a sense of wonder. I can barely control my sand now because all of my energy is going to the baby, but I always like to do some tricks to entertain my child.

Osiris: How sweet. *smiles*


Anubis_Avatar:Osiris, you had a lot of roles in my realm, god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation do you have all of those here? Seth, you were also known as a trickster god and a storm god in my realm. Any truth to that?

Osiris: Yes, I have all those titles, but I don't do much with the dead. I do deal with complications that arise in Duat’s river, but I mostly leave it to the death gods. Everything else you mention, I do have as a title.

Seth: I can control storms sometimes, but that’s when I’m really pissed off. Like "You just killed my friend," pissed. I can’t make storms with rain or anything like Nut. I can sometimes control the lighting, but again, that’s when I’m pissed. Now being considered a trickster god? I guess that suits me. During wars, I often trick the enemy by transforming into beautiful women or animals that are important to their culture. I led them to their doom. I also sometimes prank my family, but not much anymore.


Anubis_Avatar:Seth, do you like to prank others?

Seth: Yes! It brightens my day, making someone make a fool of themselves and surprising a few. I don’t do it much anymore because I’m always busy, but when I get the chance, I just can’t help myself.

Osiris: When Seth was a demi-god, he would constantly prank his sisters and even me on some occasions.

Seth: *chuckles* I couldn’t help myself.

Anubis_Avatar:If you could prank one member of the palace, who would it be, please, answer both of you. How would you prank them?

Seth: probably Osiris, since he’s the only other god in the palace. I mean, humans are fun to mess with, but it’s easy to do that, and they don’t dare prank you back. Honestly, I would probably put weed in Osiris’ tea and laugh at the stupid sh*t he did when he was high.

Osiris: *rolls eyes and chuckles* I would prank Seth for the same reason. I would make him think Thoth had brought him honey cakes. Then, when he would take a bite of the cakes, a foul smell would fill his nose as he just bit into a durian. Also, the mixture of sweet, juicy taste and soft cake would also make a bad combo.

Seth: You monster!


Anubis_Avatar: So have you started the nursery yet? Have you told anyone about the baby yet? What do you want baby’s first words to be? Ohh, you should get a kitten to grow up with the baby. They could be best friends.

Osiris: No, we haven’t made a nursery. I was actually hoping to keep the baby close by; I don’t feel comfortable leaving a newborn alone. We also haven’t told anyone about the baby yet, as per Seth’s wishes.

Seth: hmph.

Osiris: I would like the baby’s first words to be dada but mama would also do.

Seth: We should get the baby a kitten! Anubis had one when he was young, and they would keep each other's company.

Osiris: We’ll see.


Anubis_Avatar:Now I know that I said no violence, and that I am calmer. But can I poke you Osiris? It would satisfy my thirst for violence. And it would make me so happy.

Osiris: *sighs* sure.

*Anubis_Avatar pokes Osiris arm*

Osiris: Are you happy now?


Anubis_Avatar:I figured that I would give you a weird plant fact. The largest flower is called the death flower. It’s massive, the size of a grown man, but it smells like death and uses flys to pollinate.

Osiris: Huh, that sounds intriguing. I wonder if I could grow such a plant.

Seth: I don’t want the palace to smell like death, Osiris.

Osiris: I will keep it contained, I promise.

Seth: Tch.


Anubis_Avatar:Oh my, more guests? How exciting. This just made my day.

Khnum, have you noticed the Nile struggling at all with Isis’s absence, or have you had to do more without her presence?

Khnum: I have had to take on more of the work to keep it stable. It’s been awhile since I had so much responsibility. There are times when it does not flood on command, but I manage to get it under control. The other river gods have been a big help.

Anubis_Avatar: How are you feeling khnum, I understand you recently had a bout of I’ll health. I hope you are feeling much better.

Khnum: I feel much better, thank you. I’m glad that Hathor found me when she did, or I fear I would not be here.

Seth: What happened?

Khnum: A lot...happened *glances at Osiris* I don’t wish to talk about it.


Anubis_Avatar: Anubis, it is so delightful to see you my lord! Are you glad to be back? We’re you surprised to find that you were a death god? Did you suspect that your powers would lean that way?

Anubis: Being in the desert really changes you. I had much to reflect on and think about, but I also met someone who helped me remember myself. I did not expect myself to be a death god, as I didn’t like to kill; this was especially true when my father took me hunting. My abilities did not hint at what I would become, but I did not expect this either.

Seth: Nor did I, *looks up at Anubis* I was expecting you to become a god like your mother. You had a gentle soul like her. However, I’m still proud of you.

Anubis: Thank you, father.


Anubis_Avatar:Anubis, are you excited to be a big brother? Will you show the little one how to fight? I know you will protect it.

Anubis: I did not know my father was pregnant until recently, and it was... * Glares at Osiris* Quite shocking.

Khnum: Seth is pregnant?????

Seth: It’s a long story...

Anubis: However, I am quite excited to have a sibling. However, I won’t be the one to teach it to fight, as I believe my father would like to be the one to do so. I will, however, help them improve their skills. I will also protect them as they grow, it is to be expected.

Osiris: *huffs*


Anubis_Avatar:Khnum, have you ever traveled to other waters besides the Nile?

Khnum: I tend to stay in the Nile, as that is where I am the strongest and the safest. I have once or twice accidentally gone into the Mediterranean Sea.

Seth: *chuckles*

Anubis: That sounds like quite a predicament to be in.

Khnum: It was! I could barely keep myself collected!


Anubis_Avatar:Thanks for having me. Hope to see you again soon. Seth, me and my lord enjoy these talks and can’t wait to meet the baby. It’s gonna be so cute, bet it’s gonna be a little red head! Osiris, ta.

TheMaskedRider: Hehe, I know what it will look like.


Anubis: I hope it looks like Father... and not like him.

Osiris: *glares at Anubis* Watch yourself.

Seth: Both of you cool it.

Khnum: *staying out of it*

Chapter 36: macario2



Chapter Text

macario:well well well... look what the cat dragged in.. Me. the cat dragged me in.

TheMaskedRider: Odd way to enter this realm, but welcome anyway!


Macario:or Seth: if you could, where you go? not to even escape green m&m over there but like traveling.

Seth:hm.. Probably to a beach far away from here. I always feel safe when I'm around sand. However, I would like to explore America, as you mortals call it. Never been out west before.

Anubis: Maybe we could take a trip together.

Seth:That would be wonderful!

Osiris: *glares at Anubis*


Macario:For Seth: were you ever a mama's boy or a papa's boy? both, neither?

Seth:Neither, if I'm being honest. I don't have a good relationship with my parents like my siblings do. If I were to be trapped in a room with one of them, I would rather it be with Nut than Geb.

Anubis: Why is your relationship so strained?

Seth: I don't want to get into it...


Macario:For Orisis: Who's soul would you harvest to ensure the best offspring? I'd go for Ra but i dont know about you!

Osiris: I would say Ra; however, you can't take the souls of important gods. It could mess up the balance of the world. The offspring may also inherit the personality of the god, so you have to choose wisely. I would say Satet.

Khnum:what?!? Not her!

Osiris: This is not your decision, Khnum.


Macario:For Anubis: you're gonna be a big brother! how does that feel?

Anubis: Strange, as my father is the one giving birth.

Seth: If you ascended, do you know...

Anubis: I know you are not my biological father, but I don't see Osiris as my father. You raised me, and I've only ever known you as my father.

Seth: *smiles*

Osiris: How did you remember all this, hm?

Anubis: from a friend

Osiris: Oh, really?

Chapter 37: lil_mary64



Chapter Text

lil_mary64:Hi guys, hope you're doing well (author too ofc)? I'm gonna be quick, I swear!

TheMaskedRider: We’re all doing fine, so take your time!


lil_mary64:To everyone: What do you think and what do you feel for your version of Hathor? In our realm she has a lot more titles other than goddess of love and beauty and such are joy, music, dance, motherhood and fertility. She's basically the god of what makes life worth living, she feeds the souls of the dead and the new human Pharaohs with her milk, but the brighter the light darker the shadows and Hathor, too, has a side unknown even to herself... does a certain story about "the destruction of humanity" ring a bell to you?

Khnum: I knew Hathor was into things, but feeding souls and Pharaoh's milk?

Anubis: All I can say about ours is that she’s nice, but she often acts like her mother. Childish.

Seth: She’s fun to be with at parties and a good person to go to for love advice. I mean, she is a love god. I have also heard about the destruction of humanity.

Osiris: She is... what I like to call eccentric. Her behavior can change in the blink of an eye, and like her mother, she holds many secrets that she likes to dance around.


lil_mary64:To Osiris: You only have the right to rule over Egypt thanks to Isis, who was able to have Ra give away her true name: the scriptures say you became king *after* marrying Isis as she possessed the legitimate power to rule. Shouldn't you be afraid of Ra trying to overtake your position now that you can't hide behind Isis' power over her? Shouldn't you fear Sekhmet's absolute loyalty to her mother and the power she has over destruction? After all, even the almighty god of life can't perform miracles. To make matters worse, what if Isis were to come back to Heliopolis and reclaim the throne for herself OR a possible child? The gods live in a matrilineal society and since your new partner is a male (unable to conceive without external support) who hasn't an advantage against Ra (he has no power over her) *exactly* like you, shouldn't you resign the crown and give it back to Isis?

Osiris: It is true I became Pharaoh because of Isis, but I held the throne on my own. I have grown stronger since then, and I could take on Ra if I wanted to. I am not the supreme god for nothing. And about Isis coming back with a potential child, the child wouldn’t take the throne. Seth is able to give birth to children even if he needs a soul. He only needs the components of the soul; after that, the gift I gave him takes over and creates our blood child. He is pregnant with my blood child. We’re also getting married soon, so the child wouldn’t be illegitimate. My child will have the right to the throne. Also, the humans have a bad opinion of her, so if she were to take the throne, the humans would possibly revolt. Even the gods would be on her side. How would I even know the child she brings back is even mine? I never gave her my seed, and if it did happen to be my child, they would have to challenge me.

Anubis: You seemed to have planned this perfectly, huh?

Osiris: Whatever do you mean?


lil_mary64:To Seth, but let's get Osiris out of the way first.
Hathor has obviously taken a liking to you and you also mentioned feeling something you have craved for so long from Nephtys (who I assure loves you truly, just... she's not exactly where you can reach her easily), do you wish to start a real friendship—or more— with her? Hathor's a beautiful sweet caring girl, Khnum knows for sure, I suggest you ask him yourself since he had a chance to be under her care ;)

Khnum: Nothing happened! She took care of me when I was ill!

Seth: What I meant then was that I felt true emotion coming from Hathor. I loved Nephthys, but I have to admit there were times where I could tell she was forcing emotion. I felt no spark from her, and I thought I wasn’t doing enough. Hathor made me feel like my actions mattered to her and were not just something I did because I had to do it, like a job. I would love to be friends with her, but I doubt a romantic relationship would start. She isn’t the type of girl to stick with the man she’s married to.


lil_mary64:That's all from me. Have a nice day, my Lords and interviewer :)

TheMaskedRider: Have a wonderful day!

Chapter 38: Horus Pubic Hair and Update


We're back! Sorry for the long wait, a lot has happened over the past few months. Now we're back and I wanted to start off with this question before I go back to answer the rest that were unanswered.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: We’re back! I saw this question and I wanted to answer it first because some might also want to know. Other questions not answered will be answered over the week. I am so sorry for the late responses! So let’s get started.

HPH: a question for TheMakskedReader: i'm a little confused about their appearance, not because they sound bad- but I wanted to know how tall or whatever their physical appearance is compared to their parents sense I wanted to make a fanart for this fic but my monke brain isn't working. we know that about semut till now that he's a Lil taller than seth, but I wanted to know how our twin girls and Ayman are compared to them, also does semut have long hair like seth? Does Ayman also have long hair now? Did any of the kids inherit Seth's plump lips? Does Semut have a lean built like him or a bulkier one like Osiris? Are khaa and erket as tall as their mother or their aunty's (nephyts / Isis)

TheMaskedRider: First let’s talk about Ayman *drags Ayman in by the ear*

Ayman: Ow Ow ow!

TheMaskedRider: Ayman is as tall as his father which is about 6’2 if I am correct. He had green skin like his father and red eyes. He inherited his father’s lips to his dismay and he also has the same body work, or muscle mass, as Osiris. I cannot reveal his face as that will come closer to the end of the series so no hair info or facial features sorry, however I can describe his clothes. His shendyt is made up black silk and one end is longer than the other. He wears a headdress like his mother! Imagine the skull of an Egyptian vulture with black cloth woven into the base of the skull that hands down around his neck and shoulders like his mother’s. He doesn’t wear a Usekh collar, which is controversial too many of the gods but the goddesses don’t mind. However, the cloth is much longer than his mother’s for….reasons. *shoves Ayman away*


TheMaskedRider: Next we have the twins Ekert and Khaa *pulls them in*

Ekert: What the f*ck?

Khaa: Wha!

TheMaskedRider: Ekert is the oldest of the two if you didn’t know. The two are the same height, and they are also the same height as Seth, much to his dismay. They both have black hair and black eyes just like Osiris, but have fair white skin like Seth. You’ll be happy to know they did inherit their mother’s lushish lips. However, don’t be fooled by their pretty looks, because they are muscular women. Seth trained them since they were young and they built up some muscle but if you stood far away you believe they were slim. Ekert likes to hold her hair up in a ponytail while Khaa prefers it to let it hang all down. Khaa wears clothing like Nephthys but her Usekh was a lot smaller with not a lot of jewels. Her father gave her that outfit, oddly enough. Anyway, Ekert’s clothing was a lot more revealing than Sekemet's, but her clothing was made of black cloth, and she didn’t wear a headdress like Sekhmet. Instead, she had jewels encircling her head, mostly rubies. Her personality is also similar to that of her aunt Sekhmet, which is probably because she and Sekhmet prank others together. Khaa is sweet and kind like Nephthys, but she also joins in their fun. *shoves them away*



The Masked Rider: Finally, we have Semut! *drags him over*

Semut: Please do not touch me.

TheMaskedRider: Semut has short, curly hair like his father but it’s bright red like his mother. He inherited his mother’s plump lips as well, but he also got his attitude. He got his smarts from Osiris, well at least his snobbiness of his brain.

Osiris: i’m not snobby

Ayman, Ekert, Khaa, Semut: Yeah you are.

TheMaskedRider: Anyway…. Semut is only slightly taller than Seth but he is still growing. He has red eyes, some argue brighter than Seth's. He has a wide mouth like a crocodile with really sharp teeth. He actually straightened his teeth himself because some used to jut out like real monsters but now he can close his mouth. He wears a white veil to cover it when he’s in public and he also has a white shendyt like his father but not as long. His Usekh collar is also small as he doesn’t like to be restricted. It has no jewels, it’s just made of gold. When he is alone in his room he likes to take his veil off and work. Also he has the temper Isis *shoves Semut away*


TheMaskedRider: Some images will be provided below and labeled to help further your understanding of their looks. Let’s move on.


HPH: For Seth: do you remember anything from your past? Do you think that you should be remembering someone but you cant? Have you ever heard about Horus? In my world he is seen as the 5th child of geb and nut and your twin. Also how do you feel about Ayman coming back? Do you want to have days long chat with him about where he went or what he missed when he was away? Did you give him a scoldeding for being away for so long?

Seth: I don’t know who Horus is. However, that name sounds oddly familiar. If I’m being honest I do believe I should be remembering someone, but it just doesn’t come to me. Maybe because you guys have mentioned him before. Also, he was a sibling of mine in your world and a twin at that? Huh…. And on the note about Ayman, I am so glad he’s alive. I am never letting him out of my sight again, never ever! And of course I gave him a good scolding! How could he run away from home like that huh?! However, I didn’t ask much of why or where he went because I don’t want any bad memories to resurface.


HPH:For Osiris: not a question, but imagening you with hair (which you well, do have now) is weird because seeing you with the atef on feels like it's a part of your head, and if you take it off, your head will be in the shape of the atef like a rotten green egg.

Also, do you still have your laboratory? Did you do any further experiments to find out why Semut ate a whole human and never got hungry again? Also, I'm hoping your laboratory burns down, crashes in an earthquake, floods,and has worms grow into it. And I hope it happens to every single laboratory of yours.

Osiris: It is also weird for me to have hair as well, but Seth seems to like it, so I will keep it. It does get hot sometimes under the Atef, but it’s all worth it in the end. I like it when he combs through it. *hums*

Osiris: Now, about my laboratory, sure, I do have it, but I rarely use it nowadays. I think I do believe I understand why Semut had eaten that human, mainly due to his instability. Well, why should I tell you? I don’t want some human spreading rumors about my son eating someone. And what if he gets hungry again? It’s not like we would know.

Ayman: Uh, can someone get Semut to STOP BITING MY ARM?

Seth: Tugs on Semut’s arm. *Please, Semut, let go!

Semut: *growls and sinks teeth into Ayman’s arm*

Ayman:This doesn’t hurt, but I don’t like the feeling of his tongue.

The Mask Rider: Hold on a second.


TheMaskedRider: Continue.

HPH: Also, how do you feel about Ayman now? Are you mad at him for having the souls with him? How are you going to get rid of the souls? Are you going to experiment on your own son? Are you going to hurt him if he tries to fight back because you are going to experiment on him?

Osiris: I could never be mad at my son; the souls have attached themselves to him, and I’m determined to get them off. I also would never experiment on my own son; I just plan on getting pieces of that headdress of his. Now, if I have to retain him to get some, I will, but I will never do such a thing!

Ayman: If you touch me, I will tear your eyes out and shove them up your ass.

Osiris: Just like his mother.


HPH:For Anubis, if you were to get along with any of your new siblings, who would you get along with the most? This also includes Horus.

Also, you are the god of the dead. I wonder what Duat looks like. I mean, I have heard it's like the overworld, but does it smell like rotting corpses and the screams of the demons and dead?

If you were to judge Osiris, how and what would you do to him? Also, how much does killing a god and messing with the order of the cycle of life and death mess up the balance of the universe, or how much does it affect duat?

Anubis: I would have to say I would get along with Khaa the most. She’s super sweet, and even if she’s mischievous, sometimes she always helps out. Ayman is a bit... terrifying, and Horus is still too young to tell. Ekert creeps me out, and Semut is something. Now, regarding Duat, it’s kind of barren. I mean, there are hills and weeds as far as I can see, and the river of souls is just loud—so many screams and cries. Surprisingly, though, it doesn’t smell at all!

The Masked Rider: Osiris didn’t die and made Duat a wonderful place full of life, as told.

Anubis: ok…? Anyway, if I were to judge Osiris, I would have cursed his soul to be tortured for the rest of eternity. Not even Ammit deserves to eat that filthy soul! Do you know how unbalanced Egypt is? I can feel the weight of it all already!

TheMaskedRider: I think Anubis needs a vacation.

Anubis: I do!


HPH:For Khnum: Are you and Anubis dating now? Are you going to get to see both of your babies?

Khnum: What?! No, no, it’s not. *face turns red*

Seth slowly turns to look at Khnum.

Khnum:Seth, listen! I swear we’re not dating!

Ayman: You’re not?

Khnum: Who are you? Look, even if we were dating, we couldn’t even have children!

Osiris: Seth did.

Khnum: BECAUSE YOU… *takes a deep breath* I also need a break*gets up and leaves*

Ayman:They totally f*cking


HPH:For TheMakskedReader again, is Ayman's soul really split into two parts? Is it like dual personalities, and does he have any control over it or is it random, and even if he does have control, can he lose his sh*t and go beserk? Also, does his not showing his face to Seth have a reason, or was it just like that?

TheMaskedRider: It’s not exactly split into two. Let me provide an example. Your best friend just killed someone. On one hand, this best friend has been there for you since you were little, but they just killed someone who had a family and did nothing wrong. Would you turn them in or help them hide the body? This is the dilemma Ayman has. On one hand, his father tortured, killed, and experimented on millions of souls to find a way to make Seth have the ability to give birth. He should be punished; however, Osiris is his father, one who took care of him and protected him all his life. He knows he should get vengeance for the souls, but it’s his dad! The souls often take control of his body, but it has yet to be seen if they can actually do harm to anyone.

Also, he doesn’t show his face because... it is quite difficult to take his headdress off, and he also doesn’t like showing his face a lot.


DO NOT WORRY pervious questions will be answer through out this whole week. If you had posted a question over the past few months, your questions will be answered.

Chapter 39: KreuzXHerz 4


Welcome back!


Sorry for such a late response, we hope you see these answers.

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: Sorry for the late responses! We are trying to pick it back up, so go ahead and ask.

KreuzXHerz:To Anubis: Welcome back, Anubis! How would you feel if your future siblings run around you, tugging you from both sides to either play with them?

Anubis: I would find it adorable, and I would certainly play with them if I had the time. I’ve always wanted siblings, as I always wanted someone to play with me while my father and mother were busy. Just imagining it makes me so happy!


KreuzXHerz: To Seth: If you are looking for a marriage prospect for Anubis, would he marry amongst his siblings or one of your old flames?

Seth: I don’t know if I could ever dictate my son’s heart. I mean, some of my old flames would either be too radical or political for his taste. I don’t mind if he marries one of his siblings, as long as their love is true. If anything, I would let him marry anyone, apart from Ra and Sobek. Ra and Sobek are too open with their relationships, and I would hate to see my son get his heart broken!


KreuzXHerz: To Khnum: Welcome back! Are you well? Is the Nile still running smoothly?

Khnum: It’s flowing as smoothly as I can get it. I am still recovering, but Isis and Anubis have been a great help in my recovery.

Anubis: *thumbs up*

Khnum: Though I still sometimes get a really bad headache every now and then, causing the Nile to flood just a little bit.


KreuzXHerz: To Anubis: As God of Death, is cremation a sacrilege to the Egyptian funerary rites, or no?

Anubis: What is…cremation?

TheMaskedRider: The burning of a body into ash

Anubis:What?! You can’t do that! If you don’t have a body, your soul will become lost, and you will never experience duat! Just because you can no longer stay within it, you still need it as a home! Who would ever burn a body?!


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: (whispers to your ear) Hey, if you had an eldest daughter and a youngest son, and she developed obsessive feelings for him, will you dissuade her from pursuing her youngest brother so history does not repeat itself?

Seth: Of course! I would help her process her feelings in a healthy manner and court him properly. If he did not wish to be with her, I’d help her understand that it’s his decision and she must respect it. It’s never okay to let an obsession grow because it brings about consequences. *glances at Osiris* I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if she ever did something to her brother like what happened between me and Osiris.


KreuzXHerz:To Osiris: For all the effort to have Seth as your spouse and the children you want to have with him, I couldn't help but feel a premonition in my sixth sense telling me something is going down in the future. A (rightful) ursurper will cut you down to size and seize the thrown, your childrens' fate will be at their mercy, and Seth will be embraced in the arms of another. Any thoughts on this, pharaoh?

Osiris: That will never happen. Some prophecies come true, but many do not. The one you seemed to have described will never happen because I will protect my family. My children will be in the safe care of their mother, and I will be there for them all. No one will hole my seth, and no one will take the throne. The humans won’t accept a new pharaoh as easily after the advancements and benefits Egypt has had under my rule. Do not spout such nonsense.


KreuzXHerz:To Seth: You mentioned in my previous questions that some mortals don't like Astarte. What's with that?

Seth: To humans she is a wise goddess, and in most cases, that’s true, but let’s just say she’s more...blunt than most would like her to be.


KreuzXHerz:To TheMaskedRider: Thank you for having me again.

TheMaskedRider: We love answering your questions; we’re just sorry for such a late response.

Chapter 40: OGCaleHenituse


SORRY we're back I'm slowly working my way through the ones I haven't responded to so be patient. I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIt.


Seth: About time

TheMaskedRider: LIFE SUCKS OK?

Chapter Text

TheMaskedRider: We’re back! So sorry for the heavy delay just trying to get through life!

Osiris:You act like you humans have so much work.



OGCaleHenituse: I wanted to ask Isis if she hates Seth for taking her husband?Or does she hate Osiris cause possibly this whole story is Osiris fault that green bean doesn't deserve Seth.

Isis:hm…I don’t really harbor hate towards Seth because I don’t believe he purposely went after Osiris. Not from…what I have seen. The way my brother acts I bet is for the sake of himself as the gods here are not quick to believe him on things. I do blame Osiris for doing such things and causing the world to become unbalanced. He has messed with the laws of nature and I can feel Maat’s peace fading as we speak.

OGCaleHenituse:You know just wanted a story between Seth and Isis where she isn't so blinded with Osiris possible manipulation or what she calls love.

TheMaskedRider: If that’s a fic suggestion I can assure you that I will probably make one. I already made one called Magic and War but it’s a gender swap so if you are looking for something different just let me know!


OGCaleHenituse:And I know it's not a question but I wanted to day to Osiris that even Shrek looks better than you. 😂😂

Osiris: Who is Shrek?

TheMaskedRider: Popular Disney character.

Osiris:What’s a Disney character?

TheMaskedRider:I am not doing the history of Disney…moving on…


OGCaleHenituse:Also ask Seth if he hates Osiris?

Seth: I do it’s just more complicated I would say now. I really don’t know how to explain it but it’s just something that has…evolved into something different.

Osiris:Love perhaps?

Seth:Don’t push it…

Chapter 41: System_87CEEB


HELLO thank you for asking questions, so glad to have you here!

Chapter Text

System_87CEEB:I like drama so...

Seth, what's it like to be an uncle?

Seth: Wait, I'm an uncle?

Osiris: He’s an uncle?


System_87CEEB:Osiris, do you know what therapy is?

Osiris: No I do not. What is that?

TheMaskedRider: Basically a professional in psychology, I think, helps you through your mental problems that you may have so that you can start the process of healing.

Osiris: Well I don’t have mental problems so I don’t see the point of that also why would I want a stranger telling me how I feel?


System_87CEEB:Osiris, what would you do if Isis somehow had a baby with you without your knowledge?

Osiris: That would get her in trouble to say the least if she ever came back. As long as she stays wherever she is with whatever child she had with some of my seed she stole she won’t have any issues. She’s smarter than most and even she knows this.

Seth:elbows Osiris*

Osiris: What??


System_87CEEB:Seth, I have a picture of new continents, it's not exactly accurate but it something.

The King's Rose Bush Q&A - TheMaskedRider (1)

The King's Rose Bush Q&A - TheMaskedRider (2)

Seth:What the f*ck??? What are these places?

Osiris: I wonder if there are any gods there, trades could be made.

Seth: This looks far away from Egypt, I don’t see how it would be possible to get all the way over there.

Osiris: You’re right, but it would be nice to visit one day.

Seth: *nods*

Chapter 42: Pei_Mings_Love_Child


Hello welcome welcomeee

Chapter Text

Pei_Mings_Love_Child:My friends, I am so glad to see you all again. I’m so excited to be here, yay!

TheMaskedRider: We’re so happy you’re here! So sorry for the wait TwT

Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Khnum, I was wonder, in my realm it is thought that you are the creator of the bodies of human children, which you make at a potter’s wheel from clay, and and place in their mothers’ wombs. You have also been said to create some of the other divine. I know children are important to you, is there any truth to you being the potter?

Khnum: Well I do love potter! I have made many creations but you humans saying I create human children and place them in mother’s wombs is something. That might have been because I gave a human mother a clay made statue of the child she had lost because I felt bad for her. She happened to get pregnant a while later so maybe that’s where the story comes from.

Anubis: You didn’t tell me you did potter…

Khnum: I didn’t think it was important to tell

Anubis: *wines*


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Hey, rider, can we whoosh Osiris out? He’s cramping my style. Thanks

TheMaskedRider: SHOOOOO

Osiris: Ok ok jeez…*leaves the room*

Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Now that big green bean’s out of the room, I was wondering how you, Khnum and Anubis, feel about how Osiris went about creating new life? Killing another god and all that.

Khnum:Is that who Seth’s four children were made!?

Anubis:Yes…he takes the key components of the soul from a god and he does something so my father can give birth using those components.

Khnum: That’s sick! I knew Osiris had gone mad but I could never see him doing something like that!

Anubis:I think my uncle has always been this…evil but no one could see past the mask he was able to hide behind.


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Anubis, Can I give you a hug? I have missed you so! I have been hoping for your return for so long. Do you know why you wandered the desert after you ascended? Do you think that you were drawn to it because of your father, Seth?

Anubis:Sure you can have a hug! *hugs Pei_Mings_Love_Child* But to answer your question, I wandered the desert after my ascension because it felt familiar and safe. I couldn’t remember who I was nor my recall memories but being in the desert made me feel safe. I do believe I was drawn to it because of my father. I always felt safe in his arms and I guess the desert was his embrace.


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Anubis, have you met any of the other death gods yet? Have you met Anput? In my world, she is your wife. Of course, you also have a brother in my world, Wepwawet. I don’t think that he exists here.

Anubis:No I have not met any other death gods yet…and Anput being my wife in your world is interesting. I hope to meet her one day but I have my eyes on someone different.

Anubis: also….I have a brother?!?!

Seth:Oh right…kinda forgot about him…

Anubis:I HAVE BROTHER!?! *looks at Seth*

Seth:That was…long ago Anubs, he’s been a god for a while. He’s technically your half brother since I think he’s actually mine and Nephthys.




Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Seth, are you excited for grand babies? Hehe, Bet you can’t wait for grand babies. Ohh, If Anubis hurries up and has a baby soon, then they could grow up with your baby! How cute would that be!! Babies!!

Seth:It’s too early for grandbabies! My son is still young! However, Yes I would love grandbabies.

Anubis: I don’t think….me and Khnum can have a child without…doing what Osiris did.

Khnum:But we’re happy even without a child.

TheMaskedRider: I could make them have a spell baby…

Anubis: What?

Khnum: Say that again?


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:You know, I think that Khnum and Anubis would be a cute pair. They would make some cute babies….Is there any romance in the air??

Anubis;heh, we can’t keep a secret can we?

Khnum: Yes we are a couple but we can’t have a child. I love children but even I know that would be impossible but adoption is an option.

TheMaskedRider: Spell babyyyyy


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Wait, did I ever invite Osiris back in? Well, he can return, I guess.

Osiris:Finally…*sists next to Seth* How’s the baby?

Seth:Calm…I don’t think you being gone would change anything hmph!


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Hi Grennie. Thank you for letting me poke you the other day. I was so much fun and made me giggle. So how many babies do you want? A gaggle? I would be very willing to babysit.

Osiris: 10


Osiris: I want 10, maybe more.


Osiris: It’s up for discussion. You babysitting would be dangerous because even as infants, demi-gods have the strength of an ox.


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Hey, I was wondering, have any of you ever met Khonshu, Mut’s kid? He’s been popular in my realm lately, so I was wondering what he is up to here. He has a bird skull for a head.

Osiris:Mut had a child?

Seth:I thought she was still childless.

Osiris: Well this is a different world we are speaking of so many ours has yet to do this.

Seth: Right…right.


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Everyone, there are so many gods in Egypt. How do you keep track of everyone. Do you just know who everyone is? Or is there a god in charge of keeping track of the gods. Or would that be Ra, or Thoth?

Seth: We kinda just know. We could forget a god exists then when we meet them we just know them. Now the records are kept by Bastet because she gets scrolls when a child of a god is born.

TheMaskedRider: So you guys have birth certificates?

Seth: I guess? Whatever those are…

Osiris: I have to remember everyone’s names however because if I didn’t then someone would get mad if I didn’t call them instinctively.

Anubis: I haven’t even met all the gods.

Khnum: Neither have I, I only know a handful.


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Got any good advice for Seth, Khnum, Anubis? Not sure on what, just got any advice?

TheMaskedRider: Is this a me question or are you asking them for advice? Cause I could tell them some important things but that would ruin the story so they’re giving you advice instead.

Seth: Don’t be afraid to take risks! Just make sure you have thought about those risks first and have a plan for when those risks lead to a mistake.

Khnum: Just like the Nile, go with the flow! No need to get hung up with every twist and turn there is in life.

Anubis: Treasure the short life you have, you only get one and you don’t want to waste it.


Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Khnum, I thought that you would like this one, you weren’t here for this. Anubis would likely get a good laugh out of it as well. In my realm, we have a tale about Osiris. Seth was mad at him, so he killed Osiris and chopped him up into into a bunch of little bits and dumped him into the Nile. Isis found those bits and put oriris back together, except she was missing one important piece. A fish had eaten his penis before she was able to put him back together so they had to carve him a wooden prosthetic one. He still somehow managed to get Isis pregnant, despite his lack of penis. I’m not sure why, but it seems like it was mostly Osiris, Seth, and Horus who got into trouble in my realm.

Khnum: Are you telling me Osiris’ penis is just floating in my waters in your world!?!



Anubis*Laughs and holds stomach*



Pei_Mings_Love_Child:Thank you all for having me here today. Maskedrider, we should have some more guests! I vote that THoth join us! It would be fun :)

TheMaskedRider: Well maybe you can now ask Seth’s children (if you have read more of the story that is by this time sorry for the wait again!)

Chapter 43: Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024 (2)


Welcome back friend!

Chapter Text

Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Hello and good days.

TheMaskedRider: Welcome back! Good to see you!


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Welcome back, Anubis. Are you glad to be back? Are you excited to be a god now? What is the most surprising thing about your ascension? What has changed the most, the least?

Anubis: Yes I am happy to have returned and yes I am excited about being a god. However, when I ascended I lost a good deal of my memories and wandered the desert for a while. The only thing I can say is that when you ascend it feels…pleasurable I will say. I feel very powerful and taller yet I’m the same height as when I left that pit. I also feel like I am walking on air like the gravity has been lowered for me. However, I still have long hair and my appearance hasn’t changed much.

Khnum: You’re sexier than the last time I saw you

Anubis: *face turns red*

Seth: HEY


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Khnum, so glad to see you well and healthy again. You had many of us worried for some time. How has the Nile been? In the country I live in we have a great many rivers. I think you would like some of them. One of them is two thousand miles long. Of course, the Nile is much longer.

Khnum: I have gotten the Nile under control though it only was slightly out of hand because the other river gods weren’t use to being in full control of it. You have many rivers? What are their names and is it fresh or salt water that flows through them? I always wanted to know about other rivers and their gods!


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:I was also wondering, Khnum, have you ever gone over a waterfall?

Khnum: herm…not that I can remember no.


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Seth, how will you explain the baby and marriage to nephthys when she returns? Osiris, how will you explain to isis?

Seth: I don’t think Nephthys is leaving her cell at all…and I don’t plan on going back there. Too many painful memories for me to deal with and I rather just…focus on the baby.

Osiris: She left me alone for years so she should have expected this. I love my brother and I can’t be expected to be married to a woman for the rest of eternity who has disappeared. If she ever does return I will explain it and she can take it how she wants to.

Seth: Be nicer about it to her…


Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:Osiris, aren’t you still married to isis? So wouldn’t any child of yours that she has be legitimate? Does that worry you?

Osiris: I have gone through the paperwork to end that relationship. Usually it is for couples who’s partner has died but Maat made an exception for me because of the predicament. Her child would be illegitimate so no it doesn’t worry me.

Seth: She could say she is still the pharaoh and he would be legitimate through her position.

Osiris: Do you really think the gods are going to choose her after years of being gone and doing nothing?



Thoth_4_Pharaoh_2024:I have gifts for everyone.
Osiris. Here is a bonsai.

Osiris: I have never seen such a thing before. I will cherish it.

Seth. Here is a knit pair of booties and a knit hat for the baby, and a flamethrower.

Seth:Thanks for the booties and hat but I don’t think I can carry the flamethrower like I could before. Plus…Osiris would just regrow…

Khnum. Here is a book detailing all of the major water bodies of the world. It has lots of pictures. Also, here is a piece of ocean glass.

Khnum: EEEEE! I can’t wait to learn about the other waters! I also wonder how this glass was made! What did you humans do?

Anubis. Here is a very sharp sword coated in herbicide. Use it wisely. Also, a flamethrower. Thought you and your father could have the same weapon.

Anubis: Heh thank you but like my father said Osiris would just regrow and he’s an immortal god. Killing him is impossible…


Chapter 44: GodSlayer(2)


Welcome back! Just a few questions?

Chapter Text

GodSlayer:Hello, I have some gifts to bring for the new engaged couple, for osiris, a tree sampling of a fruit from the tropics called papaya, very healthy and sweet, good for alot of things. For Seth, some fine cloth that will not irritate the child skin.

Osiris: I can’t wait to grow this. Maybe we could eat a few and see if they are as sweet as the mortal says.

Seth: Maybe the baby will like it. Also thank you for the cloth, I will have to get it fitted when the baby is born.


GodSlayer:Now for my questions:
For Osiris : What does your hair look like? I have only seen you with a hat and im start to feel like its part of your head.

Osiris: I have dark black hair and it’s short as if it was any longer I would get too hot from wearing the crown. It curls to one side and it’s nothing special. I usually would go bald as custom but Seth liked the hair when we were younger so I grew it back.


GodSlayer:And my last question
Osiris: which gods are wearing wigs and which ones are not?

Osiris: From what I know most goddesses with short hair wear wigs but I only know that from Isis. I don’t plan to snoop and see if it’s true nor do I want to know if the Gods are bald or not. If you wish to snoop then be my guest but I don’t think any of the other gods would want a mortal to be pulling their hairs or taking off their crowns.


GodSlayer:Thank you for having and good luck with the baby.

Seth: Thank you…

Osiris: Gently rubs Seth stomach*

Seth: Don’t…wake…the…baby…or…else

Osiris: I won’t I promise *smiles*

Chapter 45: Khonshu kameleon (2)


Welcome back! So sorry for the wait!

Chapter Text

Khonshu kameleon:Hello divine friends! Masked rider thanks for having me back!

TheMaskedRider: We’re so glad you’re back!

Seth: Hiya

Osiris: *nods*


Khnum: Who are they again…sorry…


Khonshu kameleon:Khnum I was wondering if you had ever met Enki? Seems like the kind of god you would get along with.

Khnum: I have not…I don’t usually venture outside the Nile only when I have to do business in some of Egypts cities or my temples…


Khonshu kameleon:Khnum I am also wondering, are you just water or do you have a solid body? I imagine that just being water would make some things difficult, like sex. Or is it like Seth and you can be either?

Khnum: I can be either. I was born with a solid body and when I ascended I gained the ability to turn and control the Nile water. My cloak is just a never ending production of the Nile water but I can have sex normally.

Anubis; I think having sex in your water form would be interesting.

Khnum: Anubis not in front of the mortals!


Khonshu kameleon:Anubis have you met any of the other death gods? Like hades, the Morrigan, Pluto, or Lucifer? What about Ammit have you met her? Do you work with Maat and Thoth a lot? How have they been haven’t seen them lately.

Anubis: No I haven't met with the other death gods but I would like to when this is all over. I work with Maat and Thoth now for…something related to my father but outside of that not much. They are doing well and Maat still likes to tease Thoth once in a while.


Khonshu kameleon:Osiris why are you green? Are you ill, is your skin decomposing? Did you fall astray of a spell of have an accident with some dye? I mean it is an odd color to be and it’s not even green like plants it’s just sickly green.

Osiris: I was born with a darker skin tone like my father. When I ascended my skin turned green to represent my abilities as the god of life. I can change the pigment of my skin just like any god but I prefer this as you mortals perceive me as green anyway and there would be no use in changing that.


Khonshu kameleon:Seth do you find that the type of sand that you use makes a difference with your powers? For example desert sand or beach sand, sand that has rocks in it or shells or glass. Different colored sand. Wet sand, dry sand. Ohh here is a vial of black sand from a beach in Greece and another vial of green sand from Hawaii.

Seth: Desert sand is less dense I would say than beach sand. It feels lighter when I control it unlike beach sand. What’s in the sand doesn’t really affect my ability to control it. The color of sand also doesn’t matter however wet sand is only useful under water and dry sand is only useful above water. Dry sand can turn into wet sand easily but not in the reverse. I would love to see these black and green sand in the future.


Khonshu kameleon:Khnum what is your favorite aquatic animal

Khnum: I don’t…really pay attention to the aquatic animals in the Nile. That’s another god's job and since I don’t talk to many I kinda just ignore them. Though I have seen some pretty large fish before.


Khonshu kameleon:Osiris why do you seem to hate your sisters so much. If Isis were to have your child would you attempt to harm it or use it to have a child with Seth

Osiris: I don’t hate my sisters, it’s just they seem to like to get under my nerves that’s all. If Isis did have a child I guess it would depend on how she would raise it. If she raises it to go against me then maybe I will have to harm it but if she just raises it normally then she can do what she wants with it. I wouldn’t dare use a demi-god soul to make a child with Seth, too unstable.

Seth: You would hurt a child!?

Osiris: You killed many soldiers, probably leaving many children in the enemy's lands fatherless. You hurt children mentally.

Seth: I….um…oh…

Osiris: It’s ok, don’t feel bad you couldn’t have helped it.


Khonshu kameleon:Anubis does the fact that your new sibling came about through murder bother you?

Anubis: It does, in fact my father being able to give birth bothers me. It goes against the laws of nature and my father didn’t do it by choice. It sickens me really and Osiris needs to pay for his crimes.


Khonshu kameleon:Anubis do. You want a brother or a sister?

Anubis: I don’t really care for the gender. I always wanted a sibling and getting one makes me happy enough.


Khonshu kameleon:Seth do you want a boy or a girl?

Seth: I don’t care for the gender, I will love them either way. Having a girl will be different and I’ll feel awful because I don’t know much about girl things or what I would teach her. I would of course do my best and ask goddesses for help. Again, I don’t care about gender.

Chapter 46: the_divine_feline



Chapter Text

the_divine_feline:Hi so first off, I love your work maskedridder you supreme writer you. I look forward to your updates.

TheMaskedRider: aww shucks you’re making me blush. Thanks for reading.


the_divine_feline:I am so glad to see everyone here today. Mostly. I could do without you, Osiris, you make the my hair stand on edge. Don’t know why, there is just something about you….

Osiris: you should fear me, I am the supreme god after all.

Seth: No mortal here…really fears you…


the_divine_feline:Anyway, I was wondering if you all could tell me how have things been at the palace? Why is it just Osiris and Seth there? Do none of the other gods live there? Where do they live? In temples?

Osiris: It’s just me and Seth that live in the palace. It used to be us and our sisters but of course things happen. The other gods have their own temples they stay in and all agreed the supreme god gets the palace.

Seth: After Isis secured the palace we all just decided to live together and move in.

Anubis: I used to live in the palace but you know…a lot has happened and if I was to return I would be in danger.

Khnum: I live on a small island in the middle of the Nile. I love the outdoors!


the_divine_feline:Khnum, are you married? Involved? Is there a special someone in your life?

Khnum: No, I'm not married but…I have grown fond of Anubis. I think all you mortals have realized this now.

Seth: Don’t you do anything funny with my son!


the_divine_feline:Anubis, do the jackals respect you now? What is the hierarchy of the death gods? Who is in charge down there?

Anubis: The jackals follow my orders, I basically command them. However, I have no clue of the hierarchy in Duat quite yet. Once everything settles and I finally take my place there I’ll learn it all from another death god.


the_divine_feline:Seth, how has the desert been since the baby?

Seth: pretty calm but something a few storms kick up. That’s…most likely due to my mood swings which I apologize to the other gods and humans for. They seem understanding.

Osiris: They should be…


the_divine_feline:How has Thoth’s prophecy impacted your thoughts on future children, Osiris?

Osiris: I can’t wait to see my children grow however I don’t think one is from Seth. I don’t know exactly but if it’s the child of who I think it is I need to be on my guard…


the_divine_feline:Speaking of Thoth, do you think that he knows the truth about everything that is happening? He knows all.

Osiris: Thoth is the most clueless god I know. Just because he can peek into the future doesn’t mean he knows all. He barely even looks through the moon because his focus is on Maat. It’s quite laughable really saying he knows all. A wisdom god? Hardly.


the_divine_feline:Are you worried for sobek, how is he? How is Hathor?

Anubis: I will assume this is for me but no I’m not worried for Sobek, he’s fine and he is…very annoying like always. Hathor is doing fine but I think her and Horus don’t see eye to eye much.

Chapter 47: Knnibrown


Hello! A few questions I see.

Chapter Text

Knnibrown:To Seth : What do you think your future relationship with your future child?

Seth: I will be a proud parent and have a magnificent god for a child. They will be strong and no matter what their godship is I will always love them. I am so excited to finally meet my little one!

Osiris: As am I.


Knnibrown:To Anbuis : how would you describe you and your mothers relationship right now?

Anubis: I…don’t know where my mother is really. I miss her truly but I still have so many questions. Right now I say we are distant but I like to think she is thinking of me wherever she is.

Chapter 48: Sha_of_the_sand



Chapter Text

Shad_of_the_sand:Hola. Seth, I am thrilled to be here in your presence. If I may, how many little ones do you want? Or is Anubis and this one enough for you?

Seth: Well I figured Anubis was the last one but I guess one more wouldn’t hurt. I love kids. I just didn’t expect to be giving birth to one. I don't want 10 like Osiris. I think this one will do just fine.


Shad_of_the_sand:Khnum, do you prefer to be in the water or on land

Khnum: Water. I have more control and I am at the advantage in the water. The land I feel like I’m always drying up even though I’m fine and I can’t move around as quickly as I can in the water.


Shad_of_the_sand:Anubis , please let me know, was it frightening ascending and winding up in the desert

Anubis: It wasn’t frightening to ascend but it was a bit scary when I awoke. I had no clue who I was and what I was meant to do at the start. I wandered the desert because it felt comforting and I found myself after a while. I’m ok now thanks for asking.


Shad_of_the_sand:Khnum, do you help mortals with water, like if they fall in the Nile or something?

Khnum: Sometimes but not always. As a god you have to let things happen sometimes because it’s not your place to interfere. It hurts sometimes but I have grown numb to it over the centuries.


Shad_of_the_sand:Osiris, why are you so obsessed with Seth

Osiris: I am merely in love with Seth. His long red hair and red eyes just draw you in. He’s a war god yet his skin is smooth and soft like a cloud. He’s fierce but yet he is also caring and kind. What isn’t there to love about Seth?

Seth: I think I need to throw up….


Shad_of_the_sand:Just wondering do gods ever have twins or triplets?

Osiris: Gods can but it’s rare.

Seth: Very rare because that would drain the goddess powers and energy. Demi-gods take a lot of energy to form and since it can take years for one to be born lots of energy is poured into them to ensure they are strong.

The King's Rose Bush Q&A - TheMaskedRider (2024)


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