Culpeper Star-Exponent from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)

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THE EXPONEN? O1CE 1N THE STONEWALL BUILDING The rnnntnt la published every riday In and mailed pre paid to subscribers on the lolloig terms One Dollar and a Haifa year payable quartr or One Dollar when paid in advance We will send ten copies of The Bxionent jX)stae ptild tor one vear to anv one post ohice for 2inc Don the retter up of the dub receiving one copy free Our columns will be found to afford to business nienf nit professions and occupations one of the best mediu Advertisingrates willje furnished upon application Correspondence containing items of news solicited Anv subscriber who fails to receive his paper will con favor by notifying immediately business communications should be address the Proptietor 1 THE EXPONEN JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT by a McD green EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES TO NONE $100 PER YEAR VOLUME I CULPEPER VIRGINIA RIDAY MORNING JANUARY 13 1882 NUMBER 39 JERIES (J tee 0 ci AUCTIONEER Wh jSHcrt limiting ULLY oilers A HUDGINS ghtnltrra STAGE TE3MS ill itteen ec: oncf intioi on' ny we do not pretend to know or to say ferthe fault is All we know is that bur Bst is made up with the greatest care rtt our subscribers fail to receive their We do not want to inow where the until it becomes necessary to report regularity to thePoHtnffica Department Below will be found a record takerr from the Baltimore Sun Almanac lor 1S81 of the principal events of the year 18S1 compactly stated and in chronologilal or der: left at either Dru his transfer to St Petersburg JULY I Death of Henri St Claire Deville rench chemist and scientific writer ag ed 63 years 2 Assassination of President James A Garfield by Charles Guiteau 4 Twenty casualties in Baltimore from the willful careless or ignorant use of firearms 6 Death in London England of Rev John Cumming of the Scotch Church aged 71 years Death in Georgetown of Mrs Christina King oldest native resident of the Dis trict of Columbia aged 90 years 7 Subscription to raise $250000 for Mre Garfield and her children started by New York Chamber of Commerce RAWLS HUGHES ASHIONABLE BARBERS BALTIMORE SUX THE EVENTS 1881 CLAIBORN BARRETT ASHIONABLE BARBER 3 Death of Bishop Haven of the 31 Church at Portland Oaegon aged 61 years Death of cx Gov Saulsbury of Dela ware aged 66 years 4 of North Carolina against pro hibicion of liquor 6 Assassination of Spotted Tail In dian chief by Crow Dog Launch of the steamship Alleghany built for the Merchants and Miners' Transportation Coiiipany of Baltimore at Philadelphia 7 Death of Gen Robert Patterson of Philadelphia aged 89 years Death of Orville Grant brother tocx President Grant 10 Award of an honorary medal to Dr John Billings of the Unitsd States by the International Medical Congress in London inal passage of the Irish land bill by the British Parliament Arrest of Capt Henry AV Howgate an ex officer of the United States signal ser vice for misappropriation of funds 22 Death of Gen Leslie Combs of Kentucky 83 years of age and of De Jarnette of Va 29 Duel near Warrenton Va be tween Jas Scott and Robt Camp bell Scott was slightly wounded in the hand 30 Death in Richmond Va of Alex ander Moseley a veteran editor long connected with the Richmond Whig 31 Loss of the English steamship TeutoYi in the Indian ocean and 73 lives lost Advices of the burning over of 200000 acres of territory in Algeria SEPTEMBER 2 Announcement of the sale of the Virginia Midland Railroad to the Rich mond and Danville Company Appointment of tie ommitte o' the British Board of Trade to consider the projcctfor a tunnel under the channel between England and rance 7 Meeting of the Methodist Ecumen ical Council in London England Destructive conflagration in Lonacon ing Maryland burning of 42 houses and VZOOLS Proprietor April 15 tf 31 Beginning of senatorial election contest in the New York Legislature for the re election of Conkling and Platt JUNE Concession from Greece to de Lesseps to cut a canal through the Isth mus of Corinth 4 Loss by a waterspout at sea of the American schooner Isabel of New York and rescue of the crew after prolonged suffering 5 Death at Paris of Vieuxtemps the celebrated violinist 6 Re election of Hon A Gorham as president of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and authorization of the issue of $250000 repair bonds to lengthen canal locks Discovery of several plots against the life of the new Czar Alexander III of Russia 7 Determination of president and di rectors of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road to build an independent line from Baltimore to Philadelphia 9 Destructive conflagration in Que bec 600 houses burned ami 1500 families rendered homeless There was some loss of life and the total destruction of property was over $1500000 in value Destruction of 31 villages in Armenia by an earthquake Organization of Civil Service Reform Association by citizens of Baltimore 12 James American colt oxhall wins the prize of Paris stakes which like the Derby in England is the most valued prize contested for on the rench turf 14 Mr Pierre American colt Iroquois won the Prince of Wales stakes at the Ascot races England 15 Extension of voting franchise in Italy to all who pay 20 lire taxes and can read and write also granting thelibeity of public assemblage 16 Departure of expedition to search from San rancisco Special attention given to the sale and iso of horses faction Guaranteed or no charge Ki's Store in Culpepe lent A i 1 A COLVIN DRS SPR1NKED COLVIN A ITE in lie Law Rooms of AV fc A H18 razors arc always keen and bright and shears in the best order histow clean and smooth and his rooms at i times in good order and you will feel that jou are enjoying a luxury while being shav or trimmed Call in at once and I think ea eonie again Razors honed and con wi in the best manner April 15 tf loss $185000 worth of property partly in sured Thermometer 101 degrees in the shade Extensive forest fires in Michigan and great loss of life and suffering 10 Destruction of the Park Theatre London 11 Biot of cotton laborers in New Orleans Attempt of Sergeant Mason second ar tillery to assassinate Guiteau 12 Land slide near Elm Switzerland loss 200 lives and 30 dwellings destroyed Death of Gen A Burnside Senator from Rhode Island Death at Oakland Md of'Mr John Dailey a well known hotel propri etor aged 68 years Death of President Janies A Gar field at Long Branch 22 Administration of the oath of office to President Chester A Arthur at the Capitol in Washington The president had been previously sworn in on the morning of the 20th instant at his house in New York city Destruction of Swathmoro College in Pennsylvania by fire Resignation of James Bartol as chief judge of the Court of Appeals of Mary land to become a candidate for re elec tion and secure the removal of constitu tional disqualification of over age Visit of King Kalakaua of the Sand wich Islands to Baltimore and Wash ington 28 Consolidation of the Norfolk and Western the East Tennessee Virginia and Georgia and the Shenandoah Valley Railroads 2138 miles 29 Completion of underground tele graph system in Germany Pink eye disease pronounced epi demic among horses in Baltimore OCTOBER 5 Opening of the International Cotton Exposition in Atlanta Ga Sentence of Marvin to ten years in the Virginia penitentiary for forgery and bigamy Seventeen wives were traced to the prisoner whom he had married in various parts of the country the last one being a young lady In Richmond acted without pain The new electro iivtiemallet used in tilling teeth Til 15 1SS1 ly A first class Charges XL very reasonable Location convenient to Churches ami most prominent Business Houses Bell Annunciator connects with every room Summer Resort and Commercial Trav House April 15 1881 Unveiling of the Morgan statue alid Cowpens centennial at Spartanburg Plot to assassinate King HumlSt of Italy 12 Confirmation of Stanley Matthews as an associate justice of the Su preme Court 14 Death in Washington of Law rence A Gobright formerly Associated Press Agent 16 Resignation of United State Sen ators Conkling and Platt of New York 17 Destruction of 34 buildings in Nashville Tenn by fire Total loss $250000 Receipt in the Baltimore market of the first crate of the season of Anne Arundel Co Md strawberries whole sale price realized 2a cents per quart box Purchase by a syndicate of the East Tennessee and Virginia system of rail roads embracingtfie Memphis andChar ltte and Selma Rome Dalton and Ma con and Brunswick roads 20 Introduction of revised edition of the New Testament Death in Washington city of Gen William rench United States army and former commander at ort Mc Henry Death at Nice Of Count Henry Von Arnim German ambassador at Paris Death of Thomas A Scott ex president of the Pennsylvania Railroad aged 57 Successful experiments in Paris with stored electricity put up in portable form in cells of red lead for transporta" tion and use in illumination or as a power 24 Wreck of the excursion steamer Victoria at Dondon Ontario 'and drown ing of 250 people 25 Death ip New York of the dwarf George Washington 31 Nutt 3 feet 7 inches high and 37 years old Death of Hildebrandt the cele brated German traveller at Madagas Destruction by bxplosion and fire at West Point Va of the new freight steamer West belonging to the Richmond and York River Line Total destruction of the vessef and cargo and loss of nineteen lives The West Point made her initial trip from Baltimore Dec In the construction of the vessel parts of the hull of the steamer Shirley burned Nov 28 1S80 were used Ten counties and the city of Dublin Ireland were placed under the coercion act of 1 881 Departure from St Petersburg of a Russian expedition to take scientific ob servations of the mouth of the river Lena Large movements of colored emigrants from Edgefield county to Arkan sas 81 of the international cotton exposition at Atlanta Ga HAIR DRESSERS DAVIS STREET CULPEPER VA Ij'hR business for comfort and for pleasure 'onio to our establishment We have a shop new chairs and everything pertain to a lirst class Barber Shop We and our employees are always ready with keen ra ors clean towels and expert hands to wait 011 you in tiie best style zx Aiuii the Rogers Arctic for the Jeannette and the Alliance expedition from Norfolk Navy yard American colt Iroquois won the St James stakes at Ascot Heath races England 17 Experimenters demonstrate the practicability of tunnelling the British Channel for a railway between England and rance Arrest in England of two alleged en ians charged with attempting tb blow up the town hall of An outbreak at Marseilles rance caused by hissing rench troops return ing home from Tunis by Italian residents Several people killed The affair created great excitement throughout Europe and especially in Italy and rance 23 New census of the United King dom of Great Britain and Ireland makes the population 35000000 an increase of 4000000 in ten years Discovery of the comet at 3:15 a 24 Paul Boyton the swimmer com pleted a swim from St Louis to Cairo a distance of 200 miles in forty one Imurs without rest using swimming appara tus 25 Death of Henry Stanberry of Ohio Attorney General of the United States under President Johnson Domestic tragedy in Washington and fatal shooting of William Whit ney son of 31 rs Myra Clarke Gaines by his brother in law James Christmas Plea of self defdnsc 27 Death in Paris of Jules Dufaure the eminent rench statesman aged 83 years 29 Conviction of eleven of the con spirators who took part in the assassina tion of Sultan Abdnl Aziz of Turkey and sentence of nine to death and two to ten years penal servitude Decree in St Peterburg ordering all executions of death sentence to be car ried out privately 30 Defeat of Cornell University boat crew in England ormal farewell of Sir Edward Thorn ton British minister at Washington and With nevr Type Pressess and at od to execute in the best manner all kind of UdLo rr ancy Job priutlnp Bill heads Letter heads Bh Check Becviptx Notes ee bills Deeds and Contruo Bnsinss Cards Ijibels Shlppiux tags Programmes ding and Ball Tickets Visiting Cards Posters ecanftirnlsh any style and quality of paper cither Pla or anev Colored that mar be desired lu our material included a new Universal Job press the best Job press is made Office under the iwrscnul supervision and rection of a gentleman whose long experience and lit UoiTto 113 lractical print is a guarantee suthu: Orders by mall promptly filled Job work put up t)uicnt will always Mscid piepuhL IVnas vudi ME AITO LIE mSTOAHCE 1) EP RESENTS the strongest anil richest companies and therefore the safest best and cheapest Losses promptly adjusted I property a specialty Oiliee next door to the Virginia Hotel 3Iain Street Culpeper Va JOHN RIXEY Attorney and Counselor at Law CULPEPER VA CjiH' 'ulpepor auquier Rappnhan nock Madison ange Court of Appeals and ederal Courts Collections made in any part of the State Prompt personal tittention given to all business Oiliee on Davis St near the Court House always open HAIRDRESSER Main Street next door to Store stock from Baltimore to rance by the ship Burs well Death in New York of Hon Thomas itzgerald Callaghan British Governor of the Bahama Islands 12 Griscom closed a fast of forty five days in Chicago during which he had taken no food and drank only water 13 Resignation of John King Jr first vice president and William Keyser second vice president Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Election of Robert Garrett first vice president and Samuel Spencer third vice president in their places Death at Philadelphia his native city of Gen John Pemberton formerly of the Confederate army 15 ormal transfer of the York River line to the Richmond and Danville rail road system Clyde Syndicate Capture and robbery of a train in 31issouri on the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific railroad Destruction of the town of New Ulm I 3Iinnesota by a cyclone ive hundred buildings damaged 100 of which were totally wrecked and a number of lives lost Excitement in England over the ship ment of infernal machines from Am erica 16 Election of AVarner 3Iillcr to the United states Senate from New York in place of Thomas Platt resigned Expulsion of the Spanish pretend Death of Rev Stuart Robinson er Don Carlos from rance a distinguished Presbyterian minister at Capture of Sfax by the rench in Al Louisville Ky giers Severe frost and extensive damage to 3Iassacre of 1000 people in Zipitaw tobacco plants in 31aryland Virginia tc one of the Tino islands 10 Beginning of Baltimore Oriole fes 18 Death of Arthur Penshyn Stanley tival and celebration of the completion Dean of Westminster England aged 66 of the Gunpowder water works Three years days Extra session of the United States Sen ate and election of Thomas Bayard of Delaware as President pro tern Visit and entertainment of guests from rance representing decsendants of sol diers who contributed to the victory of Yorktown 13 Arrest of Charles Parnell in Ireland Election of Senator David Davis Presi dent pro tern of the United States Senate vice Bayard Arrival of descendants of Baron Steu ben to participate in the Yorktown cen tennial Hostile meeting in A'irginia between 11 II Riddleberger and Richard Beirne No percussion caps Adjourn ment of Riddleberger to another place to meet George AVise and exchange of three rounds without effect inale mutual explanation and amicable adjust ment 17 Precautionary arrest of US Sen ator Win 31ahone of Va on account of rather hostile correspondence with Gen Jubal A Early 18 Yorktown Centennial Anniversa ry and laying corner stone of a national commemorative monument 19 New propeller Gaston for the Bal timore Steam Packet Co 20 Opening of the Land Court at Dub lin Ireland bay colt Passaic wins the Cambridgeshire trial plate at Sanboun Park oundering of the Dutch steamer Ko nig der Nederiamjer and great loss of life Importation of eight thousand cab bages from Bremen to Baltimore by steamship Laying the corner stone in Baltimore of the first memorial church for President Garfield Appointment and confirmation of ex Governor 3Iorgan of New York as Sec retary of the Treasury who subsequently declined 25 American three ycar old bay colt winner of the Cambridge shire stake England 26 Retirement from office of irst Assistant Postmaster General Tyner 27 Visit of King Humbert and Queen 3Iargarita of Italy to Austria and ova tion in' Vienna Speculation in Confederate bonds on false rumors of Confederate gold in Bank of England Appointment and confirmation Qf Judge Charles olger of New York as Secretary of the United States Treas ury 30 oundering at sea of steamship Calcutta from 3Ielbourne for Sidney and loss of all on board numbering 22 per sons 31 Wreck of the National Bank of Newark by its cashier Baldwin who misapplied two mil lions of the funds NOVEMBER 7 Inauguration of ex Gov Wm Pinkney Whyte as mayor of Baltimore 8 Death of Dr Clay Maddux from wounds in an election racas at Odenton Anne Arundel county Triumph of readj ustcr 3fahone party in Virginia and increase of republican strength in 3Iaryland Legislature 15 Landing of 300 Italian rench and Swiss emigrants at Baltimore for destinations in the South 1 17 3fr colt Passaic won C1OXI)JCT a general Banking Business buy anil sell on Commission all descrip tions of Stocks Bonds and Securities Spe cial attention given to Investments and Col lections Loans negotiated and advances inaile on approved Collaterals Deposits re vived subject to cheek at sight Remittances by draft promptly made pn Now York Philadelphia Baltimore Wash ington Alexandria and Richmond 5 Collision on the Baltimore and Po inac railroad at Severn station 15 miles from Baltimore Two men killed and 28 wounded Ex President Hayes on one of the trains with his family retiring from Washington after the inauguration of his successor escaped injury 7 Earthquake in the Island of Ischia IXtly and over 100 lives Purchase of Philadelphia AVil mington and Baltimore Railroad by Pennsylvania Company upsetting pre vious negotiations by the Baltimore and Ohio Raioad Company and a syndicate of Northerkeapitalists 11 Newsreeeived of death of President DaiAel Warner colored of Liberia a nativexof Baltimore 13 Assassination of Alexander II Czar of Russia at St Petersburg 14 Prolonged and exciting struggle in the United States Senate over organi zation of committees and officers 26 News received of the conclusion of peace between the British and lepers in Africa Purchase! of Delaware Western Rail road Company by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Burning of the opera house at Nice rance and loss of 73 lives A 1 Passage of Tennessee debt refund ing bill providing that outstanding bonds principal and interest shall be refunded at face value up to July 1 1831 in new bonds to run until 1890 bearing 3 per cent interest coupons to be receiv able for taxes 3 Earthquake in the Island of Scio (Chio) Asiatic Turkey 4000 victims 4 3Iassaerc of 2000 Chinamen in Peru 10 Death of Pierre Napoleon Bona parte at Versailles Withdrawal of Col Thomas A Scott from Texas Pacific Railroad and sale of his interest to Jay Gould 14 Death of Rev Wm 3Iorley Pun shon the famous English Wesleyan min ister Execution of five assassins of the Emperor of Russia at St Petersburg in cluding one woman 19 Death of Benjamin Disraeli Earl of Beaconsfield and ex prime England aged 76 years Meeting of International 3fonetery Conference at Paris and fifteen govern ments represented 22 Opening of Shenandoah Valley from Hagerstown 3Id to AVaynes boro Va 143 miles Exposure of postoffice star route con tract frauds 25 Unveiling of the arragut statue in AVashington 27 Death in Paris of Emile Girardin one of the most distinguished of rench journalists Death of General Bendek the famous Austrian commander at Berlin MA 1 Consecration at Richmond Va of Rev Jannsens as Bishop of Natchez 3 Consolidation of the Norfolk and AVestern Railroad with the Louisville and Nashville systems Break in the Senate dead lock and col lapse of the Mahone contest for officers of the Senate WAVEHLET HOUSE CULPEPER VIRGINIA BOWIE Propristcr was recorded when it had been ascertain ed that it would not change the result 10 Breaking up of ice in Eastern and 3Iiddle states loods freshets and dam ages zA final blizzard and deep snow in the Northwest blockading railway traf fie and travel Sale of Atlantic 3Iississippi and Ohio Railroad in Richmond for $3605000 to Ej a syndicate of Northern capitalists 31 Island lighthouse carried away by ice in the Chesapeake bay 31arriage in London of Baroness Burdett Coutts aged 67 years and Ar Xllshmead Bartlett of the United States £ed 31 years The groom assumed the name viilJolm Hopkins University of Balti 1 conferred the degree ofL bl Rutherford Hayes President of Mrs United States Ice gorge in the Potomac river Tithe Long Bridge two spans of which're carried away Damages $100000 Georgetown $75000 Chesapeake Canal banks injured reshet Susquehanna river but no serious 2 cartiinage troubles quieting down 2013 Peter Cooper celebrated his 90th Prth day in New 3rork 'oei upDeath of ernando Wood at the Hot the Arkansas (I red kind 14 Resumption of Steamboat traffic the the south and general revival of Easiness after the breaking up of winter 15 Election of Samuel King Dem brat mayor of Philadelphia and pop ular revolution there against ring bossesliiJ1 bio Aot of Congress for free bridge over stree'otomac at Georgetown Add 18 ormidable ice gorge at the head pof Chesapeake bay barricading Elk andnd ussufras rivers in 3Iaryland 19 Sinking of the schooner Mignon iiiout to by collision in the Chesapcke bay 21 Act of Congress for three per cent a'u uncling bonds 24 Deaths in of Diou Richard AVallaeh and ex gov third'uor Henry Cooke Death of Senator 3Iatthew AV Carpen of AViseonsin ol 'Ihis it by oiu Royal assent to the Irish co ercion we thin after its final passage by the British howcvcise of Lords now on ja th of 31 Drouyn do for iimount minister of Louis Napoleon under work ench Empire Veto by President Hayes of the 3 funfiins bilL sox inauguration of President Garfield mi nrnrioi iTICE ill Bank Bnildin Organization in Baltimore of the 31a ryland Line Association of cx Con federate soldiers General Bradley Johnson president 20 Surrender of Sitting Bull and 200 of hisIndian people to the army 22 Election of Elbridge Lapham United States Senator from New York to succeed Roscoe Conkling resigned 26 Commutation of sentence to exile for life of 3Iidhat Pashaand all the Turk ish conspirators engaged in the assassina tion ef the Sultan Abdul Aziz except the two actual murderers who were con demned to death 28 Death of John Burch of Ten nessee secretary of the United States Senate Sale of 31ontpelicr the former home of President 31adison Orange county Va to Carrington for $20000 29 Signal victory of Ayoob Khan over the Ameer Abdurrhaman in Af ghanistan 30 Order of 3Ierit conferred upon Prof AVm Dwight AVhitney of 3Iassa chusetts by the Emperor of Germany vice Thus Carlyle deceased Signing a treaty of peace between Eng land and the Boers of Africa 31 Death of John the wizard agc 75 years A GREEN AT LAW VA KA UE in the Courts of and Mjoining Counties anti in the Supreme Duej Ends tx Smoke ieh lh 'Ihe hostile eorrcsndnilenco in the a few days ago as go wcen some gentlemen of this uitv I a meeting near the reservoir out I in 4 I Hiuiid ui mu viiy inc gon lliott ami Upshur met in at the place assigned and ex BgedJhree shots without effect when ineovertakiug them they left the field renewing the light in rnlijiK I the meantime however better prevailed the offensive epithetshdrawn and there the affair ended £ting was kept so very quiet that no ot it has been made in the Rieh pors although the place where tiie is fought is not over one mile from the fits Wasliingtoii HOWARD HOUSE Corner Pennsylvania Avenue and Oth St The general ttmi used to designate an actor is a word which originally meant a magician rom it is coined the verb which means to imitate or sham ew actors arc willing to ac knowledge that other actors are good hence the slang of the theatre is used to designate bad actors Of these the most frequent are and bum The variety play er is looked down upon by the legitimate actor and is called a gentleman once laid a wager that he would stand for a whole day on London Bridge with a tray full of sover eigns fresh from the mint and be unable to find purchasers for them at a penny apiece Not one was disposed of SQ Hatters say th it the size of the human head in England ai Scotland ha been gradually diminish nj in size with in the last quarter of a century It im ar lh lt a seven and three eighths inch Rat is asked for now Is that the case in this eoantry also? i The Charlottesville y1 31 ills "with allits machinery wasyel by lire Tuesjfiy night The'stockool rooms wensaveil The lire com Eateil to the Chesapeake and Ohio rail Jbridge over Moore's creek which yyas bt entirely destroyed The insurance onills'is 83900(1 which it is thought will the loss The origin of the lire is un (ii A number oi men tire thrown byinent Panic in a'church at 3foscow Rus sia caused by the cry of fire raised by a detected piekpoctet Twelve women crushed to death and 28 other persons fatally trampled Sinking of steamship Braunschweig tiie NorthGerman Lloyd line in Breman harbor while takingcoal 26 Death of Gen Jean Auguste Berthaut the distinguished rench sol dier Death of ex Govcrnor AVm Arny of New 3Iexico formerly of Gcorgetorj Ct jpj ji Low Tax Associatiox issoefation at a meeting held on the 21st rember last approved the principle of torgia law (regulating traffic on all the ids in the State) requested our repre ycs in the Senate and House of Dele Sg urge the passage of a similar law by ure mis winter and appointed a com larged with the duty of Kiviner their jtentioii to securing the passage of several members of this nnm in Richmond last Monday look itting this law before the Lcgisla was clone AVe await dovelon vill keep our readers posted 1881 and Chester A Arthur Vice Presi dent The vote of Georgia which had 1si cast on a day not recognised by law RISKY EC PA RIXEY BROTHERS BAKKERS TICES in the Courts of 'ulpepor and auig ountios and the Supreme KgJ Appeals of Virginia tf Tiuxo AVioxo We are not disposed cdfhplain about quibbles but the irreiru in receiving: the Exponent whiciris ifimintly reported to us bv subscribers has die a source of annoyance so great thate compelled to speak Last wdek com ps were more than usually numerous Kularly at Brandy where several sub lers reported that they believed no Expo fR RIXEY PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON CULPEPER A'A A i MTMEL practice in the Courts of Culpeper Madison Orange Rappahannock and adjacent Counties Spe ial attention paid to collecting money Culpeper Va lime 17 1v I I GDOKGE GRiY A A I A AV A' A fl a in the Courts of Culpeper and adjoining anit in tne fttqiremo ourt oi Appeals oi irginia Line 3 tf A 11 A A AV the plate at the Shrewsbury meeting ia England 18 Enthusiastic reception of 3L 1 in Baltimore a fa rep resentative of the Irish National Land League 3b Unsuccessful attempt on the life of 31 Dcpretes Prime Minister whil speaking in the Italian Chamber cf Dep uties 37 Attempt to assassinate Gen Tchc revine in St Petersburg while presid ing over a commission to mitigate the sentence of exiles Completion of the new lighthouse Cape Henry 3ieeting oflrish National Conven tion atChicago Ill DECEMBER I Death of Gen Judson Kilpatrick United' States 31inister to Chili at San tiago aged 25 3Ieeting of orty seventh Congress of the United States Election of AVarren Keifer of Ohio republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Edward of Pennsylvania clerk and other officers 7 zVrrival in trie river Thames Eng of the first of a regular line of steamshi under the Chinese flag with 3000 tons tea Destruction of the Ring Theatn Vienna by tiro ami loxs of 5S0 lives Canonization eorehionies by Leo XII in St Peter's Home and raising to th honors of the of the beautifi Giovani Battista Ihi i Lorenzo Brindisi Giuseppe Ldre and Clara Alontefalco Death of the veteran journalisCam politician John orney at his homt in Philadelphia aged 61 years Explosion in the Rockwell colliery Belgium and death of 65 persons: Laying ol the land end of a new ocean cable at Penzance Deaths of General Henry Ban ning of Ohio and General Edwin Babiiitt retired officer A at or! rcss 3Ionroe 13 Appointment and confirmation Hon Theodore rederick rclinirhuvse of New Jersey as Secretary of State vic Hon Jas Blaine resigned Insurrection in Hayti and sack ing oi government property Publication of Secretary letter on the Clayton Bulwer treaty and looking to the United States control the Panama canal followed by diplo matic correspondence on the relat ions o' Chili Pern ami the United States Death in New A'ork of Dr Isaac I Hayes the Arctic explorer 20 News of the loss of the Arctic ex ploring steamer Jeannette and safety of part of the crew Appointment of Hon AVm II Tres cott to be special envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the re publics of Peru Chili and Bolivia Completion of St Gothard tunnel Burning of the steamer Granger of Charleston and loss of a large car go of cotton rosin Arc Arrival at Washington of Cheng Tsao Ju Chinese minister to the United States and successor to Chen Lan Pin Tin1 uew minister was accompanied by his wife who was the first Chinese lady of rank to visit this country The flagship Tennessee United States navy run into and cut down at Brook I Therniomctro 5 degrees below zero at daylight and snow eighteen inches deep on the ground 4 Death ofRight Reverend Thomas Atkinson Protestant Episcopal Bishop of North Carolina at AVilmington aged 74 years 5 Report of Col AVilliam Craig hill United States engineers favoring an increased depth of channel approaches to the harbor of Baltimore from 24 to 27 feet 6 Nathan Goff Jr of AVest Virginia appointed Secretary of the Navy vice AV Thompson resigned II General Grant made president of the air to bo held in New York in 18S3 15 Consolidation of the AA'cstern Union and other telegraph lines 17 Capture of Lima and conquest of Peru by the Chilian forces Death of A Sothern the actor in London 21 Death of Rev Edward Purcell brother of Archbishop Purcell and man ager of the disastrous church banking business in Cincinnati aged 72 years 22 Erection of the Egyptian obelisk known as in Cen tral Park New York Captain Henry Kelly of the Lima (Ohio) Democrat a member of the visit ing Ohio Editorial Association died of apoplexy in AVashington aged sixty years 29 ATeck of twelve fishing smacks in the Bay of Biscay and forty six men drowned Destruction of the town of Ply mouth Total loss $140000 3 Election of Rev 31 Curry of Alabama as agent of the Peabody Ed ucational und 4 AVreck of the ship Bremen from Bremen for Baltimore near Lerwick Shetland Islands 13 lives lost 5 Death of Thomas Carlyle the dis tinguished author in London England aged 85 years inal passage by Congress of joint reso lutions providing for counting the electo ral vote for President and Vice Presi dent 6 AVreck of steamship Bohemian from Boston for Liverpool in Dunlough bay Ireland 32 lives lost Great storm and levee crevasses at New Orleans and 100 squares of the city submerged 8 Roqf of New York Central railroad depot at Pittsburg Pa crushed in by weight of snow 5 persons hilled and many wounded 9 Electoral vote counted and formal declaration of the election of James A Garfield President of tho United States for four years commencing 31arch 4 nia accompanying whicA there is a jo on Husbandry iU Bter is a very valuable dUument forp particularly of this seetlln whit is adapted to the profitable dutfy of sheep and we propose to publish' the a poi tion of it in each issue begin ext week ANGUS GREEN ftrWBW aiwwes 5 me) tit.

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Culpeper Star-Exponent from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.