Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord guide - Character creation and cultures (2024)

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord has just released as part of Steam’s early access program. As of the time of this writing, the game is boasting over 160,000 concurrent players, and that’s likely to climb up as more fans are able to check it out. Of course, the first thing one will notice upon starting your Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord campaign is the character creation system. Much like the original and its expansions, you’ll be able to choose certain backgrounds such as cultures and traits that’ll determine your character’s early-game build. Here’s our mini-guide to help you out.

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Note: This guide is intended for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord‘s early access stage. It’s possible that some mechanics may change in due course, so please inform us if we need to update certain information. Likewise, this article presents an overview of the basics of character creation and background picks, though you can refer to our perks and leveling guide for additional details. You can also check out our guides and features hub for other concerns.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – Character creation guide


Your choice of culture will provide a default template for your character in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. For instance, the forest-dwelling Battanians may have a lighter skin tone compared to the darker complexions of the desert nomad Aserai. These are mostly cosmetic in nature and you can still customize your character’s looks after this.

The major distinction, however, is the bonus you’ll receive while playing Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord‘s’s campaign:

  • Vlandians – 20% more upgrade XP to troops from battles
  • Sturgians – 20% less speed penalty from snow
  • Empire – 20% construction speed bonus to town projects, wall repairs, and siege engines
  • Aserai – Caravans are 30% cheaper to build; 10% less trade penalty
  • Khuzaits – 10% extra speed bonus for horsem*n on the campaign map
  • Battanians – 10% less speed penalty in forests

From the get-go, the Vlandians have a unique advantage already. That 20% bonus XP gain is no joke. Coming in second would be the Empire culture due to the construction speed bonus, however, this won’t be as noticeable until you’re further into the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord‘s campaign. The terrain and speed buffs are extremely situational and won’t be as beneficial.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – Attributes and focus skills

There are six attributes, each governing three focus skills. For the skills themselves, you can increase your proficiency by continuing to do actions that’ll help improve them (ie. using spears to increase your Polearm skill or keeping your squad at high morale to increase your Leadership skill).

Your character’s level-ups also add focus points that can be allocated to increase a skill’s leveling threshold. For instance, two focus points in Charm only lets you increase it up to level 125, but five points allow you to max it out eventually. Likewise, if a skill’s governing attribute is high enough and you’ve allocated several focus points into it, then learning and leveling up that skill will be a lot faster. The character backgrounds you select (more on these below) will also give you focus skill buffs to certain selections.

Note: Once you’re progressing through Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord‘s campaign, you’ll see the different perks when your skills are leveled up. Refer to our perks and leveling guide for more info.


  • One-handed – proficiency with 1H weapons and axes; includes sword & shield capabilities
  • Two-handed – proficiency with 2H weapons and axes — ie. greatswords, great axes
  • Polearm – proficiency with spears, lances, staves, and other polearms whether 1H or 2H


  • Bows – proficiency with short bows, longbows, and the like
  • Crossbows – proficiency with crossbows
  • Throwing – proficiency with throwing weapons and other projectiles


  • Riding – determines your horseback riding skill and the level of horses that you can use
  • Athletics – physical fitness, balance, and stamina
  • Smithing – your ability to craft weapons and refine minerals


  • Scouting – spotting enemies from a distance or tracks on the campaign map
  • Tactics – your knowledge if a battleplan or simulated engagement will go your way
  • Roguery – knowing if characters can be bribed or intimidated, sneaking around, and being a jerk towards the populace


  • Charm – keeping your character well-liked by others
  • Leadership – keeping your troops in line and well-disciplined
  • Trade – your bartering skills and additional income generation


  • Steward – administrative boosts and several means of increasing your party’s size
  • Medicine – keeping troops and companions healed after battles
  • Engineering – siege weaponry and siege defenses

Now, let’s take a look at the different background options based on your character’s culture in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – Your character’s background

In the tables below, you’ll see the background choices that increase an attribute while adding focus points to particular skills. Let’s say you’ve made choices to have higher Endurance and a deeper focus on Riding, that means you’ll be able to ride higher-tier mounts early in the game.


Baron’s retainers: +1 Social; +1 Riding; +1 Polearm Boyar’s companions: +1 Social; +1 Riding; +1 Two-Handed Landlord’s retainers: +1 Vigor; +1 Riding; +1 Polearm Kinsfolk of emir: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Throwing Noyan’s kinsfolk: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Polearm Chieftain’s hearthguard: +1 Vigor; +1 Two-Handed; +1 Bow
Urban merchants: +1 Intelligence; +1 Trade; +1 Charm Urban traders: +1 Cunning; +1 Trade; +1 Tactics Urban merchants: +1 Social; +1 Trade; +1 Charm Warrior-slaves: +1 Vigor; +1 Riding; +1 Polearm Merchants: +1 Social; +1 Trade; +1 Charm Healers: +1 Intelligence; +1 Medicine; +1 Charm
Yeomen: +1 Endurance; +1 Polearm; +1 Crossbow Free farmers: +1 Endurance; +1 Athletics; +1 Polearm Freeholders: +1 Endurance; +1 Athletics; +1 Polearm Urban merchants: +1 Social; +1 Trade; +1 Charm Tribespeople: +1 Control; +1 Bow; +1 Riding Tribespeople: +1 Control; +1 Athletics; +1 Throwing
Urban Blacksmith: +1 Vigor; +1 Smithing; +1 Two-Handed Urban artisans: +1 Intelligence; +1 Smithing; +1 One-Handed Urban artisans: +1 Intelligence; +1 Smithing; +1 Crossbow Oasis farmers: +1 Endurance; +1 Athletics; +1 One-Handed Farmers: +1 Vigor; +1 Polearm; +1 Throwing Smiths: +1 Endurance; +1 Smithing; +1 Two-Handed
Hunters: +1 Cunning; +1 Scouting; +1 Crossbow Hunters: +1 Vigor; +1 Scouting; +1 Bow Foresters: +1 Control; +1 Scouting; +1 Bow Bedouin: +1 Cunning; +1 Scouting; +1 Bow Shamans: +1 Intelligence; +1 Medicine; +1 Charm Foresters: +1 Cunning; +1 Scouting; +1 Tactics
Mercenaries: +1 Control; +1 Roguery; +1 Crossbow Vagabonds: +1 Control; +1 Roguery; +1 Throwing Urban vagabonds: +1 Cunning; +1 Roguery; +1 Throwing Urban thugs: +1 Control; +1 Roguery; +1 Polearm Nomads: +1 Cunning; +1 Scouting; +1 Riding Bards: +1 Social; +1 Roguery; +1 Charm


Leadership skills: +1 Cunning; +1 Leadership; +1 Tactics
Brawn: +1 Vigor; +1 Two-Handed; +1 Throwing
Attention to detail: +1 Control; +1 Athletics; +1 One-Handed
Aptitude for numbers: +1 Intelligence; +1 Engineering; +1 Trade
Way with people: +1 Social; +1 Charm; +1 Leadership
Skill with horses: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Medicine


Town’s watch: +1 Control; +1 Crossbow; +1 Tactics Herded sheep: +1 Control; +1 Athletics; +1 Throwing
Alley gangs: +1 Cunning; +1 Roguery; +1 One-Handed Village smithy: +1 Vigor; +1 Two-Handed; +1 Smithing
Docks: +1 Vigor; +1 Athletics; +1 Smithing Repaired projects: +1 Intelligence; +1 Engineering; +1 Smithing
Markets: +1 Social; +1 Trade; +1 Charm Gathered herbs: +1 Endurance; +1 Medicine; +1 Scouting
Reading: +1 Intelligence; +1 Engineering; +1 Leadership Hunted small game: +1 Control; +1 Bow; +1 Tactics
Stables: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Steward Sold produce at market: +1 Social; +1 Trade; +1 Charm


Garrisons: +1 Intelligence; +1 Crossbow; +1 Engineering Garrisons: +1 Intelligence; +1 Bow; +1 Engineering Garrisons: +1 Intelligence; +1 Bow; +1 Engineering
Scouts: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Bow Scouts: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Bow Scouts: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Bow
Infantry: +1 Vigor; +1 Polearm; +1 One-Handed Infantry: +1 Vigor; +1 Polearm; +1 One-Handed Infantry: +1 Vigor; +1 Polearm; +1 One-Handed
Skirmishers: +1 Control; +1 Throwing; +1 Bow Skirmishers: +1 Control; +1 Throwing; +1 Bow Skirmishers: +1 Control; +1 Throwing; +1 Bow

Camp Followers: +1 Cunning; +1 Roguery; +1 Throwing

Camp Followers: +1 Cunning; +1 Roguery; +1 Throwing

Camp Followers: +1 Cunning; +1 Roguery; +1 Throwing
Joined the Kern: +1 Control; +1 Throwing; +1 One-Handed

Young Adulthood

Defeated an enemy:

+1 Vigor; +1 One-Handed; +1 Two-Handed; +1 Valor; +20 Renown

Defeated an enemy:

+1 Vigor; +1 One-Handed; +1 Two-Handed; +1 Valor; +20 Renown

Defeated an enemy:

+1 Vigor; +1 One-Handed; +1 Two-Handed; +1 Valor; +20 Renown

Successful manhunt:

+1 Cunning; +1 Tactics; +1 Leadership; +1 Calculating; +10 Renown

Saved city from fire:

+1 Cunning; +1 Tactics; +1 Leadership; +1 Calculating; +10 Renown

Saved city from flood:

+1 Cunning; +1 Tactics; +1 Leadership; +1 Calculating; +10 Renown

Invested money:

+1 Intelligence; +1 Trade; +1 Smithing; +1 Calculating; +10 Renown

Invested money:

+1 Intelligence; +1 Trade; +1 Smithing; +1 Calculating; +10 Renown

Invested money:

+1 Intelligence; +1 Trade; +1 Smithing; +1 Calculating; +10 Renown

Survived a siege:

+1 Control; +1 Bow; +1 Crossbow; +5 Renown

Survived a siege:

+1 Control; +1 Bow; +1 Crossbow; +5 Renown

Hunted a dangerous animal:

+1 Control; +1 Bow; +1 Crossbow; +5 Renown

Famous escapade:

+1 Endurance; +1 Athletics; +1 Roguery; +1 Valor; +5 Renown

Famous escapade:

+1 Endurance; +1 Athletics; +1 Roguery; +1 Valor; +5 Renown

Famous escapade:

+1 Endurance; +1 Athletics; +1 Roguery; +1 Valor; +5 Renown

Story Background

Subdued a raider: +1 Vigor; +1 One-Handed; +1 Athletics
Drove them off with arrows: +1 Control; +1 Bow; +1 Tactics
Rode off: +1 Endurance; +1 Riding; +1 Scouting
Tricked raiders: +1 Cunning; +1 Roguery; +1 Tactics
Organized travelers: +1 Social; +1 Leadership; +1 Charm

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – Character summary

You can still review and recheck the choices you’ve made to see if your character’s build is satisfactory. Try to find good synergy among the different options that you choose. It’s quite possible to max out your focus skills and reach high attributes at the start of your Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord campaign. If you want to know more about the unlockable buffs and effects, head over to our perks and leveling guide.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is available now via Steam’s early access program. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.

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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord guide - Character creation and cultures (2024)


What is the best culture to pick in Mount and Blade 2? ›

There are six Cultures to choose from when you create a new character in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. We feel that the Battanians and Empire are the top two choices. As a Battanian, you'll be able to move faster and see farther in forests. This allows your army to catch up when chasing opposing forces.

What is the best starting strategy in Bannerlord? ›

It's best to focus a few of your starting points on one-handed and bow and a few points on riding skills. Prioritize attribute points over focus points, as you get one focus point to spend on your skills at each level, but you can only increase your attribute points once every four levels.

How to build your character in Bannerlord? ›

When creating your character you will be asked to choose your character's background, these influence your skills and attribute points as a reflection of how your character has grown up. You will be asked to choose their Family, Early Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, Young Adulthood, as well as a Story Background.

Can you make your own kingdom in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord? ›

Players must reach a minimum of Clan Tier 4 to proceed with creating a kingdom. This means they need at least 900 renown. Renown is essential to leveling up a clan and can be obtained through different means.

What culture has the best archers in Bannerlord? ›

Fians are both the best archers in the game, as well as being shock troops.

What is the best starting faction in Mount and Blade Bannerlord 2? ›

Aserai have arguably the easiest starting area, the weakest bandits and bandit bases, open terrain, and with their trade and caravan bonus are capable of getting passive income sources going faster than any other faction. Their troops can be slightly more difficult to level than some other factions.

What makes the most money in Bannerlord? ›

You'll find plenty of bandits on your journey through Bannerlord, and it's always worth killing them. They provide a lot of loot you can later sell for denar, and all for very little effort. Another way to get your mitts on some loot is by looting villages, which churn up all sorts of valuable items and gold.

What is the most profitable workshop type in Bannerlord? ›

Bannerlord best workshops

We've found the best workshops are Pottery Shops and Wood Workshops. For Pottery Shops, you'll want to look for cities with bound villages producing clay – we suggest Marunath and Pen Cannoc, where you can expect an income of around 300-400 denars.

What is the fastest way to level up character in Bannerlord? ›

Just play the game or smith like crazy. I believe smithing offers the highest amount of exp out of all activities. Personally fight in battles and get as many kills as you can. Raising skills is only one of the ways you earn xp towards your character level, and will get slower and slower as your level increases.

Does your character age in Bannerlord? ›

Your character will age and die. However, it makes having children a real blessing. I never thought I would be so happy to see my avatar wife have a little avatar baby boy. You get a warning that your original character is getting sick and about to die, so you have plenty of warning that it is going to happen.

Can you govern your own castle Bannerlord? ›

How do you start a settlement in Bannerlord? It's not all just battles in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. You're also be able to take on the role of ruler in your own kingdom. This means managing the many settlements that you'll be conquering along the way.

Is culture important in Bannerlord? ›

Choose the ideal Culture and Origin

This allows your army to catch up when chasing opposing forces. You'll also gain extra militia production in the towns you control, but projects will be slightly slower.

What is the strongest empire in Mount and Blade 2? ›

The Western Empire is more or less the strongest among the three splinter factions of the Calradic Empire. This group consists of veterans of the former empire who formed their own nation in the civil war.

Can you change culture in Mount and Blade 2? ›

Change Settlement Culture: Default is ON

Usage: The recruit of town and village will spawn with the clan culture troops. For example, the clan culture is Empire, while the settlement culture is Vlandia, it takes about 51 days for the settlement to change to the culture Empire in default.

What is the best armor set in Mount and Blade 2? ›

Players needn't go far in search of the best body armor in the game. They can easily obtain it in the Calradic Empire territories (what's left of it anyway). The Heavy Scale Armor over Mail Hauberk by far provides the best armor value in the game.


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